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KSI Camel 7

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About KSI Camel 7

  • Birthday 10/26/1989

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Camel 7
  • Squad
    CO:Liberty, FoxTrot, Apache, Stealth
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Member (2/4)



  1. I vouch for KSI Shade 7 for the mentor award. He has mentored many members into the leaders they are today. I Have seen him take the time to sit down and teach what he knows to his squad's members.
  2. I believe my word as his co founder is enough to verify trainer and recruiter is it not? If not I will get director to post as well.
  3. From Shade: "Name: (KSI A317 Shade-/-Defcon/Sabotage-/-CO) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...si-black-shade/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer, Member Assistance, Master Recruiter Reason-/-Evidence: (Trainer), I have successfully recruited 131 members into squads: Defcon, Apache and Foxtrot, divison CO. (Member Assistance), I have assisted to many members to count under squads: Defcon, Liberty, Hostile, Foxtrot and Apache divison CO. (Trainer), I have successfully trained 57 members under squad Defcon, divsion CO. " As his former Co-Founder, I can vouch for the trainer as well as the master recruiter.
  4. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI BUBBLEZ 7 (Founder) CO Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2472-lorigrimes7/ Reasoning why the deserve this – Bubblez is one of the most strong willed people in KSI; anyone who knows her would not argue with that statement. Since I first joined KSI she has helped me become the leader that I am today. Whenever I need something, or just to talk she is always there with an open ear. She is one of the strongest leaders in KSI that I have had the pleasure of working with. I would not be where I am today in KSI without this woman. She does whatever it takes to take care of her members and deal with any issues that arise. She is loved by everyone in her division for good reason; she helps whenever ANYBODY needs it. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI A317 Shade (General) CO Defcon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5406-ksi-black-shade/ Reasoning why the deserve this – This guy is simply amazing. He took a dying squad and made it the biggest and most well run in our division. His work ethic is second to none and the way he manages his squad is simply effective. He is the idealization of what a general should be and I am proud to say that I am his co-founder. I have never seen such an ambitious member in my time in KSI. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI PewPew (Captain) CO Defcon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5716-ksi-pewpew/ Reasoning why the deserve this – This guy has gone above and beyond what it means to be in KSI. Whenever any of his fellow members need help he is there. He is one of the major reasons I am the leader I am today, as he helped me make our division one of the best in KSI. Whenever something’s asked of him, he does not hesitate to get it done. When he sees something that looks out of place, he is not afraid to voice it to his leaders in hopes of getting any and all issues fixes. I am very proud of this member and can’t wait to see what he does when he climbs the ranks.
  5. Ok, I finally satisfied the requirements for outstanding service, trainer, and mentor.
  6. As his co-founder, I do not believe he has met the requirements for the outstanding service award as of yet. I would like to see a better work ethic as well as activity on live.
  7. As his co-founder i can vouch that he is deserving of this award. He is one of the most dedicated members i have had the pleasure of meeting while in KSI. He goes above and beyond in regards to his efforts to make his squad run smoothly. He has an amazing work ethis and never ceases to impress me.
  8. Since I cannot get the members who vouched for me as mentor to post again using exact phrasing I am revoking my request for the mentor award. I believe sufficient evidence was presented for the outstanding service as well as the trainer.
  9. I will get them to post using the correct phrasing.
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