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KSI Banned

The Shadow Realm
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KSI Banned last won the day on August 24 2016

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    KSI ApexWolf
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  1. KSI FithAce was the first person who I ever met from KSI as a random person in a lobby he and a few others talked to me, invited me and unnotalingly taught me about KSI through thier conversations, he made me feel as if I had been a member even though I wasn't i, I am now a general thanks to his leadership, his friendliness and his willingness to literally drop whatever he is doing to help me out, I wouldn't be anywhere if not for this man, he is what other leaders should look to and say one day I'm going to use his methods and leadership style, one day I am going to be him. He has done everything he can for octane when he was a Gen, as a co-fo he did more regardless of who's squad was who's, he is an exemplimary leader, who guides and has a effect on everyone he talks to, he helps not only KSI issues but personal issues as well, I would have up and left had it not been for him. He was and is always a good leader. No one and I mean no one deserves any award this this excellent leader. If you don't know him, then you should get to know him because he will have such a positive impact on your time within KSI and a positive impact on you personally. He is a devoted member and yes his faith has waivered, but unlike others I know he stepped back, breathed and then dove right back in. FithAce I hope you get these awards, you deserve these and many ohers.
  2. Just archive these no offense to anyone of course
  3. Name: KSI Warrior Ace Link to Forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32596-ksi-warrior-ace/ Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand, Member Assistance, Die Hard Reason-/-Evidence: No matter what has been thrown his way this member has always led by example. He has striven to be the best he can be at whatever rank he held at the time, no matter what was going on he always stopped what he was doing in order to help his fellow members. He had big shoes to fill and is leaving even bigger shoes for his successor to fill. He is a prime example to other members of how they should be and how they should lead. He has been through so rough, hard trials, in his personal and KSI life but no matter the cause, he has and is always determined to get through it. Everything he does is for the betterment of his squad, and then therefor the betterment of our gaming community, if anyone needs guidance, understanding, a cool calm head, someone with patience and a heart set on helping others before himself, this member, this leader is the one to look up to, and look to.
  4. I can attest to this as I know many other members on the octane head hunters team and tac team
  5. Name: KSI Merciless 7 Link to Forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/25159-ksi-merciless-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service (Lvl 1) Reason-/-Evidence: Well since I have know KSI Merciless 7, he has been one of the hardest working members I've seen, they was a very slight period in his life where he couldn't be, but since he has resolved that he has been nothing but active, not only with just his squads but with others as well, he was one of the most dedicated Co-Fo's I know and was constantly stepping up to help his gens, even being active gen while still fulfilling his 7's duties. He has mentored, helped, assisted, and guided all of the members directly or indirectly in his squads, he has been in KSI for 5 years and every time I ask him him much he likes KSI, he always replies with, I love it more than anything else, he is a dedicated leader and outshines anyone else of his rank, not only with skill, but with knowledge and a good mind set. He is a very positive asset to FI and we couldn't ask for a better Founder. If anyone deserves this award it would be Merciless he a humble, talented, smart, honest, knowledgable leader who anyone to follow has big shoes to fill.
  6. Just wanted to know so could help pull in more witness if needed
  7. Sorry ma'am just wanted an update song could pull in more witness
  8. I can witness to all three first the member assistance he always steps ups and answers question during gen meetings for lower ranking members who are subbing for thier gens, he has mentored and always had an answer for every question, helping hand I personally witness him give one of my CPLs and code to change his gamertag to include KSI, Committed, I have know KSI Merciless 7 for over a year even before I join KSI, if you need proof you can ask KSI FithAce that I have been around the community for a while just not in, but he has had a Gold Tag for over a year straight not once has it been silver!
  9. Name: KSI FithsFault Link to Forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33538-ksi-fithsfault/ Award-/-Achievement: Die Hard, Member Assistance, Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: Die Hard-When KSI FithsFault became Gen of Turbo, he literally only had one active CPT and one active CPL, through his perseverance and dedication he no host squad meetings and game nights with full lobbies through out the night, he has made his squad more active than I have ever seen from any previous Gen of Turbo. He could have quit when anyone else would have but he didn't he stuck around and made it what it is today. Member Assistance-He has been very helpful with answering any of the officers and lower members questions, during spirit week he helped 7 members make forums accounts and answered questions that new members have had upon first encountering the forums. Helping Hand-He has gone so far to award members with gamertag changes within his own sqaud, he now has only 4 CPLs because he has given away so many GT changes, for members who haven't been able to keep up on their gold memberships he has assisted many members as well! KSI FithsFault was hand a squad when least prepared to lead it, he has come through strife and angst to better his squad, he truly has went about and beyond what is called for and has done exceptionally well with the tools he has been given, his a great general, a well round leader and an even better member!
  10. I can Verify this as well he has not gone a single day without gold since I've joined!
  11. Name: KSI ApexWolf Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34519-ksi-apexwolf/ Award-/-Achievement: Die Hard, KSI Mentor, Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: Die Hard-When I became General over IGNITE FI it was a huge mess, the current Gen quit, every single officer quit except for me and one LT and we lost a lot of members, I put in a lot of time into making it as active and as good as we are today, most days I felt like quitting and I came very close, but my sqaud deserved better and so I preserved and put my shoulder down, dug in deep and pushed us out of the rut we were in. KSI Mentor- I have taken the time to train all of my officers correctly unlike the way I was which I wasn't, I have mentored them not only in KSI but in their personnel lives as well, I feel as if I've had as much impact on them as they have on me! Helping Hand- First of I helped 12 people create forums account during spirit week, I sat down with one of my LT and for about an hour and half went step by step on how to navigate the forums, I have also paid for the changes of GamerTags to 6 various individuals and have helped and instructed my officers and others as well on how to deal with certain situations and on how to be a good leader, I have spent various hours with multiple RCTs, CPLs and up on what I know with the history of KSI and everyday questions that they think of, I highly encourage my sqaud to come to me with any and all questions and if I don't know the answer I seek it out so as to provide them with it.
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