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KSI Cherry 7

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KSI Cherry 7 last won the day on June 10 2018

KSI Cherry 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Cherry 7

  • Birthday 08/26/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Gamertag
    KSI Cherry 7
  • Date Recruited
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    Guardian of the Galaxy
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    KSI Cherry 7 #6782
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KSI Cherry 7's Achievements


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  1. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSI Akame 7 Forums Account: @KSI Akame 7 Reason: Akame has been a rock in LS and continues to help that division grow to the best of his ability. His dedication to making sure that his members are heard and treated fairly is commendable. He always has a positive attitude and a willingness to better himself. Category: Founder Gamertag: KSI Skarrz 7 Account: @
  2. Map Holder: KSI Cherry 7 Please list any and all participants that may help with your build as well KSI Kalakoi 77 KSI UNB0RN 7 KSI T1GER KSI Tazz KSI Zero Reaper KSI x Rogue KSI Princess24 KSI Hypes KSI Folkstyle KSI iStonedJam KSI Taywick 77 KSI Zombieslaya KSI Nightingale Munchbox907 wowitsuranez ToxicDragon49 MWG Swagst3r Ohh judgey
  3. Team Captain: KSI Cherry 7 Division: The Cherry on Top Teammate: KSI BadKitty 7 Division: Cat Benatar of the Milky Way Teammate: KSI Gambit 7 Division: The Potato Survivor of the Famine
  4. The staff awards ill take are: Meeps Minions Imagine Dragons Impys Cuddle Buddies Thats so Fetch @Kalakoi
  5. Gametag - KSI Cherry 7 Award(s)- Legen Ripple Effect On Point Round of Applause Forums Account - @KSI Cherry 7 Reason - I have over 20 awards
  6. I can also witness that he has been in KSI over a year with a gold KSI tag
  7. Performance Ops Awards Gamertag/Forums Account: KSI Dundarrach: @KSI Dundarrach KSI EZZY: @KSI EZZY KSI Shadow045: @KSI Shadowo45 KSI Sniperclone: @KSIsniperclone KSIDON2THANOOCH: @KSIDON2THANOOCH KSIDrangonRider: @KSIDrangonRider KSIPooFlngnMnky: @PooFlngngMnky KSIseclusiveTwo: @KSIseclusiveTwo KSIxB00TYANIMAL: @Nikals012 KSIxHerohue2003: @ksixherohue2003 Award to be Awarded: Train the Trainer Award Reason: Above Members have completed the Train the Trainer workshop hosted on 10/30/18 Gamertag/Forums Account KSI YungBullRio: @YungBullRio Award to be Awarded: Squad Leadership Award Reason: He attended my Squad Leadership workshop on 10/30/18
  8. Performance Ops Awards: Gamertag/Forums account: KSI Ch4ttyK4thy @KSI Ch4ttyK4thy KSI GreendayFox: @KSI GreendayFox KSI RI0T: @KSI RI0T KSI TAZZ re6: @TAZZ KSIFallingleafy: @Bootasious Award to be Awarded: - Squad Leadership Certified Award Reason: Above member has completed the Squad Leadership Certified Workshop hosted on 10/30/18 @ 6:30 pm EST
  9. Gamertag: KSI Atrain8896 Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42330-atrain8896/ Award to be Awarded: Squad Leadership Award Reason: He attended my workshop on the 16th but i forgot to add his account!
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI bubbaKat - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44873-bubbakat/ KSI S3SSHOUM4RU - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37466-ksi-s3sshoum4ru/ KSIgunblazin247 - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/47125-fiercepotato247/ KSIxNamineMoon - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/47124-ksixnaminemoon/ KSIxD3adSh0t - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41735-ksixd3adsh0t/ KSI dtprezz - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39516-ksidtprezz/ Award: Squad Leadership Certification Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): I hosted a squad leadership workshop on 10/16/18 @ 8:30pm
  11. Gametag: KSI Cherry 7 Division: Guardian of the Galaxy
  12. Hatter is my girlllllll. I have had the privilege of working with Hatter as the director over LS but I first heard her gamertag back in WI days. She is honest and upfront. She cares about her members and remains to be a loud supporter of KSI events within LS. She is a new member of the CDC and a general over a squad. She balances her home life with being very active member of LS. She took the time to introduce herself to me when I first became a director over LS. She just wanted to talk and get to now each other. Those are the occasions that keep me in KSI. She values her people and gets to know them on a personal level. Definitely deserves OS lvl 1!
  13. Let me first start by making this OS witness statement about myself. I am the originator of the nickname "Grampa Gary". May he wear it with pride!! Honestly I have been in KSI with this fool for a hella long time. He has been a mentor for me for a long time. I watched him climb the rank under multiple leaders and outshine all of them. He is 100% here to support the community. He will stop and listen to you about anything and everything. He has this amazing ability to be able to be chill and laid-back but still command a room. 9 times out of 10, any decision Trendies makes I can stand by. He is a common sense leader that never flexes his rank. You can chill in a party and talk Poop as well as talk business. He has been a lead Mentor, director over multiple divisions and my mentor. WD would not exist if this man did not stick around when everyone said the sky was falling 2 years ago. There are members that have stayed in KSI specifically because they had faith in him as a leader. I forsee Trendies to continue to help many more people in this community and continue to be a grumpy old man.
  14. Oh Odinn, What a popular old man haha. Odinn is a true blue high caliber leader. He always remains a positive role model for his members and fellow 7's. He is always on top of his game and putting his members first. As his director, I have been able to witness this guy do great things. Members feel confident to go to him about issues or concerns that there having or just to invite to game. He hypes up all of the KSI events and participates in them to motivate his members. He has supported his div leader in his decisions and stepped in multiple times to help squads as a cofounder/general whenever he is needed. Im glad to welcome him as a new PO and have him as a friend.
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