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KSI Adrenal1ne

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About KSI Adrenal1ne

  • Birthday 05/11/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Virginia
  • Interests
    Family, friends, gaming, IT work, traveling, etc!
  • Gamertag
    KSI Adrenal1ne
  • Date Recruited
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  • Division
    ES Eternal Souls
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  1. I would like to nominate Tex for this aware. After I ranked higher within KSI, she mentored me and has always been there to support me and guide me through my promotions. She has always been there to explain and answer any question I had about something. So she truly deserves this award.
  2. Co-Founder: KSI Metatron 7 - Banshee ES http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33964-ksi-metatron-7/ (Old profile is no longer available) There's a lot about him, that you can say. I just don't know where to start. Besides working all the time and I do mean all the time (24+ hours a day), He's always checking in on his squad. No matter how long he has worked, he's has always been there when we needed him. He checks in with every one just to make sure they're doing well and that they don't have any unanswered questions or concerns. He's molded an amazing staff for Banshee as well! I thoroughly have enjoyed working along side this man! So I dominate KSI Metatron 7! This man is leaving some big shoes to fulfill as he moves up rank within KSI. Captain - KSI TexasAngel - Banshee ES) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33988-ksi-texasangel/ (Old profile isn't available) Again, there is so much that can be said about KSI TexasAngel. She's wasn't just my mentor but she's my goto person for just about everything, along with everybody elses within Banshee. There hasn't been a time that I've not seen her there to answer a question for anybody within Banshee. If you ask me, she's the backbone of Banshee. She is another one that devotes her time to make sure Banshee is ran smoothly and in a proper manor. Keep it up! You're another one that's leaving HUGE shoes to fill as you progress up the ranks! Thank you for everything you have done and are doing.
  3. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - General - ES/Banshee - KSI Metatron Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33964-ksi-metatron/ - Old link to his deleted account due to forums outage is http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24559-ksi.metatron/ Reasoning why the deserve this - For starters, he has always been on point and on key when I have needed help or answers to something. He has always had a positive attitude, personality and has always been supportive. There hasn't been a time where I've seen him not greet a member or new recruit. He has the attitude, leadership and strength any general should have! One of the nicest guys you can ever meet as well! LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Lieutenant - ES/Banshee - KSI TexasAngel Link to forums account - The forums has deleted her profile, so I cam unable to give you a direct link to her profile. Reasoning why they deserve this - Besides her contagious personality and laughter, her kindness is a killer. She is friendly with everybody she comes in meet with. She has stayed by my side and one heck of a mentor. She has answers to everything I've ever asked and if she didn't, it would only take minutes for her to find the answers out. I haven't met anybody as well, that has not had anything but nice things to say about her. So I nominate her as LT of the month!
  4. Congratulations to all of the "OTY" winners!
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