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KSI Squeakyy

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    KSI Squeakyy
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  1. Team CPT: KSI Courtney N 2. KSI Rebel FS 7 Division: MP
  2. I can witness Terrors for being a mentor because Terrors has helped me through becoming a general and person. He has helped me through multiple issues. He made me realize always make time for your members. Like, one day he was having a terrible day but I needed his advice for something and he stopped what he was doing to help me. He inspired me and made me realize, I need to help everyone no matter what kind of mind state I am in. Put everyone else before yourself, because of this I improved in solving issues and being a general. I am more calm about everything when issues arise. I saw how much T does in a day, if he can do all of that I can deal with one little issue. He's also made me realize you can do your job and have fun with it to an extent. I've seen T joke around and I've seen him be serious. With him doing that made me realize how much I can joke around but only to an extent. He's helped me realize on how I can actually get people to listen to me and if they don't he's told me what to do.
  3. Name: KSI Th3 Sil3nc3 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34659-ksi-th3sil3nc3/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: Member has trained 36 members.
  4. Name: KSI AYELOVES 7 Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32896-ayeloves-7/ Award/Achievement: Committed Reason/Evidence: KSI AYELOVES 7 has held a gold KSI gamertag since 9/2/14
  5. Director: KSI Collector 7(MP/LW) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24092-ksi-collector-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this: When I became gen Collector was very helpful. Since I was a new gen I didn't know exactly what I was doing. He was there walking me through it and helping me. Collector is a thoughtful person and helps me with the issues I have had with the Access Denied. He helped me when I was having issues with the Squad Tag. He is there to answer any of my questions that I have. Founder: KSI AYELOVES 7 Links to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32896-ayeloves-7/ Reasons why they deserve this: Ayeloves has been very helpful towards my squad. She has been there for everyone even though she was going through a stressful time. She was there pushing Massacre along with MP forward. She was going through a stressful time and had to go on loa. Even on loa she helped us with problems we were having. She helped me and put me through gens training. She guided me through tough times and helped me become a better officer. She is a great person and deserves this award. Co-Founder: KSI ArCher 7 Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34188-ksi-archer-7/ Reasons why they deserve this: ArCher has been the active gen over 2 squads when we lost the gens. He was very helpful when he was giving me gens training. He taught me many things I didn't know about, he helped me extend my knowledge in KSI. He helped me through stressful times in Massacre when I was a second captain and we didn't have a gen. ArCher is a very valuable member in KSI. He was the only active 7 when Ayeloves was on loa and Terrors was taking a break. He was very helpful with all of the squads.
  6. Co-Div gamertag(Rank-Division/Squad) - KSI Terrors 7 Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/15895-turururururs-seven/ Reasoning why they deserve this- Terrors deserves this because he helps everyone he tries too. He's helped me and many people in my squad with issues and when we had a little issue not to long ago he delt with it very well. When I became a 2nd Captain there were still a couple of things I didn't understand, but he was there to help me and guide me through with a few others. Terrors is a great guy, and a great friend. He has always been there for me. I'm very thankful to have KSI Terrors as my Co-Div. He is very helpful towards MP. He hasn't been a co-div long either, but he came in and got what he needed to do done. I'm very proud of him. Founder Gamertag(Rank-Division/Squad)- KSI Ayeloves 7 Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32896-ayeloves-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this- Ayeloves is a wonderful founder. She has done everything she could to help out everyone she can. She has delt with many issues. When I joined KSI she was very welcoming and she was our Co-founder at the time. Ayeloves tries to talk and get with all of the members to try and get to know them. She is a great person and a great Founder. MP is very lucky to have Ayeloves. Co-Founder Gamertag(Rank-Division/Squad)- KSI ArCher 7 Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34188-ksi-archer-7/ Reasoning on why they deserve this-When I joined KSI ArCher was my gen. ArCher hasn't been Co-Founder long, but he has delt with many issues. Every time I talk to ArCher he is normally helping out another member with issues. ArCher is the kind of person that everyone can get along with and like unless they're disrespectful towards him. He's done so much in so little time. He is a great Co-Founder.
  7. Founder: Gamertag: (Rank-Division\Squad) - KSI Terrors 7 (Founder/MP) Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/15895-turururururs-seven/ Reasoning why they deserve- He helps everyone with their issues. Co-Founder: Gamertag: (Rank-Division\Squad) -KSI AYELOVES 7 (Co-Founder/MP) Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32896-ayeloves-7/ Reasoning why they deserve- She listens to our problems and she takes care of them.
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