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KSI Vayaqui

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KSI Vayaqui last won the day on April 16 2016

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    KSI Vayaqui
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  1. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FithAce 7 (Founder - FI/All FI Squads) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - FithAce deserves this award because he is such a great leader and an amazing person him and his wife as made such a differents in my opinion in KSI that will never be forgotten. fithace will go out of his way to help anyone with anything cause we are his family. fithace has help me so much an I hope one day I can repay him. and even thou he is so busy with 7 work he still comes to meeting and plays with us a game night he is truly represents the meaning of KSI. and that's why fithace 7 deserves this award. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI AtomicKwon (General - FI/Octane) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31572-ksi-atomickwon/ Reasoning why the deserve this. Atomic is such a good person and such a good leader. the wisdom that he has is amazing I am true blessed and honored to have him has FI GEN. even thou he has a full time job a wife and 5 kids he still gets on everyday to play and lead us. Atomic has held his composure through hard and trying times and is an inspiration to all of us and all of are recruits. that's why I believe that atomic deserves the award Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Warrior Ace (4th CPT - Octane FI) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32596-ksi-warrior-ace/ Reasoning why they deserve this award: WARRIOR ACE has impressed me hugely since I referred him. his leadership and determination to helping everyone in KSI is amazing. he make sure everyone is active and plays with everyone and make sure that all of are recruits feel welcome. he will be a very good GEN one of these days he is super active on the forums and get everyone in a good mood. I believe that warrior deserves this award. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xRisingTied ( 3rd Lieutenant - FI/Octane) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33982-ksi-risingtied/ Reasoning why the deserve this award: RISING TIED is one best friends in KSI he is so dedicated to KSI he is so involved in helping new recruit get welcome and is a true leader. he has such a big influence in my life and helping me stay active and keep pushing forward. he will be a great GEN SOMEDAY. he is also so active on forums and will continued to help all members in KSI. HE TRUELY DESRVES THIS AWARD thanks for being such a good friend.
  2. Thomas Rhett die a happy man such a good song
  3. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Fithace7 (Octane, FI, Co Founder) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30221-ksi-fithace-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Mr. and Mrs. Fithace7 are most dedicated KSI members I have ever meant, in my almost 3 months in KSI they have done some much work on the own time and if you had the pleasure to meet them you can tell how amazing and dedicated these people are. they well go above and beyond to help anyone of his family members (KSI) including me. I have had my struggles in life including addiction to gambling and because of Fithace 7 and the man up stairs I haven't feed into my addiction since 2/10/16. He and his wife have lived by the code of conduct and has embraced the true meaning of KSI Knowledge Strength and Integrity Octane FI and all of its members have are thrilled to see Fithace 7 promoted to Co-Founder. And one of the most important thing fithace 7 has done Is made us a promise and said even though I am a 7 I am still here I will never abandoned you guys and since he has been a 7 even though all the responsibility he has he make sure he is on everyday playing with us coming to gamenight and to are weekly meetings. in my mind no one deserves this award more then him. General General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI AtomicKwon (Octane, FI, General) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34202-ksi-atomickwon1/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Atomickwon has put so many hours making sure that Octane FI run so smoothly even though he has a Full time Job and an wife and a newborn baby boy and a GEN he has never neglect anyone of those things I have list he give a hundred percent to KSI he has step to the plate and has keep his compose through the stress and is getting ready for a division/squad split. Atomickwon has so much wisdom its insane he talk and the wisdom sounds like a person who has been around for 500 years. he listen to anyone problems and goes above and beyond to ask how everyday is going. just like Fithace 7 he lives and breathes the code of conduct and embraces the true meaning of KSI. and in my mind Atomickwon deserves this award. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Chiefzay25 (Octane, FI, 3th Captain) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33114-ksi-chiefzay25/ Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Chiefzay25 one of close friends in KSI. the amount of time and energy he puts in KSI and his family is amazing and such wisdom he has just like KSI Atomickwon is amazing and Chiefzay25 is only 18!!! his knowledge and loyalty to his family is something I have seen in only a handful of people most of them that I am presenting today for awards. one day Chiefzay25 will be a successful GEN just like the people above him he lives the code of conduct he is the true meaning of a dedicated KSI member. \ LTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xRisingTied (3rdLT - FI, Octane)Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33982-ksi-xrisingties/ Reasoning why they deserve this - there is so many good things that I can say about KSI xRisingTied. to start he is my brother he has always had my back and I will always have his back even if that means putting my rank on the line. sunday when we had are meeting and atomickwon told him to change his clan tag and motto I almost cried because I know how much he deserved to be rank up to a LT position he is one of the most active LT on the forums today he is also so young but has so much knowledge and heart and he embrace everyone with that everyday he will doing anything for his family. he has put some much time into learning what he can do for KSI and he lives the code of conduct. he is one of the nice person you will ever meet. and in my mind no LT deserves this award as much as he does.
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