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KSI Tea 7

La Chismosa
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Posts posted by KSI Tea 7

  1. Gamertag / Forums Name: @KSI Alpha01 and @TangyAces

    Award : Basic training, Rank Structure, Advance Training

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI Tea 7 hosted workshop all documented in the logs


    Gamertag / Forums Name: @KSI.REAPER

    Award :  Rank Structure

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI Tea 7 hosted workshop all documented in the logs

  2. Category: General 

    Gamertag: KSI Azreal 7 

    Forums Account Link / @: @8XDykjm.gif"KSI Azrael 7

    Reasons they deserve this award:

    Az is like a strawberry; Sweet, reliable and good in everything. Az has been apart of this community for years, longer than most of our board members themselves. Az’s past has made him into the wonderful general that he is today. Watching him work and being one of his members I have been in awe of his capabilities. Oblivion has seen some stuff since I have been a OG member of and I can attest that Az has made it better than it was before. With active staff and members who enjoy being there the difference from a year ago is uncanny. The turn around rate has left me stunned and I am hard to shock haha! Az leadership can even been seen at smaller levels of the squad with members going to him for needs that may not even be squad related. With myself Az has been an amazing person to lean on in my time of needed. Az is a good man, a good leader, and an amazing general. There’s no one I could endorse more. 



    Category: Captain 

    Gamertag: KSI Chunks 

    Forums Account Link / @: @0b4kWaD.gif"KSI Chunks

    Reasons they deserve this award:

    Oh chunks, what a sweetheart. Like cotton candy grapes( yes it’s a thing and they are good!) His sweetness knows no bounds. Chunks was one of my members when I was leading departments. I was lucky enough to work with him on many things and got to see his work ethic and kindness first hand. As a CPT Chunks works so hard sometimes I worry he works to much! The man is a machine that keeps going for his members. Chunks always has the members needs, wants and ideas in mind when he leads. From doing several game nights a week, inviting everyone, and making sure all members are happy. From my recent experience Chunks always invited me to game nights even when I can’t attend. Recently he asked me what I would like to do and when I can so I can attend a game night. That right there is what I look for in a leader. His dedication to his squad and even the community is powerful and inspirational. Any time I join a party the warmest welcome is from him. I have been in the community for a while seeing leaders fizzle out or become stagnant however, I know chunks will go further than I ever did. 


    Category: LT

    Gamertag: KSI Crayons 

    Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Crayons

    Reasons they deserve this award:

    Crayons is like a pineapple; sweet, sometimes a little sour at times haha and always a beautiful individual. I work odd hours and Crayons is on and always happy to have more people in his parties. His humor always makes me laugh and teasing each other is always a good time. As a LT crayons goes above and beyond his duties. His retention is unmatched than any other LT I have experienced. Always a sponge learning, asking questions and looking for more to do with his time. The man is very knowledgeable as well, always helping others with community based questions and even beyond the community. I am honored to have him as one of my LT. with his work ethic I know he will be a wonderful CPT one day and will continue his KSI career stronger and better than most. 


    Category: SSGT

    Gamertag: KSI Mrs. Sprinks 

    Forums Account Link / @: @Mrs Sprinks

    Reasons they deserve this award:

    I recently go to know Mrs. Sprinks and she is so kind and wonderful. She is like a tangerine, once peeled you will never be disappointed. Always sweet, enjoyable and pleasant. Sometimes it can be hard being a woman in the gaming community world . Trust me I speak from experience on that one! Sprinks is a fighter. I see her work ethic and her ability to be a good mother and good officer. With so much on her plate her time management is always top notch. Always there for her members and willing to help others in need. Not only does she do KSI work at her real life job, but she does more! Holding tournaments for her members, workshops and so much more. SSGT is a hard rank for people learning the ropes of leadership, however Mrs Sprinks is a natural leader. I get to see her leadership anytime I am in a  party with her. Her journey into KSI is just beginning and I know she will flourish. 

  3. Well, since I didn't get a chance to comment on your last OS3 nom, dear Peaky Blinder, I think it's a good time now.

    Akame is like a grape; it could be sweet and a little sour, but with time, he grows on you like a vine and maybe some wine! All jokes aside, Akame is a great leader. This is a known fact. With a busy life and working at sometimes over 100+ hours a week, he still had time for KSI. I have enjoyed watching Akame grow as a Head of T&E and Clan Ops leader. With his role as Head of T&E, much work has been put in to improve how we do our events. From my own personal experience, Akame is a very patient lad. With events can come, angry members, it comes with the job, however Akame is always professional. He has even sat down at a party with members to discuss their issues. These conversations always end on a positive note. When I was promoted to HDM, Akame treated me respectfully and helped me learn more about his department. He took the time to ensure that, if needed, I could host an event if no one else could. His teaching strategies are noteworthy. Akame has been a driving force ensuring these events go smoothly, even if he was working. With many drastic changes happening all over the community, Akame (and Atom) and his team have been modernizing the department to better the community and its members. 

    Regarding his Clan Ops career, Akame has stepped away from leadership several times, like many older-generation folks. However, when he comes back, he's better than before. I love gaming with the members, and they can be pretty honest when they don't like something. When members come and talk with me I hear nothing but amazing things about Akame in Valkyrie. He has done a fantastic job as a General and now can continue that work as a Cofounder. I can not speak about his past Clan Ops career, but today, this man is dedicated, trustworthy, and embodies all that KSI stands for. 

    You are a fantastic leader; I know you will go farther than I ever did. Congrats on your promotion, you Red Coat!

  4. I have been thinking of what to talk about, Asuma. As someone who has worked with him as an equals, and then as a Department head, this man has his heart in the right place. I can't speak about his Clan Ops career, but I can talk about his career in departments. When Asuma was promoted to head, I had a good feeling about him being in the position, and I was not wrong. Since working with him, he has been thinking about innovating the department, from getting KSI on Tiktok to custom panels and adding sounds and emotes in our streams. If a member came to him asking to learn how to stream, he would teach them, explaining the right parts a member might need for their computer. Even how to use OBS and other streaming tools. Asuma has taught me how to stream myself. I had an idea, but he would go into detail, ensuring I understood. Not only can he stream, but he can also edit videos which are always a KSI favorite. His skill is seen through his hard work with KSI and his personal stream.

    Watching how Asuma talks to his members is a model for other leaders; he is always polite, honest, and understanding. Asuma has been coined for taking members who can be challenging and making them thrive. From my own experience, I have seen those members join and thrive under his leadership. When working with others, he is far better than me at times, haha! Always messages you as soon as he can, is flexible with his time, and is always down for new ideas. I have come to him about several, and I mean several, and he always is excited to work it out with me. I don't think there is anyone else that deserves OS1 and OS2. His dedication to Production has been there since the beginning, and it hasn't left. 

  5. Department:GRAPHICS 
    Gamertag:KSI SHWAY
    Link to Profile; @awAdXwS.gifKSI Shway



    Nominee’s Current Rank:GRAPHIC MENTOR 
    Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months?YES
    Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? YES 

    What can I say? Shway has a significant influence on the graphics team and deserves the award. Through many months and I mean many, he has stuck with it and has been a strong team player in the department. He was one of the originals who helped make it what it is today. Through several difficult times, he's been able to indeed be there for the members of the Senior staff, and I belive he will continue to do a good job.

  6. What are your plans for the upcoming Spring Break time away from school?

    Since I am no longer in Highschool or College, I don't get a real spring break. However, I am taking a week off in May from work to clean and get ready to babysit! Who will I be babysitting, you may ask? My sister's cat, of course! His name is Phantom, and he is a beautiful black cat with a pink nose; I will post photos soon. Besides cleaning for my nephew to come, I will also be working on training for work. If I want to make more money, I have to do the training. So if you see me online just watching tv know I am multitasking! Since my adult life is very dull, ill tell a good spring break story from when I was a kid. My folks saved all their extra money once a year so we could return to Wisconsin, where my dad is from. Dad grew up in a tiny town a few minutes from the Dells. The Dells is a party town with several go-kart tracks, waterparks, theme parks, and silly attractions. Since it was the off-season, it was cheaper, and we got to do everything! I remember going to one Theme park called Mount Olympus. It was by far my favorite, with water rides and roller coasters. One particular, Cyclops, was by far the best rollercoaster there. I think me and my sister rode it about 20 times. Our noses were red from it being so cold. Going back has always been my favorite thing to do. Maybe next year, I will take an actual vacation and return.   

  7. Swag is like a mighty pomegranate. Grown on a beautiful tree, lots of seeds and will stain your hands and cloths. He like the fruit makes his mark and everyone knows he’s done so with pride. And like said pomegranate everyone loves him, even those who have left this community. Swag is clearly well desvering of this award. He is the most hardworking COS this community has seen in years. He is by far the one of most active board member we have and everyone one in this community has meet him. From my own experience, I had a few issues with leadership when I was a LT. When he was over CS when it was still a fresh Div he listen to me and took care of the situation amazingly. He gave me the chance to start somewhere better. There is not a man more dedicated to his members and his community than Swag. When it came down to this year with some hard issues swag was quick and swift and continues to do what he can to protect the community. Even with last year when this community fell on hard times he still was there to fix things. One think he always says “it happened it’s over, let’s start again” Now I won’t say me and him haven’t argued because we absolutely have. But in the end it always comes to a better conclusion. I didn’t know him during his time before his promotion to the board. But as a board member he has done an amazing job and continues to do so. I am not saying the man is perfect, none of us are, but it’s the fact that he takes the time to learn and grow each day that makes him worth getting this award. 

  8. What KSI means to me is honesty my first home. I have had a Poop childhood, not as bad as others, and I don’t have a lot of irl friends. So KSI was always a place I could go to get away from my IRL issues. Now that I am in a position to do something, that’s what I want to do. I want to make KSI a place for those to come and feel like it’s a home. 

  9. Your Mentor is: KSI Tea 7 @pHM3qnH.gifKSI Tea 7
    Your Assistant is: KSI Boootz 7 @Boootz

    Tuesdays at 8pm EST start date is January 31st 2023

    You must currently be the rank of SGT or higher in Clan Ops to sign up for this course!
Leadership Development 101 is a course with the goal of increasing not only one's knowledge, but also improving on one’s strengths and weaknesses.

    This is a 6 week commitment, and unless otherwise specified by the Education Mentor in charge of the class, the class will take place on the same day, at the same time every week.
    As KSI operates in EST that will be the format given for the times listed.

    To enroll in these classes, you will sign up on week 1. You will then stay with the same mentor throughout their 6 weeks of classes. Should you miss a class, it is your responsibility to talk to your mentor about the options available to you. You are only able to miss 2 classes throughout this course. Please be sure to check your schedule and see if the selected dates work for you.

    You will be given roles in the community server where you can communicate with other members of your class, the education department staff and your mentors!
    You can not sign up mid way through a set of classes, you must enroll at the start of week 1.
    Each class is capped at 10 members, so it is on a first come, first served basis. You will be notified if you are accepted into the class ; or if you were not among the first 10 eligible participants to sign up. If you are the latter, You will be given immediate positioning in the next Lead 101 class as long as you can attend the classes. 

    To receive credit for completing this course you must attend all six classes for completion as well as participating in each class. It is at the discretion of the mentor if your participation was sufficient enough to receive credit.
Below is the template to sign up, please copy and paste it in a reply to this post.

    Schedule for this Mentor:
    Week 1: Leadership on [January 31st 2023]

    Week 2: Code of Conduct and the Open Door Policy on [February 7th 2023]

    Week 3: Squad Development on [February 21st 2023]

    Week 4: Sustainable Growth on [February 28th 2023]

    Week 5: Recognizing Burnout & Motivation on [March 7th 2023]

     Week 6: Conflict resolution & Court Case on [March 14th 2023]

  10. What more can be said about sub that hasn’t already been said? Off the top of my head I don’t know a single other member who has accomplished what he has accomplished in a short amount of time. From being in 4 or the 5 departments, to being the go to man for LC, to helping rebuild a squad this man has done his due diligence to the fullest. Everyone knows him by name and his positive attitude is so lovely. He is always at events and is always saying “what you need me to do?” I personally can’t think of a mother person more worthy. His dedication to to this community has no bounds and I know he is well deserved of this OS and others. 

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