Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
Director, KSI MFLSWAGG 7
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
The reason why Swagg deserves this award is because he's a hard worker and he has a lot of dedication to this community. I've known him ever since he was a Founder over in FI and he did great things over there. He has strong motivation for his members and is always there for them.
Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Ivy 7, Co-Division Leader, LW
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
The reason why Ivy deserves this award is because she has made this division do a complete 360 turn around. This division went completely inactive due to poaching from AOL, PFM, and LGU. She made sure that she brought activity up. I've worked with her ever since she came into my squad when she was a recruit #EclecticSoul99 lol she's an amazing leader and is always there for her members no matter the time of day. I couldn't have asked for a better Co-Div!
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Bixby 7
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
Bixby deserves this award because he is hardworking and is Wicked 7's right hand man in DM. He's the one that's always there to take care of all the bs situations and he makes sure he handles them right there before anyone leaves the party. He's an amazing problem solver and DM is so lucky to have him as a leader.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Gambit XX, General, DM, Titan
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Reasoning why the deserve this -
Gambit deserves this award because he's dedicated to his squad. He always has game nights with them and he always keeps the activity up with them. Whenever someone needs someone to talk to he's always there for them no matter the situation. He is going to make an excellent division leader one day.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Beelzebub 7, 2CPT, DM, Titan
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
The reason why Beetle Bob (lol) deserves this award because she's always there for Gambit whenever an issue arises, she's there to make sure Gambit doesn't have to step in and not a lot of Captains can do what she does for Gambit. Shes always there for the lower ranking members no matter what's going on in her personal life. She's gonna rise through the ranks again soon back to her old Founder position. You're doing an amazing job Beelzebub 7!
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI xTheKing 7, Co-Division Leader, DR
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
The reason why Fatality (TheKing 7) deserves this is because he's an amazing listener. He's always been there for me & everyone that he came across in this community. He currently is the division leader over DR, sure he doesn't hold the rank yet but he's running that division. He brought that division back from the dead to a thriving Xbox 360 and Xbox One division.