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KSI xPsycho

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Everything posted by KSI xPsycho

  1. There is no such thing as a friend. No matter who tey are or what they promise they always stab you in the back

  2. I agree with you that's album was good. I feel the 3DG has more meaning full songs though un like papa. Im still having trouble deciding
  3. I'm watching the Sunday's episode of "The Walking dead". It's a really good show and this episode is good
  4. Co-Founder Name- KSI Pr3dator 7(Co-Founder, Division-Divine Reign(DR) Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3188-sir-predapuss/ Reasoning for nomination- he deserves this cause he shows great leadership, does great in his position, he is also liked by everyone and goes above and beyond in his position
  5. I forgot too lol. I've been posting in other topics I forgot about this one
  6. 3 days grace. This topic is almost dead though unless more people find this and wanna post
  7. Thats cause papa is awesome but then i started listening to 3DG more and i like them better now. Wait i said that though?? lol
  8. Sh1t happens, Then you die; So Fu*ck the world and lets get high!!!

  9. Poop happens, Then you die; So Huck the worl and let's get high!!!

  10. Mine would have to be 3 Days Grace
  11. By papa- Life is a bullet, forever, no matter what, burn
  12. Brown Chicken Those were the best songs i could think of for a first listener. Really? i mean i like it but i like Time is Running Out better. Give that a good listen after a while you will like it ight. let me know what u think Told ya. See what happens when u listen to new music lol jk. Papas songs are really good. I'm tossed now. Idk who I like better anymore papa and 3DG both have excellent songs now that I think about it Ok I have changed my mind 3DG is the band I like. Over they have really good songs and I listen to them more then papa lol yea yea yea i know. Papa does have good songs though. But 3DG wins in my eyes. There songs just have more meaning
  13. I recommend Scars, Last Resort, and Time is Running Out
  14. Alright guys lets get your input. who do you think is better Three Days Grace or Papa Roach and why? I will add my two cents in later on Idk how to work anything on the forums. where is this poll section so i can put it up there too. sorry for the inconvenience. Feel free to put your input up here too though Alright man thanks ill go do that KSI flow 7- i think papa cause is songs have more meaning to them. but thats just me why dont u like papa. bad music or just not into it? brown chicken the one-X album is awesome i agree what song do u think is the best by him same. that and scars go listen to him
  15. This may be harsh but i just wanna watch the world and most of everyone in it burn. My life f***ing sucks

  16. his may be harsh but i just wanna watch the world and most of everyone in it burn. My life f***ing sucks

  17. This may be harsh but i just wanna watch the worl and most of everyone in it burn. my life f***ing sucks

  18. Live for nothing but die for a cause

  19. Why live when you got nothing to live for?

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