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xAlphaKat 7

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Everything posted by xAlphaKat 7

  1. Dude I'm on your side. I'm bringing my stuff. lol.
  2. Ok, so since East Nashville is set as the place. Like I said, its more outdoorsy. I know you can get cabins out there for cheap. But right outside the cities, but still in the forest.
  3. As a Tennessean I think I could be a valuable asset to the gathering. If I may ask, why East TN? Those places are more... Naturey? East TN is a bit more on the wilderness side. Yeah, there are theme parks, but for the 21+ people there won't be much. =/
  4. Support the Orange....

  5. Name: KSI Zohan General Void AV Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3497-zohan/ Award-/-Achievement: Mad Max Reason-/-Evidence: I have lost my mind dealing with KSI related issues, but I always come back for more.
  6. I witness this award. I am Void's general. Also, FORSAKEN was on Sniper team so you can throw that on him as well!
  7. KSI ReiignMaker KSI Beheldx502 KSI PROD1GY 7 KSI Altair 7 KSI Gray Fox 7 KSImonsterblood KSI iPikachui KSIxFORSAKEN KSI Skilful Just a short list of possible witnesses
  8. KSI Skilful is new to the forums and the AAP. He was simply witnessing for me for member assistance. I think perhaps Impys vote may have confused him. Sorry.
  9. If needed? I will witness to this award. If not needed, I step back and ask the AAP to ignore my statement.
  10. Gotta be Halo 2. Halo 2 music was mind numbingly awesome.
  11. Anything by the Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Green Day, The Ramones, and The Offspring.
  12. Name/Gamertag: Tony Stark, KSI Zohan Rank (if applicable) General Time spent on forums daily: Check it around every 30 mins. Experience in KSI: Former News Team Writer, Former Crown Games Judge, General for several months, forums addict. Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I've studied the awards, I know a good deal of them, and how you get them. I'm constantly on theforums whether its on my xbox, laptop, or phone. I watched the AAP, and watched why people got denied or approved. I think I would be a good addition to the AAP.
  13. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PROD1GY 7 Co Div, AV Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1643-ksi-prod1gy-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - I've watched PROD1GY rank up from General, to co-fo, to founder, to Co-Div. And regardless of how high he climbs, he remembers that it was the members under him that helped him get there, and never stops working for those members. He works his ass off on a daily basis, and often times loses sleep over it. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Altair 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2972-ksi-altair-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Since I joined KSI KSI Altair has been right there, guiding every step of my career, with his promotion to Founder, he continues to be a shining beacon of leadership. Never failing to offer advice or a helping hand. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Psycho 7 CO-FO AV Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2977-ksi-psycho-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Coming up under Psycho, we split squads when I was a 3CPT, with him becoming general of Gravity, and Altair becoming General of Eclipse, with me going with Altair. So We may have been in different squads but he is a true success story. Without any real preparation, Psycho stood above the challenge and handled his squad with confidence and dignity until becoming cofo, and immediately stepped up to the challenge again. Even when it coms to squads he isn't over, he still offers a helping hand when and where he can. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSImonsterblood General Strife AV Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3760-%E2%84%B3%C3%B8%C9%B2%C6%A8%CA%88%E2%88%83%CA%80%C9%93%C9%AD%C3%B8%C3%B8%C3%B0/ Reasoning why the deserve this - MonsterBlood came up right after I did, but after the squad split, we didn't really talk. When Psycho was promoted however, monsterblood was thrust into the Generals position and she quickly caught everyones eye. She's confident with her leadship abilities, she knows what shes doing, and she loves her squad. I can't think of anyone who deserves this more. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Reeses Cups 3CPT Void AV Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5993-ksi-reeses-cups/ Reasoning why the deserve this - When I had to take a break from KSI for personal reasons, Reeses stepped up and took charge of the squad with 0 problems. He knew exactly what to do, and performed the duties asked of him perfectly. I'm proud to not only call him my recruit, but my 3rd captain.
  14. Name: KSI Altair 7 Co-Founder Altered Vengeance Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-altair-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding service -(Lvl 1)- Reason-/-Evidence: Since the day he recruited me, KSI Altair has busted his rump to make KSI a better place. Constantly handing out microsoft points to other members. Recruiting challenges, swat tounraments, etc. Just for name changes. Altair is a fantastic member, and Co Founder. He's personally helped me beyond belief and goes above and beyond ANYTHING asked of him. When Fuzion and Nebula fell when we were CE he immediately took up role of Acting General in a new squad created from scratch. WHILE CONTINUING HIS CO FOUNDER DUTIES IN AN AMAZINGLY AVALIBLE FASHION. Never in the past 6 months have I looked up to someone so much in KSI. He deserves this more than I can say. Name: KSI Altair 7 Co-Founder Altered Vengeance Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-altair-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance Reason-/-Evidence: Since I joined in March, Altair has been avalible to me at an almost 24/7 rate to answer anything and everything I could possibly think to ask. He is always consorting with my officer staff, as well as Srife's and continuing to pass on his knowledge. Name: KSI Altair 7 Co-Founder Altered Vengeance Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-altair-7/ Award-/-Achievement: KSI Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: Though KSI PROD1GY 7 was the General of Altair's squad when I joined, Altair is who I went to most of the time. First he helped me learn the ropes of recruiting and other Sergeant duties, after I reached 3LT he helped me become an officer of KSI quality. After he helped me reach 3CPT, he was promoted to major of Gravity, and within seconds of his promotion, I announced I was going to go with him. After my wish was granted, I followed him into Eclipse, and he really took me under his wing. Finally I became his major, before he was promoted to co-fo and I replaced him as General of Eclipse CE/Void AV Name: KSI Altair 7 Co-Founder Altered Vengeance Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-altair-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Swat Team Reason-/-Evidence:Altair was 6th spot on the SWAT team in Refuge GZ under KSI Prodigy0613 Name: KSI Altair 7 Co-Founder Altered Vengeance Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-altair-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Grifball Team Reason-/-Evidence:Altair was 5th spot on the Grifball team in Refuse GZ, while I was captain of the team. I am also a witness to the first 3 awards.
  15. Impy, KSI Sage 7 will have to witness for the forge as he was the one who appointed me to captain of the team. He doesnt have access to the forums atm however.
  16. Posted this rather late. They'll be postin tomorrow.
  17. Name: KSI Zohan Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3497-ksi-zohan/ Award-/-Achievement: Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: After becoming General of Eclipse CE I immediately revamped the officer staff, and mentored Sergeants and Staff Sergeants. After several officer demotions, removals, and step downs, I mentored several people to become fantastic officers. Possible witnesses for this award- KSI BeheldX502 KSI Hockey36 xx KSI Reeses Cups KSI Shepard KSIxAchilles KSI Bruce Wayne KSIxFORSAKEN KSI Lucious Fox KSI Betts Name: KSI Zohan Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3497-ksi-zohan/ Award-/-Achievement: Sniper Reason-/-Evidence: Before becoming General I was Sniper team leader spot #1 on my sniper team. I always helped my team to victory. If need proven, I went 22 and 0 for a perfection in BTB with only the last two kills being with a DMR and all 20 of the first kills being with a sniper. A good portion of my custom game lobbies are sniper games. Possible witnesses for this award- KSI BeheldX502 KSI PROD1GY 7 KSI Reeses Cups KSI Bruce Wayne KSI Nate4Jesus KSI Lucious Fox KSIxFORSAKEN KSIxAchilles KSI Shepard KSIPsychoMantis KSImonsterblood KSI M3RK3R KSI AstroBoy KSI CHEWBACCA KSI Altair 7 KSI Betts KSI DevilReaper KSI Hockey36 xx KSI SAGE 7 KSI xJ0K3STERx Name: KSI Zohan Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3497-ksi-zohan/ Award-/-Achievement: SWAT Reason-/-Evidence: Before becoming General I was SWAT Team captain, as well as spot # 1. Organizing my team was fantastic practice for running a squad. I often held prectice 4-5 times a week and to this day people in my squad hate playing swat with me. Also on Tuesday August 25th I won a division wide SWAT tournament in AV. Possibe witnesses for this award- KSI PROD1GY 7 KSI Rebellion 7 KSI SAGE 7 KSI Altair 7 KSIPsychoMantis KSImonsterblood KSI AeroTxic KSI AstroBoy KSI Nate4Jesus KSI Shepard Ksi Reeses Cups KSI Hockey36 xx KSIxFORSAKEN KSI BeheldX502 KSI Bruce Wayne KSIxAchilles KSI Lucious Fox KSI M3RK3R KSI Betts KSI CHEWBACCA KSI DevilReaper KSI HaloxC44 KSI xJ0K3STERx Name: KSI Zohan Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3497-ksi-zohan/ Award-/-Achievement: Forge Reason-/-Evidence: While Major in Eclipse CE I was appointed Forge Captain by KSI SAGE 7 because of my work in forge on Halo. Possible Witnesses for this award- KSI BeheldX502 KSI PROD1GY 7 KSI Reeses Cups KSI Bruce Wayne KSI Nate4Jesus KSIxFORSAKEN KSIxAchilles KSI Shepard KSIPsychoMantis KSImonsterblood KSI CHEWBACCA KSI Altair 7 KSI Betts KSI DevilReaper KSI Hockey36 xx KSI SAGE 7 KSI xJ0K3STERx
  18. Founder Gamertag KSI PROD1GY 7 Founder- Cosmic Equinox Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1643-ksi-prod1gy-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - After Cosmic Equinox split from Ground Zero, this member has busted his ass to improve our division. Stepping up as our Internal Affairs liasion, He has taken complete control of our division and kept us alive. Co-Founder Gamertag (KSI Altair 7 Co- Founder - Cosmic Equinox Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2972-ksi-altair-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - After Nebula and Fuzion fell, Altair stepped up and helped create our new squad AXIS. He continues to maintain his Co Founder duties,advising and instructing both KSIPsychoMantis and myself in our dailie activities as General, as well as continuously being a General to AXIS after already teaching Eclipse as much as he could during his time as General here. Major Gamertag KSI KALLI KID Major- Eclipse CE Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4819-ksi-kalli-kid/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Kalli Kid was a quick riser. Immediately recruiting people, and becoming a fantastic leader from day 1. He continued to grow and prove himself, shadowing KSI Zohan and learning everything he could about KSI. He's caught security threatg after security threat, motivated people in our squad to work harder, and whether or not he was successful, he's done the work he's asked from everyone else. KSI KALLI KID wholeheartedly deserves this award and I'm proud to call him my Major. Captain Gamertag (KSI BeheldX502 1st Captain - Eclipse CE Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3092-ksi-beheldx502/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Beheld has been a leader since Eclipse split off of Gravity. Seeking advise from Altair and mysel, Beheled has strived to make our squad the best it can be, fruequently staying up all night to help out, but more than that, he's strived to make himself a better leader within the community. And it shows everyday. He's a fantastic leader and excellent person to have supporting you. LT Gamertag KSI Hockey36 xx 3rd Captain - Eclipse CE Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5747-ksi-hockey36-xx/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Hockey's start was a little rocky in KSI. He went on a family vacation, days after joining, and was almost removed as fluff. But after his return he immediately changed his name, recruited double digit numbers, took KSI Zohan as his mentor, and spread his wings as a leader. Now harboring 4th in command in Eclipse in a short amount of time, KSI Hockey36 xx is very capable, and very deserving of this award.
  19. ^ Hard to follow much? When I join KSI, KSI Prodigy0613 was my general, and quickly I realized why. He was calm, cool, and collected all of the time. My first week of having KSI in my name I never received so much information in my life. Prodigy was respectful to everyone, I often found myself in private parties with just Prodigy, learning something about KSI. Whether it was the original meaning of the 7 in Higher ups names, or how a squad works. I was always learning something new. I contribute 75% of my Major's emblem to Prodigy. He was a great General, a great mentor, a fantastic team player, a good friend as well, not to mention how extremely successful he is at the Co-Founder rank. I await the day for Prodigy to be even higher up. He's one of the greatest leaders in KSI, I attest to that. He made me a good leader. As a former military man, I have a certain respect for those who carry their rank well, Prodigy is one of those people. He can handle any situation with the utmost collectivism. I'm not surprised in the slightest that he's being nominated for these awards, he deserves them 100%. Furthermore, the officers in my squad take me as their mentor and look up to me for the simple fact that I have a lot of knowledge about KSI. The reason? I had Prodigy as MY mentor. No one deserves these awards more than KSI PROD1GY 7.
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