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Everything posted by AYELOVES 7

  1. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Silence 7- FI Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34659-ksi-silence-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I have had the honor of knowing Silence since he was recruited. Since the beginning I knew he was destined to be great and do great things. When things got hard, he always had my back. He always made sure that he did what he could do and more. When i stepped down, i knew that the staff of sevens and generals were solid, but i had the most faith in silence. We lost MP, something that i never wanted to happen, but since he took the seven position he has worked tirelessly to protect and better this division and this community. He made my transition from codiv to sgt as smooth as possible and supported me every step of the way. When personal things came up, he was there for me and other members to talk to. He is the purest form of a leader you can find and a mentor to those around him. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Blicky 7- FI Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40532-ksi-blicky-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Many times i have thought about leaving due to personal issues, and those many times i have received an invite from Blicky just to mess around. He does not limit his friend group to those around his rank like i've seen some do, he befriends those in the various squads and makes them feel welcome. His personality attracts members to the community and makes them love the place that there are placed at. He is one of the more active members of the division. Blicky does not shy away from a challenge, he simply just faces it. He is there for his members whether they need an ear or if they just need a good laugh. He will do great things within this community and i can not wait to see what he has done whilst i'm away because im sure itll be great. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kerfuffle- Hellcat FI Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43387-isnana-isk/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Bender is for the people. He is highly active and has a great personality. He continues to push himself and try to make the squad a better place. He is always there to listen to any problems a member may have, and takes the appropriate actions to solve their issue as swiftly as possible. He is a great person to be around and inspires those to do so as well. He will make a great division leader one day, I put $10 on it. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Greendayfox - Hellcat FI Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16245-ksi-greendayfox/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I haven't gotten to know Green Day until recently, and i wish i got close to her sooner. She receives some attention that she does not deserve. She is an amazing officer that continues to push herself to better the squad. She works closely to Kerfuffle to run meetings, gamenights and other events division wide. She has found the perfect balance of personal life and KSI life, one that those looking to move upward can inspire to have. She never ceases to amaze me with her strength and resilience and her drive to just better the division. She inspires on the daily and i wish she was one my captain's when i was general because man, this girl is pretty amazing.
  2. I have known silence since he was first recruited into KSI. I was his founder and i realized fairly quickly that i was going to have an interesting time with him. him, another member and I were kinda the three musketeers of just trolling people. One day, however, he went to troll one of his members (once he hit gen) and he said "I don't think we can no longer be friends" That double negative was the start of the downfall of his sanity. I don't find many who are on the same wavelength as i, but silence is defiantly on it and lets just say his sanity was like "Silence, i don't think we can no longer friends if you keep dealing with these KSI folk." And thus we are here, and he is still putting up with us however his sanity is not. He is perfect for this award because sometimes i worry about him. Thank you.
  3. FI is gonna kick some booty just watch kiddos.
  4. I hate to break it to you all but FI shall rise to the top
  5. Okie dokie I guess I'll do this Shoutout to KSI RPG900SR, hes not in KSI anymore but he's been here for a very long time to support me not only in KSI but in school and in swim. He has been a shoulder to cry on and I am beyond thankful for him helping me much myself to become a better leader and better person. Shoutout to @KSI Silence 7 for supporting me at my highest and lowest. This man supported my decision to step down when it was best for me and helped me learn that people didn't just like me for my rank like I thought they did. He is always there to complain to and his leadership skill is something that I am proud of. I am very honored to be able to say that he was one of my generals. Shoutout to the people who were in Massacre MP when I was general. You guys taught me a lot about family and helped me enjoy my time as general. Its crazy how hard everyone of you guys worked. You guys helped me establish what kind of leader i wanted to be and helped me learn what i wanted to do in KSI. Shoutout to everyone in MP when it was there. You guys were always there to support me in the hardest times of my life. You guys helped me find my footing. You guys helped me learn the type of person i want to be in life. Everything you guys did helped me become who I am. Thank you all. AND the biggest shout out of them all is to the people in Utopia DR, the squad i joined in. When I first joined I wasn't sure that I was going to stay, but the people who stayed up and played with me. Especially those who noticed when I was upset and would just chill with me and make me laugh until I felt better. You guys helped me want to be here.
  6. Gamertag: ProudAbraham Division: MP Do you like pie?: forgive me but I didn't ask him if he liked pie. However I like pie as long as it's pumpkin pie.
  7. I can attest that this is MP's current HH team.
  8. I can attest that this member has had a KSI gamertag for a year.
  9. Oh hai I'm here. I can witness to both of these
  10. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Mpliers 7 (Senior Director) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/20715-lori-grimes/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Mpliers was willing to help me gain the knowledge I did not know, helping expand my knowledge and be able to spread it to other members within the community. When I needed help with any issues, mpliers was always there to help walk me through it and take care of it accordingly. He has always been there to answer any question anyone may have. He is very positive even when no one else is and he will spread the positive vibes to those who need it. He is a wonderful leader and an even better person. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Ascend 7 (Director- EO/MP) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-onomatopoeia/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ascend is a very cool dude. He is willing to just sit there and let you rant about things personal or KSI wise. He also continuously checks up on me and ask me how things are going within my division. Also, when I told him about the social anxiety I was struggling with, he pulled me into a party and tried to get me to push myself out of my comfort zone. This inspired me to make a few small changes to help me push myself. Social anxiety has been something that has ruined a lot of opportunities for me so ascend pushing me to do that was very big for me and I can't thank him enough. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gunner254 (General- Torture MP) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21520-ksi-gunner254/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Gunner is a wonderful general. All of his members are trained to their positions and are ready to take action if something were to happen. He is very active with his members and is there to help anyone needs him. He has great leadership qualities. Gunner has so much potential to move up the ranks. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI AIRBORNE 7 (3lt- Torture MP) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/2037-master-broshi/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Airborne is a very active person within this division. He is very knowledgeable and is willing to spread his knowledge towards his members. He plays with his members on a daily basis and if he can’t then he lets them know. He knows the rights and wrongs of being a member in KSI and will speak up if someone has a position but is not filling the duties that come with it. He is always there to be a friend when someone needs one and to cheer them up when he knows they need it. He is a very positive person and continues to spread his positivity to other members. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Collector 7 (Director) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24092-ksi-collector-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I’m never an easy person to deal with; I’m awkward and when I need something I pester the person I need it from until I get it. Somehow, Collector was able to put up with me. He was always there to help me if there was an issue that came up. He was my director for like 8 months and I have learned a lot from him during that time. He wanted the best for the division especially when it came to squad splits. He is a very wonderful person and he is one of the best leaders I have come across in this community.
  11. Princess AYELOVES is here and can witness for this member. He has reached the requirements for this award.
  12. I can attest that dark fear has reached the requirements for this award.
  13. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Mpliers 7 (Director) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/20715-ksi-mpliers-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe that it'd be easier to explain why Mpliers doesn't deserve the award, for it it'd be less for me to write. However that's not what you guys are asking, I believe we can all come to a common agreement that Mpliers is one of the most dedicated and kindest spirits KSI has currently and probably will ever have. Mpliers is a very open minded person, and will help legitimately everyone no matter who the person is. Personally he has helped me in some dark times and helped me get through it. KSI wise, he helps me with things I struggle with solving no matter the hour. It could be 3 in the morning and he'd help give advice even with MP not being one of his divisions. He has single handily taught me what the definition of KSI is just by his actions. He is very very open minded and accepts anyone of all walks of life. He is also very active, for he participates is just about anything as long as he's home. He is a very positive person and only looks for the best in people and that is something a lot of people in the world currently lack. I can only hope that one day that I become anything remotely close to him. I think that it's clear now as to why he deserves this. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Th3 Sil3nc3 (General- Enforcer MP) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34659-ksi-th3sil3nc3/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjI3NzgxLCJpZF8yIjo2OTM5MDR9 Reasoning why the deserve this - Silence is a very dedicated member. He is very active with his squad and his members. He knows how to allow people to have fun while they are still following KSI CoC. He helps me with headhunters as much as possible and makes it a lot easier for me. His members look up to him and respects him. He respects everyone he comes in contact with. He is a great general and person. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Reigns 7 (Webops(she's like in everything lol)) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/15842-ksi-reigns-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Reigns is a very wonderful person. She is very active on the forums and is pretty much ready to help anyone who needs help navigating the forums. She's ready at all times of the day to solve issues that may arise. She also chats with peeps in the chat box on the regular and she has a lot of KSI pride to show. On another hand she is a very positive person and is never hesitant to spread the vibes. Whenever there is a message to all KSI she's one of the first to spread the word through the divisions. All in all, reigns is a super hard worker and she is very positive about the stuff she's doing.
  14. Gamertag: KSI AYELOVES 7 Division: MP Skype: ayesoftball
  15. I can witness to RPG in his helping hand award. I have seen him give out many name changes to people who did not have the funds to buy it themselves helping those members become active SGTs. He has helped multiple people with this and has also bought a member a game. He is willing to help out anyone who does that have the funds so that they can have a positive gaming experience and be more apart of the squad. I can also witness to RPG's trainer nomination for he has reached the requirements of this award. I will witness for the outstanding award as well. Rpg activity and dedication to KSI is like nothing I have seen before. He is always willing to push himself and others to not only be better members and leaders within KSI, but also more mature and better people within real life. He goes above and beyond what has been expected of him. He has taken a very messy squad and has created a positive environment where everyone feels comfortable and welcomed. I have known RPG for 2 years and even when I was not in his division he gave me hints and helped me become an officer and helped encourage me to get to the position I'm at today. He has a very positive aura around him and is never hesitant to play around with members, but be serious when need be. He has inspired many members and I to do things that without his support we wouldn't do. He has done nothing but help this division grow and he is the perfect candidate for this award.
  16. I can witness to terrors die hard award. As his second in command, I know MP hasn’t had the easiest past and I also know I can be a bit of a handful. There are some days that there are some days where nothing really goes on and then there’s days that everything seems to happen at once. MP has definitely had a difficult road that some people wouldn’t be able to stand (I wouldn’t have without this dude) and he has stuck by it through no matter what. Through thick and thin, he stuck by this division essentially making it a better place. That being said I can also witness to terrors being a mentor. I've known Terrors since I was sergeant and he's been there to help me with every rank. When I was a Lt I had to go to a gens meeting for the first time and I kinda freaked out being around all the higher ups of my division and he was really the first person that told me to calm down and pretend like I'm a general. With him saying that, it gave me the huge boost I needed to continue my journey to the gens position. When DR split to MP, things kinda went stagnant within my squad and I had to be on leave for a month and during that month we talked constantly and everyday he was giving me a new little lesson about KSI whether it'd be talking about the history of it or giving me tips about being a captain and/or being a general. When I did become general, I didn't exactly have confidence in myself, but he helped me through every issue and told me what to and what not to do as general making me a better general. He did that exact thing with every other position I achieved. When I messed up he told me what I should've done to better prepare myself for future complications. He instilled confidence and faith in me, making me a better member and a better person in general. He has helped me through no matter what and within every position I've been in.
  17. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Terrors 7 (Codiv- MP) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/15895-terrors-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Terrors has made a huge impact on my KSI career and has made me become a better leader. He has inspired me to take on new challenges and supported me in every decision I have made. He has helped create a positive environment for MP to help it grow. Through everything we have gone through, he never gave up. This division has put him through the wringer and yet he continues to be positive about things going on and he continues to inspire the division to continue to push forward. He has put faith in me thus helping me become a better leader and a better person in general. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rpg900SR (General- Enforcer MP) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24900-ksi-rpg900 Reasoning why the deserve this - Rpg is a very active person within KSI. He is very knowledgeable within KSI and he knows how to train his members right. He is one of the only generals that I have seen that have trained his members so that they know exactly how to solve issues that in other squads the issue would normally go all the way up to to gen or cofounder before being solved. He makes sure that CoC is always being followed and that his members remember to be mature. He is just about willing to help out anyone and always jumps at the opportunity to help me. He has the strength to solve just about anything he is faced with and the strength to help any member with any problem, personal or not. He is a very helpful person to MP’s development and he is a very valuable member. He always does the right thing no matter what the situation or the who the person is. He is the exact definition of knowledge, strength and integrity. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Th3 Sil3nc3 (1CPT- Enforcer MP) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34659-ksi-th3sil3nc3 Reasoning why they deserve this - Silence has impressed me with his intelligence and dedication within KSI. He knows exactly what to do in a given situation and is willing to help me and any other member in any situation. He stays positive and pushes just about anything. He is also a very good person in general. He helps spread the positivity around the squad therefore causing Enforcer to be a wonderful place to be. He works alongside of Rpg to create a safe and mature environment for members to enjoy their stay within MP and KSI as a whole.
  18. Division- Maximum Punishment Member 1: KSI Courtney N Skype: Court.02 Member 2: KSI ROWEN Snipe Skype: therfreit
  19. MP Representing time to show the other divisions what we are made of.
  20. Division: Maximum Punishment Team captain:KSI Papa Sage Team members: 1.)KSI ROWEN Snipe 2.) KSI V1rtual0reo Alt. 1:KSI AYELOVES 7
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