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Loyalty Paradox last won the day on March 22
Loyalty Paradox had the most liked content!
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July 28
July 10
June 30
June 8
Show your support for the Hokage of Sovereign Legacy aka KSI Skarzx 77 and and KSI Kakashii 77 join the Bamboo Black Ops brigade.
For those who are cyberbullied/cyber bully the cyber bullies
Participated in the Forums Challenge for Fall Classic 2021
Member was around for the 10th year anniversary of .org!
Passed the 201, as well as previously passing the 101 class.
Achieved 2,000 gamerscore on a KSI-prefixed account in a month (Starting May 2021)
Achieved 1,000 gamerscore on a KSI-prefixed account in a month (Starting May 2021)
Achieved 500 gamerscore on a KSI-prefixed account in a month (Starting May 2021)