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KSI RisingTied

The Shadow Realm
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KSI RisingTied last won the day on April 6 2016

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About KSI RisingTied

  • Birthday 04/17/1995

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  1. Hey are you coming back on ghosts? Atomic said you were.

  2. check this out bro, youl like it sorry about the other link i posted it wrong or something.

  3. do you ever get off forums lol. How do you already have 46 days and you were recruited after me hahaha

  4. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Fithace 7 (Founder - Octane FI) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this award: I think it goes with out saying that Fith and his wife have both stuck their neck out time and time again for the greater good of the KSI community, I truely admire their desire and commitment to always lending a listening ear or a helping hand in any instance on and off the console, its a humbling life lesson and is something that ive taken home with me and used in my own endeavors and thats really what the ultimate goal is to spread a positive message and just maybe change someones life in the process, they are two truly amazing people. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI AtomicKwon ( General - Octane FI) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31572-ksi-atomickwon Reasoning why they deserve this award: I must say that i really enjoy being apart of what we have all created and a large portion of our success is due to our general, a key element to making any group of people thrive in everything they do is being able to rally everyone in times of trouble and present a voice of reason and solution from ones own life lessons and past experiences, I guess what i am trying to say is that i appreciate this more than i can ever put into words and the insight and moral value that has been shared is something that i will keep with me forever and im sure many others can say the same. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Warrior Ace (4th CPT - Octane FI) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32596-ksi-warrior-ace/ Reasoning why they deserve this award: I remember a few months back when i came into KSI with an unsure mindset on what to expect and how to move forward i have one keen memory from the beginning that still holds value today and thats this members determination and strength of character thats always been a present factor in everything he does from helping host the squad meetings to hosting his own seminars he keeps everyone up to date and makes sure no one slips through the cracks. After having suffered a near crippling injury to his legs and having been told that he may never walk again but nevertheless he said that he would and we all prayed and i was able to firsthand witness his power of will and can thankfully say that if we were giving these nominations in person he'd be standing here with me today, a truly phenomenal person. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Scarekrow (2nd LT - Octane FI) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34018-ksi-scarekr0w79/ Reasoning they deserve this: Although this member has just recently resigned his rank to deal with personal affairs he did a wonderful job for the month of march and past months, he was always working toward getting recruits off the recruit tag and went through the trouble of creating a printable copy of our communities Code of Conduct and was all around a great guy who carried with him a welcoming energy, his dedication doesn't go un noticed, with kids of his own it goes with out saying that doing all that he did was no easy task. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Vayaqui (Staff Sergeant - Octane FI) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32456-ksi-vayaqui/ Reasoning they deserve this: He has really made an effort to get more involved and has been dedicating alot of his time to our tactical team, for someone who works a busy schedule this is not always an easy feat so i admire his desire to become more apart of the squad in the midst of dealing with his own personal struggles having recently overcome a gambling addiction hes come a long way at making changes and i know that hes got a bright future ahead of him in KSI.
  5. Heres another one to incase you dont like that one, haha



  6. Hey bro!, check this song out i think you might like it.



  7. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Fithace7 (Octane, FI, Co Founder) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He and Mrs Fith have put countless hours and dedicated their own time to go the extra mile with members and anyone in need of any guidance or information on what they should be doing, two of the most honest no B.S people i have ever met they both really put the meaning (Knowledge, Strength, Integrity) into KSI, It was well deserved when he became a Co Founder and we were all so thrilled to see them progressing and getting the opportunity to further spread their leadership skills throughout KSI, octane will forever reflect the work that these two have put in and i cant think of anyone who deserves this more. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI AtomicKwon (Octane, FI, General) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34202-ksi-atomickwon1/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I have to say that i feel blessed being given the opportunity to help build a foundation within octane along side our new general, he has already gone out of his way to reach out to his squad and rally them in the midst of this divisional/squad split happening in the near future for someone who has his own busy life including a full time family and a new born baby he really goes out of his way to give KSI his all and its truely amazing and ultimately is a moral life lesson on dedication and this spreads an influential message to all those in our squad who learn something new everyday and apply it to their personal life and that is the ultimate goal and also why i believe nobody deserves this award more. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Chiefzay25 (Octane, FI, 4th Captain) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33114-ksi-chiefzay25/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He has really buckled down and excepted more responsibility, and has been an awesome captain with helping members gain recruits and making sure that peace is being kept hes one of the most layed back people i know and he carries with him a peaceful vibe that cuts the tension in any situation and i think thats a vital skill in problem solving which hes demonstrated in the past, he is someone who is a role model to many and has really given it his all which i admire. Lieutenant Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI WarriorAce (Octane, FI, 2nd LT) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32596-ksi-warrior-ace/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Long before becoming a Lieutenant this member went out of his way to assist other members in recruiting and making sure that everyone was kept up on the game night and meeting times, hes dedicated alot of his time into helping build our squad as a lieutenant and always demonstrated solid leadership skills and is somebody i have no doubt will continue to climb the ranks due to his outgoing personality and ability to understand and provide solutions for difficult situations.
  8. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Fithace73 (Gen, FI, Octane,) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace73/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ive personally seen him go the extra mile with the members in our squad and the new recruits making sure they feel like part of the family right away, Always making sure everyone is doing there job and never playing favorites he demonstrates solid leader ship skills that i often take note of to help me in my own future endeavors within KSI, over all he is an outstanding general and has gone out of his way to build up solid structure as well as personal bonds and friendships within octane. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Warrior Ace (SGT, FI, Octane) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32596-ksi-warrior-ace/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Always recruiting solid members who he feels will be a positive addition to the KSI team, he demonstrates spectacular leadership skills and goes above and beyond what most sergeants would do, always making sure new recruits are introduced and given the opportunity to participate, ive never seen him leave anyone out and i admire that. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ChiefZay25 (LT, FI, Octane) Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33114-ksi-chiefzay25/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Having had to really step up to the plate and take on some extra responsibility in these past few weeks while our captain is away he has done a wonderful job making sure everyone stays informed on our events and that everyone is demonstrating respect and sportsmanship within our gaming and ultimatley representing KSI to there maximum potential in a positive and influential manner.
  9. Sublime, Temple of the Dog, Pearl Jam, Staind, Shooter Jennings and many more.
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