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KSI Nasr89

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Everything posted by KSI Nasr89

  1. Name: KSI Da Chozen 1 -/- Major -/- Siege LS Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...si-da-chozen-1/ Award-/-Achievement: KSI Mentor, Master Recruiter, Trainer, Member assistance Reason-/-Evidence: He is a recruiting and training powerhouse in KSI.
  2. hahaha im sorry about the punctuation... i just had had to blow steam and to finally put my foot down on one aspect of ksi that i thaught was apauling.
  3. im also tired of seeing awards handed as a popularity contest to and this will make it not be that way for one... i bust my butt for KSI i dont ask much just for peeople to do their jobs... and for me to say this from a person on the outside lookin in a window its about time we get somthing that multiple people can hold or win or watever not the same
  4. even then we dont have to keep it something that has a banner to go with it but even then it gets people to get drawn together to support something but it takes away from all this deragitive crap about the pink list thing and kinda tired of just people getting cruddy with one another but having somthing that is a touchy subject to some peoples hearts it should bring poeple forward bring interaction up with them and it pushes for something good and they can show they support it
  5. Senior Leader of the Month -* Director of the Month -*KSI Shido7 has had a great turn around since i first met him seems like hes become more active Division Leader of the Month -*KSI Metalhead7 has been able to run a div even with having hight obsticles co overcome Co-Division Leader of the Month -*KSI Codin 777 has not just been there for his div but for others as well Founder of the Month -* Co-Founder of the Month -* General of the Month -*KSi Reflex VII has been able to show that with low numbers he can still over come and cause a split Major of the Month -* KSI Precursor hes a new general as of 2 days ago but without his help as a major KSI Reflex would have not been able to strive as fast and hes eager as anything to get into his new job and responsibilities Captain of the Month -* Lieutenant of the Month -* Forum Staff of the Month - * Writer of The Month -* Member of the Month -* Top Recruiter of the Month -*KSI Da Chozen 1 hes been on top of his game with as usual 10 or more recruits a month and this month hes out done it with at least 15 posts of new recruits on my mailbox on XBOX and now its his time to shine
  6. why dont we make in not really a givin tag but more or less a thing that is aplied for or who wants it for example some one whos family member or something that has cancer that they can aply for it they can do an plication wit a short story they can rep it for example in halo with pink armor and in black ops theyre gamer card but we would have to figure out mw3
  7. i want to suggest the pink listing be changed to retrospect breast cancer or even cancer awareness. i feel the way its used now strongly goes against the code of cunduct
  8. Co-Founder of the Month:KSI Nasr89 General of the month: KSI Reflex VII Major of the Month: Captain of the Month:KSI Da Chozen 1 Lieutenant of the Month:KSI Fatal Member of the Month:
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