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Everything posted by KSIGUARDIAN

  1. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Team Captain: KSIGUARDIAN Division: WD Teammate: TwiZdedSistR Division: WD Teammate: Perez307 Division: N/A Teammate: xxPR0xBEANxx Division N/A
  2. Name: KSI Hatter 7 Forum: @KSI Hatter 7 Award: Outstanding Service level 1 Reason: Even though I can only speak from the discord side of things, Hatter has always been active and faithful in supporting and promoting unity and team cohesion. She makes doing the impossible look easy, and pushes her squad to be better, especially in events like the past fall classic. I believe she is deserving of this award.
  3. LT KSI Hatter 7 (LT / Trocity LS) Link to forums account @KSI Hatter 7 Reasoning why they deserve this: KSI Hatter has continually gone above and beyond the call of duty for her squad and division even while wrestling with personal life issues. Hatter has put in significant effort and vested interest in seeing her squad succeed during spirit week. She's taken her role as news and history very seriously and put in long hours to make sure her information is both accurate and exciting. She's a truly deserving OTM in my opinion.
  4. December has consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty in his position. He is always putting the squad first and ensuring that our members are safe and welcomed. December successfully juggles full time work and his duties in his rank while also constantly recruiting and pulling people together. When needing information December is always quick and courteous. I feel he is very deserving of this award.
  5. I'd also like to voice support for Hatter. She's been dedicated to KSI for as long as I've known her and always has acted in its best interest. Whether that was recruiting, encouraging, or answering questions about KSI related topics, Hatter has consistently shown dedication and support for KSI.
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