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KSI Athydian

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    Chilling with the squad; any genre of music; gaming; singing the coconut song
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  1. This year is almost don

    e and a new year is to be upon me in just a matter of days.....I love self reflection

  2. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI SubZero Award BASIC TRAINING Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Witnessed by KSI Kiedlil; KSI Athydian Profile Link if possible: https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/49395-ksixsubzero/ Gamertag / Forums Name KSI TOXIC 27 Award BASIC TRAINING Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Witnessed by KSI Kiedlil; KSI Athydian Profile Link if possible: https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/49398-ksi-toxic27/
  3. There I was in a party with some guy named KSIxRONL65x7 wondering what changes have been made to the officers positions and also any new additions to the recruiting process if any. He answered them with his vast knowledge of 6+ years assisting members already. So almost weekly ron helps out with general questions either for me or with squad members that are in a party with me. He deserves this award
  4. I can attest that ron has had a KSI TAG for three years
  5. Team Captain KSI Athydian Division WD Teammate KSI ghostwar Division: WD
  6. Gamer tag: KSIxRONL65 Award: Member Assistance Link: @KSIxRONL65http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37656-ksixronl65/ Evidence: Only 3 witnesses this man has held numerous workshops and answered numerous GENERAL KSI QUESTIONS with the time he has been with this community. The general KSI question he has mainly helped me with is the COC updated version it did not change much from 2016 to 2018 and new officer policies that help prevent burn out. On the forums side he has helped me get more familiar with the benefits of the website besides the officer roll calls and posting meeting notes.
  7. Gamer tag: KSI SEXYMOMA Award: Mad Max Link: @KSI SEXYMOMA Evidence: Man I think just dealing with myself on KSI SEXYMOMA end is in my opinion enough to wanna bang your head against a wall or catch a case lol. She is always there for me to pick her brain and run outrageous ideas and on conflict resolution skills there are very few people I tip my hat to and step back and say they got that. It amazes me how even when KSI business is up in the air floating on helium MOMA knows when to turn those gravity boots off with a handful of balloons and a needle in the other hand saying " I got you BXXXX" and steadily pops each one at a time.
  8. KSI Athydian Gamertag: KSI BRUNAN 7 Link in forums: @KSI BRUNAN 7 award: OS level 1 Reason: Well I do not know BRUNAN that well but I would give the view point who has seen many things in KSI through the short years I have been with the community. The man has an unwavering demeanor when it comes to leading, understanding, and thorough even when he is dead tired from a long hard days work he always maintains a professional manner. Through the many parties we have been in he has gauged my character very accurately and always had an ear to ensure the gens and officers in his division are taken care of including my workaholic self. If I stand by the saying the officer staff is the foundation for the squad this man is atlas holding up that foundation. I respect and admire this man and whether he knows it or not I appreciated every insight or suggestion or direction he has done whether it was bad or good. I could go on but it would just be rambling on small instances and would take atleast 30 minutes to type
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