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KSI NIGHTMARE21 last won the day on April 14 2016

KSI NIGHTMARE21 had the most liked content!

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  1. KSI FithAce 7 Co-Div leader Forced Induction http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace-7/ I think that FithAce deserves this award because he has put his all into KSI. He goes from the time he gets home till he goes to bed is nothing but time dedicated to KSI. He has helped so many members by providing them with Xbox live or money for a name change. He's gone out of his way to make sure everyone is happy. I appreciate evrything you've done for me and for KSI. THANK YOU FithAce for everything.
  2. He has helped me out by providing me with 3 months of Xbox live. I didn't ask him for it or say that I needed it. I just told my squad that I was out of live and he messaged me with a code telling me that was 3 months of Xbox. If you see this atomic thank you so much palyou're an amazing help
  3. I would like to witness the helping hand nomination. FithAce has done so much for everyone he's come into contact with. He's provided name changes for members, he's provided Xbox love for members, and he's even sent out games to help those that don't have them. Outstanding service- he's always going above and beyond to achieve higher goals. He puts his all into everything he does and he does it good. FithAce is just an all around amazing help to all those in need. Thanks fith for everything you've fone for me and for others.
  4. I appreciate everything that you have done for me since i joined KSI. You are a huge role model in my life and I see you as a father figure. You've helped me through so much and given me motivation when I was doubtful. Thank you so much Chris. Same thing goes for you to Gabby


    1. KSI FithAce 7

      KSI FithAce 7

      We love you too, Bud . You don't realize how much we think of you. You mean ALOT to us. You are such a STRONG part of Octane. Octane wouldn't be quite so close-knit & fired up as it is, without you. We are always here for you.

  5. KSI FithAce 7 Founder Forced Induction http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace-7/ I think he deserves this OTM award because he's been putting his all into everything he has done. He's always doing his job but still finds time to talk to people individually. He's helped me through some pretty tough times lately and I appreciate everything. He's done such an amazing job as a founder he has inpired me to try my hardest so I could be just like him. KSI AtomicKwon GEN Forced Induction-Ocatne http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31572-ksi-atomickwon/ I feel like he needs this reward because he stepped up to the GEN position recently and has just been rocking it. He's always talking to his squad and making sure everyone is ok. He text me individually just to see if I'm doing alright. He cares so much about his squad and he has been doing such an amazing job. It makes me happy knowing that there are people like him in KSI and I makes me want to be able to do what he does and take control over a squad that fast. He just maintains a calm attitude and he's a very good listener. He can be stern when needed but he is an amazing guy to be around. KSI Vayaqui SSGT Forced Induction-OCTANE http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32456-ksi-vayaqui/ I believe that he deserves this reward because he has been doing so much for his squad. He's always happy and smiling trying to make everyone feel better. He just keeps up a nice positive attitude and helps everyone that he can. He's willing to sit there and listen so he can help the best he could. He's helped me with many things and I can never make him feel the same way he's made me feel about myself.
  6. Heres another one to incase you dont like that one, haha



  7. Hey bro!, check this song out i think you might like it.



  8. KSI AtomicKwon GEN Forced Induction OCTANE http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34202-ksi-atomickwon1/ I think KSI AtomicKwon deserves this because he made a big impact by stepping up to the role of General and putting all he can into improving octane everyway he can. He's doing an amazing job keeping our squad in line while maintaining a positive attitude towards everyone. He's put his all into helping everyone improve themselves along with himself. He's been doing a great job and I think he deserves this.
  9. KSI CheifZay 25 1LT Ocatane FI http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33114-ksi-chiefzay25/ I think that he deserves this award because he is always there when I need his help. He is always such a positive person and he just puts himself out there. Over the past few days he's helped me with my recruits and I really appreciate it all and all of his hard work. Since I've been here he's put his life into KSI and he really takes it to the next level. All he does is help and I appreciate everything he has some for me. Thank you KSI CheifZay 25
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