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Guardian of The Galaxy
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Ivy TSB last won the day on March 6 2017

Ivy TSB had the most liked content!

About Ivy TSB

  • Birthday 12/18/1990

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  • Location
    Omaha, Nebraska
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    Ivy TSB
  • Date Recruited
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  • Rank/Title
    Div Lead

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  1. You make the best podcast on Twitter ivy

  2. Mobster is a co-founder. I can also vouch for Gary being a training machine.
  3. DIRECTOR KSI Ascend 7 (DIR/MP/EO) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-ascend/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ascend is one of the best directors in this community, I say this because he interacts with the members below him, he shows interests in divisions other than his own. He tries to please his "Happy Hour" audince by keeping them interactive and interested in the show with his cooky antics. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xTheKing 7 (Co-Div - DR) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16503-xtheking-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He has been working his butt off bringing back his division. He is currently on the road to flagship because of how fast his division is growing. Cofounder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Knuckle 7 (FO/LW) Link to forums account- Reasoning why they deserve this- Knuckle is a big part of the success in LW, He helps me develop strong new 7s and generals. He helps maintain order in the division and is proficient at solving any issues when i am not around. GENERAL KSI AK47 MOB (GEN/SAMURAI LW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39886-ksi-mobster-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Upon being promoted to general he turned his squad around. It went from limited activity to game nights almost every night. There has also been a recruiting boom as well. His squad is taking off. He was just promoted to cofounder, he worked very diligently with his replacement. Captain KSI Cosmic Gary (CPT/ SAMURAI LW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40003-cozmic-garebear/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Garebear is the funny guy in LW. He always keeps spirits and moods high with his very funny collection of impersonations and voices that he does. He is good at teaching others but makes it fun, thus making others want to pay attention. LTS KSI RECLAIMER177 (LT Achilles LW ) Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41095-ksi-nerf-this/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjM0MzI5LCJpZF8yIjo3MTEwODV9 Reasons why the deserve this: He is a star on our HH team. He is very skilled is an awesome teacher to others. He also is a big part of the success in achilles. He stops at nothing to make sure it runs correctly. He is always training some one or recruting someone. Member KSI UBER 7 (CPT/ CAESAR LW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/100-ubersuperman-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Uber is old 7 returning to KSI. He brings back some of the past ideals of KSI and implements them in to his squad. He is a strong leader, he has a military backgorund and has been a perfect addition to LW. Keep up the great work uber duber. GFX Artist KSI Bellatrix (SSGT/ CAESAR LW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41210-ksi-bellatrix/ She is very good at making graphics. She has been making them for everyone in LW. She is a rising star in Caesar. She is very out going and takes directions very easily. She doing great things with the squad. Productions Member KSI MESSIAH OG (3CPT/ CAESAR LW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40850-ksi-messiah-og/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He has very ideas that he openly shares with the team. He is very inteligent it comes to computer programs and streaming. He is eager to help with projects going on with the team.
  4. ivyyy the best CO DIVA in KSI WOOOOOO xD

    1. Ivy TSB

      Ivy TSB

      ☆Thank you ☆

      I just came up with a name for you. KSI MOBSTER

    2. taajz


      ohhhh hahha yess i like it haha xD

  5. Division: Legendary Warriors Team manager: KSI Ivy 7 Team memebers name and link to forums account if they have one. 1 KSI Sully (Captain) Link to forums page- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40488-ksi-sully/ 2 KSI Executioner Link to forums page- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39767-ksi-executioner/ 3 KSI 80s Soldier Link to forums page- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile-37726-og-80s-soldier/ 4 KSI Gaven Link to forums page- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40233-connor-gaven-bryant/ Backups 1 KSI Reclaimer177 Link to forums page- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile- 2 KSI Killerwar Link to forums page- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile-40341-travis/ 3 KSI The Great Link to forums page- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40821-ksi-the-great/ 4 Epicgamer1379 Link to forums page- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41050-epicgamer1379/ Good Luck during this season everyone! #LW #forthewin
  6. Add me on Xbox KSI Ivy 7


  7. blub blub I am flounder an i am heckin bamboozled blub blub

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