GeneralGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI POLARB34R (General - Hypnos LW)Link to forums account - Polarb34r works his butt off as general. He does what he has to for the squad no matter what that entails. He is an awesome leader for HYPNOS and we are all glad to have him.
Co-FounderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Starset 7 (Co-Founder - LW)Link to forums account -
Reasoning- Starset 7 does whatever he can for HYPNOS and he helps anyone of us who asks for it. He is an awesome leader and is so kind to all of us.
CaptainGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Mamab34r (HYPNOS - LW)Link to forums account -
Reasoning- Mamab34r has worked her butt off since she got in a captain position. She has done all of her duties plus some. She takes care of HYPNOS like we are her babies. We all love her!!