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KSI TrubleMaker

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About KSI TrubleMaker

  • Birthday 08/21/1996

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    KSI TrubleMaker
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  1. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI CubaMexBomb (General - FI Firebird) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33356-ksi-cubamexbomb/ Reasoning why the deserve this - I think Cuba deserves this because once upon a time around three weeks after I joined KSI, she was transferred into Firebird to help jumpstart the brand new squad because she was among the best recruiters in Octane at the time, and with the utmost dedication she moved her way up the ranks, she is now a respected General, doing her job beautifully and an amazing friend. She has really made her mark in KSI and in my heart, and I think she deserves this award to show for it.
  2. KSI FithAce 7 Co-Founder of FI. http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace-7/ Since the beginning this man has done nothing but make me feel welcomed and accepted, he and his wife put countless hours to make Octane, resurrected from the ashes, what it is today. I personally will never be able to repay him the many times he's been there for me. He's had my back, and been my backbone so many times. He is a natural born leader, and he's basically taught me EVERYTHING I know about KSI, not to mention a few life lessons along the way that I will never forget. I hope that if he gets this award, he and his wife will finally understand just how they've impacted my life, and how much they mean to me.
  3. KSI AtomicKwon General of Octane, FI. http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34202-ksi-atomickwon1/ I think Atomic deserves this award, because some of us, including myself had a hard time adjusting to having our former gen being promoted, and himself becoming the new gen, but he has really stepped up and overpassed my expectations completely, and still continues to motivate all of us over in Octane. He's a great problem solver, and he's extremely trustworthy and knowledgeable. KSI ChiefZay25 3rd Captain of Octane, FI. http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33114-ksi-chiefzay25/ ChiefZay has been there for me since the beginning, he was the one that recruited me into this loving and accepting family. I know that if I bring a problem to Chief, he will have it solved, if the path that I'm on is unclear, he will steer me in the right direction. I sit in on a lot of his trainings, and he does them correctly and confidently. He seems to always have an answer to every question thrown his way. All around, he's a really great captain, and I personally think he deserves this award.
  4. Ayyyooo Chiefy here, keep up the great work!

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