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Warrior x Ace

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Warrior x Ace last won the day on August 2 2016

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About Warrior x Ace

  • Birthday 04/22/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Xbox One
  • Interests
    Founder of the Green Beanies Gaming Community (January 2019-Present)
  • Gamertag
    Warrior x Ace
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    Ex Octane
  • Division
    Ex Forced Induction
  • Rank/Title
    Ex Octane General

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  1. Dear KSI,

    For those wondering if the rumor about me leaving is true, yes it is. I left KSI on 08-04-16 because of its upper leaderships in-ability to solve problems. I do NOT want to be in a "corrupted" community where a number at the end of your name makes you "special". You are no better than me, and never will be and I am not better than you. If you think you are because of your "7" then clearly you have been here too long and have gotten sucked into this communities lies. 

    I have left and formed a community where corruption does NOT exist because everyone has a word in what happens. If you have a mouth, you have a voice, then you have a choice. And that is what my community is all about. 

    But KSI, I do appreciate the long hours of sitting in a lobby writing notes for a meeting that only 5-10 people at a time attend. I do appreciate the departments that "do nothing" because they are "busy" with their personal lives. I do appreciate how blacklisting, security risking, and removing members from the community happens weekly. I do appreciate the fact that I dedicated 90+ hours a week to this community and have nothing to show for it. 

    So thank you KSI for being nothing but a HUGE disappointment and waste of time.


    Your neighborhood friendly,


  2. Swagg has always tried his best to make sure that FI is in good standing when he is and isn't around and always expresses the concern to get and stay involved in KSI. Tough swagg is in the military and has a lot on his plate, he still welcomes new members, comes to game nights, hosts a few game nights, hosts the gens meeting when he can, and always keeps every one motivated by his motivation messages that he sends out over XBL. Swagg deserves this award because he never hesitates to help whoever he can when ever he can. He stays true to KSI and has shown an outstanding service while doing so.
  3. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FithAce 7 - (Co-Division Leader - FI/All squads) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This person in-particular has went out of his way to help people including myself when they are in their darkest hour. I had thought about leaving numerous times while I was in KSI and he always told me this, "If you don't like how something is, get to a rank high enough to change it." And that is what has kept me going. This member has also done a great job as a Co-Division Leader. He has approved many people access back into KSI, he has made every recruit brought in feel welcome and he has strived to get the FI Welcoming Committee back up to its top potential. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SillySquare - a.k.a KSI FithsFault (General - FI/Turbo) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33538-ksi-fithsfault/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This member has went above and beyond an active members status and has been trying to get everyone in our division involved. He has been hosting inter-divisional game nights, competitions, tournements, CPL challenges, and has even helped members get their name changed to KSI. He is doing an outstanding job for KSI and deserves this award. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ManOfSteele (4LT - FI/Octane) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37114-manofsteele/ Reasoning why they deserve this - After this member returned off of his LOA, no one in FI hardly knew him. He came back with a bang, he got people recruiting again, and wanted everyone to see that KSI if FUN and not just business all the time, he has been training the new recruits that appear on the RCT tag and has been there for anyone who needed someone to talk to. Everyone in Octane and most people in FI now know him and consider his a great friend and someone that the look up to. And this is why he deserves this award. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Magnus Kufar (CPL - FI/Octane) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37135-ksi-magnus-kufar/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Magnus has been through a lot of hard times in her life. But nothing in her life has ever slowed her down. In KSI, she has had her ups and downs but has never asked why this is happening or anything like that. She just pushes forward and never looks back. She has tried recruiting and love it, she has answered peoples questions when they've had them, and she knows so much about KSI and she is just a CPL. I cannot wait to see her as a SGT or higher. Magnus Kufar has earned and deserves this award!
  4. Name: KSI Warrior Ace Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32596-ksi-warrior-ace/ Award-/-Achievement: Good Karma Reason-/-Evidence: I currently have posted 209 posts on the forums and have a 195 reputation.
  5. I'm not entirely sure if I am allowed to witness on this award again but I will. Outstanding Service Lvl. 1: KSI FithAce 7 not only ran an entire division while KSI MFLSwagg 7 was away, but he made it 100% better, he went to the gens and the officers of every squad in that division, told them what he thought they should do to improve their squad and he has dedicated well over 90+ hours a week just to KSI. He runs about 3-4 game nights a week for OCTANE, and for himself just so members get involved and have fun. Also he welcomes every member equally, and I'm sorry but some 7's DO NOT. They say, "Welcome to KSI" and that's it. FithAce says, "Hello, My name is KSI FithAce 7. I am the Co-Div leader of FI. I see you're in (Squad name), have you met any of those members yet? If Not allow me to introduce you to them." He wants everyone who comes into KSI to feel at home and goes above and beyond the "FAMILY" concept in KSI. I can't tell you how many people, including myself, have talked to FithAce about problems that we have in our own lives because in our eyes he is a role-model. Most people in KSI don't have that. They play their games to escape the real world and to have some one to talk to like him, really makes everyone more open to others, more social, more polite, happier, and they overall have a positive attitude because they dont have that pain that they did before they talked to him. He tries his best to solve any and all problems a member may have. If someone runs out of live, he tries to either find someone who has live or he goes out and buys it from his own pocket oh and not to mention, that he has bought about 10 copies of COD Ghosts for anyone who has been active and then theirs breaks.
  6. KSI AtomicKwon has always been a helping hand in not only octane but for FI as a whole. He has hosted more then 15 CPL challenges where a CPL can get a name change by coming in first or last place so that everyone sees that KSI is not a skill based community. Also, when there were no CPL challenges in place he would take out of his own pocket to pay for a members name change when he thought they deserved it. When Octane was weak with active members and we only had great officers Atomic put into motion the "Member Recovery Operation" and tried getting members active again. During this time he bought about 2 or 3 cell phones for officers not including buying a Mic and Xbox for a close friend in FI. He is a great helping hand and this is only a few things he has done. If I were to explain them all, we would be on here all day and night lol Thank You for your consideration in my Former GEN and Great Friend, KSI AtomicKwon
  7. I witnessed for ya bud. sorry but heck I couldn't think of anything good to say


  8. KSI Azrael 7 deserves this award due to his outstanding record in KSI. He has been in for almost as long as anyone still around. He has always made himself available to every member in KSI whether they are in his divisions that he is over or not and he puts in well over 100+ hours a week. Without a doubt he deserves this award. Along with serving maximum hours in KSI activities he has also taken on new challenges as they become available. He helped host some games in spirit week as did many others, however, he never asked for anything in return, so he took time out of his day to be with his family. When I join KSI. I knew maybe 4 people. One of which was KSI Azrael 7. I didn't know him well, but nevertheless I knew who he was. He never announced himself as a "7" and he stayed humble throughout our entire conversation. He didn't have to talk to me or introduce me to more members within my division to make me feel welcome but he did and because of him I am here in KSI today. Thank you for your time and consideration of KSI Azrael 7
  9. Aussie,

    I know you don't know me, to be honest, I don't really know you that well either. But I wanted you to know that you have made a HUGE impact on my life and many others lives as well. 

    I was in the military for a while and I had a great friend that I will never forget, his name was Thomas. Me and him were practically brothers, inseparable. One day we were in the market in Kuwait and we were ambushed. I had my back to a crowd of people and Thomas saw a guy with a gun and pushed me down behind the counter. The guy opened fire and was joined by four others. Thomas gave his life to save mine... I will never forget that. We had an unbreakable bond. 

    I know you know a good friend of mine, KSI FithAce73. Well bud, he is a CO-Div leader. and now he is known as KSI FithAce 7! He has told me a lot about you. He says that you and I would get along. I will meet you one day. 

    Chris and you are like brothers, just like Thomas and I were. I want you to know that you are missed. I have never known you and I miss you man. You are KSI. There is no one better.

    See you one day,

    Joshua E. (KSI Warrior Ace)

  10. We miss ya bud. Can't wait for you to be able to play with the community again. See you soon!

  11. 1. Helping hand- When it comes to FithAce, the phrase helping hand is a HUGE understatement. No one has helped out more people that FithAce. He always volunteers to help people. Octane doesn't have anyone with a strong enough connection to host game nights, and he has volunteered to host both of our game nights Monday and Friday every week. He takes time out of his day to just help out anyone who needs it and he has truly gone above and beyond a helping hand! 2. Outstanding service (Lvl. 1)- KSI FithAce 7 has not only been a helping hand and role model in KSI, but while doing so he has delivered an outstanding service. He has always done above and beyond his act of duty, he makes everyone feel welcome when they are nervous about joining KSI, and goes the extra mile to introduce them to people who he thinks they will get along with. He dedicates just around 93 hours a week. which is crazy. If he doesn't deserve this award, then I don't know who does. He enjoys what he does and always thinks about the members of KSI before himself. Thank you for your consideration. KSI Warrior Ace
  12. Name: KSI Warrior Ace Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32596-ksi-warrior-ace/ Award-/-Achievement: Head Hunter Reason-/-Evidence: I have lead the Head Hunters and the two Tac Teams in OCTANE FI for over 3 months. -------> A 7 that can validate this is KSI FithAce 7. I took over the head hunters team and tac teams from him when he was promoted to a 7.
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