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Vort3x last won the day on February 25 2024

Vort3x had the most liked content!

About Vort3x

  • Birthday 02/10/2000

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Worcester Ma
  • Interests
    Football/Basketball/My Daughter/Video Games/Family
  • Gamertag
    Just Me Vort3x
  • Date Recruited
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  • Division
    Retired FI/ Currently CS
  • Rank/Title

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. @Vort3x award -here to stay reason -i didnt get it i have the requiements
  2. Your gamertag and forums name: KSI Vort3x @Vort3x The person receiving the Valentine's Shout Out' Gamertag and forums name: KSI AZRAEL 7 @KSI Azrael 7 Valentine's message: Keep Up The Amazing Work The New Oblivion Has So Much Love For You❤️❤️‼️ evidence sent to him and tagged on x
  3. Gamertag @Vort3x award - Here to stay and ill have award hobbyist after i get these staff award- r6 siege
  4. Gamertag @KoG Miist award - recruiting, basic training, forums , rank structure , advanced training, cap workshop Evidence - Hosted by me
  5. Gamertag @KSI Donald Trump @KSI Kman Award -Forums , Rank Structure, Advanced Training Evidence - Hosted by me
  6. @KSI Unicron 7 Recruiting Certifed , Basic Training, forums, rank structure, advanced training I hosted it
  7. Gamertag - KSI VORT3X forum name- @Vort3x award- birthday evidence the 10th is my bday which is tomorrow and I sent to Az
  8. Gamertag / Forums Name @KoG Miist Award Recruiting Certifed Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) i hosted it
  9. @Vort3x Award : Three Cheers staff award - GTA because i didnt get it the last time Evidence: I have 34 awards
  10. KSI KMAN @KSI Kman Recruiting Certified , basic training Host: KSI Vort3X Evidence: I hosted the Workshops
  11. KSI MEN IN BLACK @Jahki Recruiting Certified , basic training Host: KSI Vort3X Evidence: I hosted the Workshops
  12. Gamertag/Forums Name - @Vort3x Awards - Forums Newb , People Magnet, FreshMeat, Rising Star, Getting Popular, Well Known, grand theft auto Evidence- Just check my forums and i never knew these awards existed
  13. Still think about you 🥺Long live you 

  14. Gamertag/Forums name: @Just Me Vort3x Award: New Member Certified Evidence: KSI Azrael 7 Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Azrael 7
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