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KSI Dige245

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KSI Dige245 last won the day on August 25 2016

KSI Dige245 had the most liked content!


About KSI Dige245

  • Birthday 07/21/1999

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  • Interests
    Police work and gameing
  • Gamertag
    KSI Devin
  • Date Recruited
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    Last strike
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Member (2/4)



  1. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Asuna (General - LS/Forsaken) Link to Forums Account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34002-ksi-arsyn/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This particular member despite her short time in KSI has accomplished ao much. She helped majorly in the success of Forsaken's first split into Asgard, and then went to Asgard to help them grow. During which she went through some hardships but she still stuck with it and continued to make Asgard a success. And although her time in Asgard was short lived, she returned to Forsaken and came back with more confidence than before. Which then led to her becoming Gen and successfully splitting Forsaken into Impulse in her first week. And now in such a short time she has built Forsaken up once more and is close to opening yet another new squad. All of these trials and accomplishments have made her into a great leader, she's dependable, knowledgeable, and makes any and all members feel at home. She also goes out of her way to buy name changes for potential officers, and some who are very successful today. Overall, Asuna is truly a great asset to KSI in a whole.
  2. Gamertag: KSI AsunaLink to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34002-ksi-arsyn/Award- / -Achievement: GEN OTMReason- / -Evidence: Paying for a member/previous members name change. Aswell as providing assistance in the purchase of an Xbox One console.-: Black x Famine (KSI Brittany) Santana Pierce (KSI Snixx) -/- KSI Pumpkin.Asuna despite her hard times at home still went above and beyond to ensure that she could purchase an Xbox One console for black X famine and santana pierce so that they could both pursue there interests in joining KSI. Not only that she has also taken it upon herself to as of late purchase name changes for aspiring Corporals who she believes will achieve success in the future. she has also split her squad ( Forsaken LS) once already and we are growing to another split within the next couple months. She is always nice and respectful to all members and officer staff. She never misses a gens meeting or hosting our squad meetings. She is always on and constantly talking with new members as well as officers. Even as a gen she still goes out recruiting with SGTs. She is overall one of the best gens we have
  3. Helping hand more like helping hands. She has only been in KSI for 7 1/2 months and she has made a bigger impact the some of the people who have been here for years. She has bought name changes for corporals who are either and officer right now or soon will be. She has gone above and beyond the call of duty. She is one of the nicest and best people in KSI today.
  4. When certain people view your profile... ^ 

  5. Team Green Bay packers player Aaron Rodgers
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