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The Architect
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Everything posted by ThaHomieRonin

  1. Division - Explosive Outlaws Team Captain Gamertag - KSI x Oblivious Team Members Gamertags - KSI DirtyBoss 7, KSI x Thisty, TrickzDiamond Alternate 1 - KSI MoonRev Alternate 2 -
  2. Division - Explosive Outlaws Gamertag - KSI Ronin 77 Alternate 1 - N/A
  3. Division - Explosive Outlaws Team Captain Gamertag - KSIBLoodyKnight Team Members Gamertags - KSI RubyReptile, KSI Tranquil, KSI MiniMonster Alternate 1 - KSI Ronin 77 (If really necessary, coz I'll also be in the 7's event)
  4. Division - EO Member 1 GT/Skype Name- KSI Ronin 77/ Mo Davis Member 2 GT/Skype name- KSI x Oblivious/Isacc Fred Steward
  5. Division - EO Team Captain Gamertags- KSI Gr1mSh0t29 Team Members Gamertag- KSI x Sawsage, KSI x Ensure119, KSI DeadlyNomad Alternate 1 - KSI Five Zero Alternate 2 -
  6. Division - EO Team Captain Gamertag - KSI x Oblivious Team Members Gamertags - KSI Skarz KSI Lifestyle Alternate 1 - Alternate 2 -
  7. Division - EO 7's Gamertag - KSI Ronin 77 Alternate 1 - KSIxPapi77
  8. Division: EO Map holders gamertag: KSI R3aper 77 Wednesday or Thursday
  9. Division(s) EO Team Captain - KSI Five Zero (Link to Members Profile) Team member - Fn Flea (Link to Members Profile) Team member - icedragonnnnnnn (Link to Members Profile)
  10. Division(s) EO Team Captain - KSI Ronin 77 (Link to Members Profile) Team member - KSI xYolomanx (Link to Members Profile) Team member - TrickzDiamond (Link to Members Profile)
  11. Division - Explosive Outlaws Gamertag - 1) KSI Ronin 77 2) KSI xYolomanx
  12. Division-EO Gamertag-KSI Ronin 77 Divison-EO Gamertag-KSIBloodyKnight Divison-EO Gamertag-KSI Motivation Division-EO ---------------------------------------------- Gamertag-titanprime115 Divison-EO Gamertag-tH3JoK3RkIlL3r2 Divison-EO Gamertag-KSI THEREAPED
  13. Division: Explosive Outlaws Gamertag: KSI Ronin 77
  14. Saw the follow. Just wanted to say Hi!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ThaHomieRonin


      Lol. If you want you can HMU on Kik. Sites lagging

    3. KSI xTheQueen

      KSI xTheQueen

      Okayy what's your kik ?

    4. ThaHomieRonin
  15. New Team-------------------- Division: EO Team captain (1): KSI BroTimmy Team mate (2): KSI Chippy Team mate (3): Father Viral
  16. Division: EO Team captain (1): KSI Ronin 77 Team mate (2): KSI Strategy Team mate (3): Vu ll EDGE New Team------------------------------------------------ Division: EO Team captain (1): KSI Primal Rage Team mate (2): KSIxEckoJ5 Team mate (3): Brandon2797
  17. Had to modify as this list is off. Knuckle is out of town now so I hope my modification is okay
  18. Outcast Society Captains Gamer tag: KSI Ronin Shock Captains Division: EO Teammate: KSI x SKILLs007 Backup(s): None. Put me in coach!
  19. Team: Outcast SocietyEvent: 2v2 Rocket LeagueCaptains Gamer tag: KSI Ronin ShockCaptains Division: EOTeammate 1: KSI Primal Rage
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