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Wicked Destruction 7's
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KSI HEFNER 7 last won the day on December 31 2023

KSI HEFNER 7 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 07/22/1994

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    (HYPNOS Previously)(FALLEN Recently)
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    (L.W Previously)/ WD Currently
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KSI HEFNER 7's Achievements


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  1. Please post as following; Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Spoon / @Ksispoon1248 Award: Recruiting Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): I hosted the workshop and it is logged on discord
  2. Gamertag / Forums Name: @KSI.REAPER KSIxREAPER Award: Leaderships aspects Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): i KSI HEFNER 7 hosted the workshop and it is in the logs on discord
  3. I can also attest to the creation and usage of all the documents on google docs and the revamping of the workshops and creation of the new workshops. These are also used community wide as effective training for all KSI officers to help with honing leadership qualities and organization and to ensure they have the tools to be successful.
  4. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSIPROPHECY7 Award: Bright Idea (Member helped in a crucial part in Google Docs) Witness: i KSI HEFNER 7 bare witness to this as we worked together on this. Evidence: SS sent to app Profile Link if possible @KSIPROPHECY7
  5. I can also attest KSISharkie has been a part of KSI continuously for at least a tear
  6. Happy birthday bud hope you have a good day 🎂

  7. Now this is an award not many people speak about or i believe know about and i know there's a couple i can think of who deserve this but let me tell you why i'm stepping forward with my nomination for @KSI WldMama7 me and wld have always been getting together and putting our heads together on how we can knuckle down and clean up the messes that were being created i've seen sides to wld not many have and vice versa and with everything that happened in the past 2 years i know alot of people would of thrown in the towel alot already did with some of the things that happened, no to mention we as a community was at a time of great need because we almost had to shut the doors completely! With the way wld carry's herself is something that shouldn't be overlooked because the sweat and tears that have come from KSI WldMama7 just recently helped turn this community around to reword what i mean is she is defo A MASSIVE FACTOR as to why the community is doing better and now we are in a much greater place the way she puts others before herself always making sure everyone is alright not just on a KSI level but on a personal level too and when people have thrown shade ect here she is still being all she can be and pushing others to do better too thank your for all you do @KSI WldMama7 !!! i mean like to put it bluntly i've seen her go thru some real S**T and still come out other end still throwing punches so if that don't qualify for a die hard nomination then what will?
  8. Gamertag: KSI HEFNER Link to Forums Account: @KSI HEFNER Award: OTY Show Attendee Reason/Evidence: screenshot submitted to AAP/KSI Sub 7. Thanks Guys.
  9. be the best i can be in all aspects of life
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name @Robbie David 18 Award: recruiting workshop/ Basic training workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) this post Profile Link if possible i hosted the workshop and KSI WldMama 7 assisted
  11. i remember wakeing up seeing enough snow on the ground to make snowmen, angel's ect all the fam getting out there and getting involved
  12. Gamertag / Forums Name: robbies2002/ @Reaprob Award: Basic training certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): I hosted the Workshop, may also refer to discord or activity logs if needed.
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