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KSI Gatyr

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KSI Gatyr last won the day on September 18 2022

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About KSI Gatyr

  • Birthday 12/15/1999

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Writing music and listening to music
  • Gamertag
    KSI Gatyr
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KSI Gatyr's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Gatyr @KSI Asmodeus Award: new member certified Evidence: hosted workshop by KSI Shootah Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Shootah
  2. Workshop: Recruiting workshop attendance: @BlueWolfMoon evidence: WD Activity log host: @KSI StarFire co host: @KSI Asmodeus
  3. Gamertag/Forums Name: @KSI DarkWolf281 award: Recruiting workshop evidence: WD Activity log person who ran the workshops: KSI Satyr
  4. What can I say I claim @KSI Sassyto be one of my mentors she has always been an amazing mentor from the first day we met she’s always showed me how to be quick on my feet and she is one of the many people who has shown me not to let people get to me she’s always trying to help whoever she can and it definitely shows that she can be a mentor to anyone
  5. @Loyalty Paradox thanks for the heads up I always forget about that but I’ll go with call of duty
  6. Name: @KSIChewbacca Award-/-Achievement: Round of Applause and friendly award Reason-/-Evidence: i have over 20 awards on the forums and I have won 3 of the day
  7. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIPineapple (gen WD/Samurai) Link to forums account - @KSI Mamatank Reasoning why the deserve this - this person honestly deserves it because she goes above and beyond for her squad even when she’s having a bad day or busy with something she’s always there for whoever needs her she gets home from work and gets right on the Xbox to hang out with everyone and I’ve heard this countless of times but she’s always been told that she feels either like a mother to someone or a friend and no matter how you look at her she will always make you feel like family Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harmony Link to forums account - @KSI Harmony Reasoning why they deserve this - ever since she hit CPT she’s been on top of everything she gets with as many people as she can everyday and whenever a situation needs dealt with she’s there for the person she’s always making People laugh even when she was a LT she even acted like a CPT just being on top of everything so she definitely deserves this award SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Tiberius Link to forums account - @KSI Tiberius 194 Reasoning why they deserve this - man oh man this guy he’s probably the most active SSGT I’ve seen in a long time this guy he could come home from a long day at work and he will still hop on to hang out with people even if he doesn’t have the game he still hangs out in the parties and he’s always making people’s day and everyday he’s still learning on what he can do everyday and I find that fantastic someone who tries to learn everyday and someone who makes people’s day everyday
  8. Recruiting workshop host: KSIChewbacca 4/6/22 award: Recruiting workshop attendance: KSI Harmony KSI VALI 7 KSI Mamatank
  9. Marine support R6 Siege Army Support @KSI MercX
  10. Gamertag: KSIChewbacca Link to Forums Account: @KSIChewbacca Award: Legen-, Ripple effect, on point, Forums Newb Reason/Evidence: I don’t have a reason just seen I qualified for the awards but if proof is needed I can provide it
  11. Fav team: Washington commanders fav player: Sean Taylor
  12. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI Mamatank Samurai Gen Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33945-ksi-mamatank/ Reasoning why the deserve this - there’s is so much I can say for this person but no matter who you are when you jump into her party she will make you feel like family even if she just got home from a long day of work she will check on everyone before going to bed she’s always having everyone back Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI KeenerCPT Samurai Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/17849-ksi-keener/ Reasoning why they deserve this - this guy is a information machine he gets with as many people as possible and whenever it comes to looking for something he jumps right on it without making you wait LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI Harmony Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26208-ksi-harmony/ Reasoning why they deserve this - whenever something needs to get done she jumps right on it whenever someone needs something done she drops whatever she’s doing and goes and handles it she’s always making people feel welcomed
  13. Recruiting workshop award: recruiting workshop 3/9/22 hosted: KSIChewbacca @KSI Celebi @MissMadDog20 @KSI Tiberius @KSI Victory @KSI xD34THx
  14. Basic training workshop 2/19/22 hosted: KSI Kratos attendance: KSI Victory
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