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KSI DadSlap 7

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Everything posted by KSI DadSlap 7

  1. Stats for EO

    total members: 286 on tag

    Recruit tag: 14 - 360 : 2 - X1

    Right now we are trying yo build our squads back up with officers, structure, game nights and fun. Some squads have taken a hit and have few officers now and no Generals. It's going to be a challenge, but we can handle it and come back strong as ever. We are working closely with the squads to help rebuild. Also promoting positivity and activity on the forums and xbox more than kik.

    Goals; We are trying to break 300. We are also supporting members wanting to rank up as well as recruiting. Mainly, we want members to remember to just have fun. Also a big positive drive toward supporting Volatile on their path to a split!

    Promotions; KSI Killerflame to Gen of Volatile

    Shout outs; To KSI Killerflame for putting it in and making Gen of Volatile. Also to the whole crew in Volatile for keeping such a positive attitude and working well together toward their split and supporting their fellow members in their neighbor squads.

  2. Team:;Wreck Event;2v2 Rocket League Captains Gamertag;KSI DadSlap 7 Captains Division;EO Teammate 1;KSI Alpha Rozu Backup;KSI xYoLoMaNx
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