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KSI Tea 7

La Chismosa
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Posts posted by KSI Tea 7

  1. Category: Department Head 

    Gamertag: KSI Paradox7

    Forums Account Link / @: @BZiayLz.gifLoyalty Paradox

    Reasons they deserve this award:

    oh boy what can I say. This lovely British man puts his heart and soul into his department. He spent MONTHS asking myself and drop ways to better the department. When it comes to being on time this man always delivers. Nothing  is left to worry if the work will get done cuz it’s already done before I even have to ask. Loyalty is an amazing leader and his members adore him. This can be seen in their interactions. This guy was put through the ringer when it comes to the pervious leaders with in the department but he ALWAYS stuck with it and has made it the best it’s ever been. The department is booming and I can say it is the most fun department to be apart of. The dedication it takes to be 100% unbiased in this department is hard. BUT Loyalty takes the time and shows everyone the same respect no matter the beef they might have. This is seen through out the department for everyone. If the board and myself have things we wanted changed or extended something loyalty is always so amazing in allowing us to have the time. Overall with many other good candidates for the award I believe Loyalty has made his department the best this year. 

    Category: Department Member 

    Gamertag: KSI Sub 7 

    Forums Account Link / @:

    @KSI Sub 7

    Reasons they deserve this award:


    I think everyone one in departments know who to go for when it comes to anything department related. This man puts his all into each department he is. With each annual event this year he was on it! From hosting, to being in the event and even marketing sub was there to help in any way he could. When it comes down to this man is a jack of all trades. From T&E, to AAP to graphics he has done it all and well! When sub came to me asking about doing more I said “do what you think you can” and he did and he proved himself more than anyone has in a very long time. When it came down to us talking about where he  want to go moving forward in departments it was I think the hardest decision he had to make. But in the end AAP is his true calling and so for he is doing a FANTASTIC job. Sub is also the nicest man in this community. I don’t think I have ever not been in a party with him where he is not trying to brighten the mood for everyone. Working with sub has been an absolute pleasure and honor. He absolutely deserves the OTY. 

  2. Basic information:


    Please list your current Gamertag:  


    KSI Tea 7


    Please list ANY and ALL previous Gamertags:

    From memory... 


    KSI MissHarleyQ

    MissHarelyQ Sapio

    KSI JaneDoe



    KSI Tea

    KSI Jezebel 

    KSI Tea 7

    Any others i genuinely don't remember 













    What games do you prefer to play on a regular basis?:

    COD, slime rancher, anything i can get my hands on 

    How many hours during the week are you playing games?




    What is your preferred method of contact? Ex: Email/Discord


    NOTE - Please provide usernames. (No telephone numbers):




    In a few short sentences, please explain why you are looking to rejoin KSI:


    Well @nNxZWUT.gif"Nyquil 7  has convinced me and i miss my home Div CS


    What Division and Squad are you interested in rejoining, and why?

    Oblivion CS if they will have me


    Background Information:




    When did you originally join KSI?

    December of 2015


    What division/divisions have you been apart of in the past?

    Wrath DM

    Ruthless DM

    Insanity DM

    Banshee ES

    Hellborn DM

    Rebellion CS

    Doom CS

    Calamity CS

    Vanquish WD



    When did you leave KSI? If it you've left more than once please include each time.

    2016-2017 Left due to higher ups

    2017-2018ish left due to higher ups again

    2022 life got to crazy my moms cancer was awful and couldn't dedicate my time effectively 

     What made you decide to leave KSI?

    always was silly drama beyond this last time


    Have you ever been denied re-entry into KSI?


    If so, please specify the date, reason, and provide a link to the application if possible.:




    Please list ANY and ALL clans/communities you have previously been a part of:

    KSI only

    was part of a friend group called the sapios never was a community though



    How long were you involved with each clan/community?:

    sapio only a year if i think



    When did you leave each clan/community?:


    left months before i rejoined 


    Are you still a member of any of the clans or communities that you have listed above?:


    still in KSI wink


    Have you ever been blacklisted or DNH’d from KSI or any other community?




    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Have you ever been kicked or removed from a division or squad within KSI, or any other community?




    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Have you ever been banned from KSI or any other community?




    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Would you say you have left KSI or any past clans or communities that you have listed above on bad terms?








    Can you accept the fact that KSI is a structured organization, and requires the ability to work with over 100+ team-mates?




    Are you able to respect the leaders who have been put in place, while recognizing that those leaders come from all walks of life and may hold opposing beliefs and/or life choices, and stay level headed regarding such?




    Do you plan on taking advantage of any of the KSI learning programs?



    (Graphics - Leadership Development - Web Administration, ect..):




    Have you read and do you fully understand and also agree to uphold the KSI Code of Conduct along with the XBOX Live Terms of service?:




    Do you understand that purposely excluding relevant information while filling out this application is grounds for the denial of your entrance into KSI?




    Is there any other information that you feel should be included on your application?



  3. This man and me gossip so much about our exes. Like me and Nyquil will sit in a party all day long talking Bull on both our exes. When it comes to clan ops and education there is ALWAYS SOMETHING. But this man has been through hell and back so we absolutely deserves this award. I have seen this man go off on people who absolutely deserve it as well. His rage is always well deserved. Nyquil and me both go through my dating apps and roast people. We all love our drama queen 

  4. Gamertag: BIKRQUEEN 

    Rank: n/a

    Forums Profile Link: @bfQv6Cz.gif"KSI BIKRQEEN

    Reason why they deserve this award:

    With a lot of faults this month Biker has been on top of her stuff when it comes to graphics! She has really been putting in the work and effort to get graphics done as well as taking time for her family. This was a really hard choice but biker has over come many things and continues to do well in the department. 

  5. Forum Staff: 

    @BZiayLz.gifLoyalty Paradox

    CS rebellion 

    This month Loyalty has really put his all in to AAP. He has been able to gain and keep people in the department and well as properly train them to be the best they can be. He has been working closely with staff and the board to add more awards. These awards are to help show case more of the community and are vital to keeping everyone seen and heard. AAP is that one department I rarely have to worry about and he does an amazing job as the head. 


    Department Member: 

    @n5pgplC.gif"KSI Raccoon7

    CS Rebellion

    Raccoon has done a wonderful job in AAP. Raccoon has really put their all in to the department and I always see them working toward gaining awards, teaching others about awards and actively always voting. Raccoon truly is doing well in the department as well as learning all they can from their senior staff. They are one to speak up when it comes to voting and is always respectful. I can see them being Senior Staff in no time! 

    Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Atom 7 for T&E
    Link to forums account - @fzdLnD8.gifBrnk Atom
    Reasoning why they deserve this -

    Atom took the reins on FC and hasn’t stopped. He was working hard Thursday before the events and as I am writing this right now we he so STILL making sure the results get out as soon as they possibly can. He lost sleep and made sure everyone had a fair and fun play. There were lots of bugs and as always things can be improved BUT Atom knows how to fix and rework so Turkey Bowl and be a full blown success. This man works so hard to help Akame out. When I needed something he is there to get it done as soon as he can. This is a well deserved award and his hard work and dedication will not go unnoticed. This month like every other month Atom has but his heart and soul in to T&E and it shows. 


    Department Member  
    Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI G or KSI iGeordie for graphics but is in ES 
    Link to forums account - @iGeordie93

    Reasoning why they deserve this -

    where do I begin. This man has done so much for departments he Seaver more than just an of the month. I am so blessed to have him on the team and so grateful to be able to give him his recent promotion to Head of Graphic. His dedication is seen through all of KSI and no one makes better graphics than him ( as of right now wink wink). This man has gone through so much with his short time here and I couldn’t think of a better person to nominate. He has gone above and beyond making documents and files as well as mentoring new artist to be the best. This is clearly well deserved in my eyes. 

  7. Well I thought I put my two cents on this one: 


    @nnsto1X.gif"KSI Jewels  is more than deserving of OS1. From watching her time as a education Assistant I can confidently say she is a rare individual. Even before meeting her I always heard great things about her and her leadership. There might have been some rough patches but when getting to ES she flourished into the leader and member ES needed. As an Assistant she is someone that I can count on. She is a pleasure to work with and someone that is a friend to all no matter the beef people might have around her. When she teaches she is able to get those around hers attention and always has good questions to ask. When I was away taking care of my sick mother Jewels stepped up and got the work done. She was always on top of each student and is still making sure those who graduated the class have someone to talk to. Her wisdom knows no bounds and I am sure she will be a great leader for all of us to look out for. 

  8. Information on Nominee:

    Department: News Duh 
    Gamertag: KSI Hatter 77
    Link to Profile: @Hatter 77


    Nominee’s Current Rank: Department Head 

    Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months? Yes 

    Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? Yes 

    Awards: several like a lot 

    Testimony: Hatter is by far one of the best News Heads we have seen in a long time. She gets her job done and does it well. Her team loves her and she truly puts in the hard work that is clearly seen. Her articles are always perfect and are loved by the community. Before she got head she put in a lot of work and was able to get several people involved in the department and continues to inspire her team. There is no one more deserving of this nomination than her. 

    Why does this member belong in your Department’s Hall of Fame? Please explain.

    She has done a great job whenever she has been in the department past and now. Her articles are always perfect and her work ethic to make the team flow easy is impressive. She has the respect of me and her members. From her being on the team and her past promotion she has done nothing but work toward making the News Team better. 

  9. Fourms accounts: 

    @http://a.deviantart.net/avatars/t/h/thetruecrystalvixen.gifKSI Ace 7

    @cJ2n52K.gifThe ChadMin

    @qwFgvWn.gifMr. DropShot

    @BZiayLz.gifLoyalty Paradox


    Bright Idea 




    Our lovely paradox had brought a big issue to the table about guest on the forums posting inappropriate messages/links on several of the message boards and topics. This got the attention of Ace, Venum and Drop. The four were able to figure out how to stop these from continuing by changing a few settings on the forums. This has greatly help safeguard the community by removing guest posting. This bright idea has benefited the members for the better. 

  10. KSI Nezuko

    @KSI Nezuko

    Award: Outstanding Service Level 1


    As someone who has worked with Nez for awhile now as an officer and as a department member, this young man absolutely deserves this award. I have seen him change over time and he has done an amazing job as an officer. Even in his 101 class he has been doing amazing and really taking the information to heart. As an officer he has been the one to really get to know the members and takes his job seriously. I have had the pleasure to watch him from a SSGT to a CPT and I am very proud of him. He truly has grown into a wonderful young man and I am excited to see him as a GEN. 

  11. KSI Tea 7

    @yb1JB00.gif"KSI Tea 7

    1. Leadership Mentor 

    Evidence: I am a current mentor for the education team 

    2. Gamerscore Hoarder

    Evidence: Sent to AAP staff

    3. Friendly

    Evidence: I have won a total of 9 days  

    4. Approachable

    Evidence: I have won a total of 9 days

    5. Award Senpi 

    Evidence: I have over 70+ awards

    6. Optic Requiem

    Evidence: Goes with Award Senpi 

    7. 2022 Donar

    Evidence: Sent to AAP staff

    8. Out for Summer

    Evidence: Sent to AAP Staff

    9. Anniversary Subscriber  

    Evidence: Sent to AAP Staff

    10. Full time gifter

    Evidence: Sent to AAP staff

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