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SRI BeheldX 3

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About SRI BeheldX 3

  • Birthday September 25

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  • Squad
    Void, Eclipse, Refuge, Apollo CE
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  • Rank/Title
    Lots of ranks....

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  1. The idiots who think they know what theyre doing... what has this place come to?

  2. I am BeheldX. I own you. Get use to it.

  3. I am BeheldX. I own you. Get use to it.

  4. Zohan truly is one of the greatest leaders i have ever seen here in KSI. He would do absulutely anything to better this community, no matter at what cost to him. I have seen Zohan do countless things that no others would do to help even one member alone. Many times, Zohan has given members pep talks to keep them positive and many, many times he has kept even me from just giving up and leaving. He truly is the only reason that i am still here. Zohan has single-handedly saved Refuge/Eclipse/Void and even other squads many times with his recruiting and leadership skills that i have seen no other possess. I remember the day he was first recruited into KSI and at the time, many of us thought that he wouldnt last long or wouldnt be a good member... Boy, werent we completly wrong. Zohan, by far, is one of KSI's greatest assets and is HIGHLY deserving of this award. I cant think of anyone who is more deserving.
  5. I can witness for member assistance for i have been in several lobbys/partys where this member was helping out others with questions or problems they had.
  6. Ive seen alot... Ive been through alot of hardships... Ive thought of just giving up and quiting many times... But after i thought about it, i realized how stupid id be to leave my family here... the only people who truly care for me... The only people who actually accept me... Thank you KSI. :)

  7. Ive seen alot... Ive been through alot of hardships... Ive thought of just giving up and quiting many times... But after i thought about it, i realized how stupid id be to leave my family here... the only people who truly care for me...

  8. The ORIGINAL Beheld is back :)

  9. I like tacos. But of course, only on taco nights. Duhh

  10. Physical nor Mental torture can hurt me anymore. You may try all you want, but only to be laughed in the face. I am imune to any and all things now; all i am is a neverending blackpit of bottled up emotions from all your bs. The next path for me should have been insanity, but no, i refuse to give in. No one can break me, and I mean NO one. Many have tried, all whom have failed. I am BeheldX.

  11. Physical nor Mental torture can hurt me anymore. You may try all you want, but only to be laughed in the face. I am imune to any and all things now; all i am is a neverending blackpit of bottled up emotions from all your bs. The next path for me should have been insanity, but no, i refuse to give in. No one can break me, and I mean NO one. Many have tried, all whom have failed. I am BeheldX.

  12. Reasons I witness: Oh where to start... Just by joining Zohans partys, you can tell he's lost any bit of sanity in just 2 minutes. He will go from super calm to screaming at people in the snap of your fingers. He loves to talk himself through things and he seems to really have to attempt to make sense sometimes. If you think that the screaming woman at the sane asylum is insane, you have obviously not met Zohan yet.
  13. I can certainly witness for this award. (KSI VOID AV 1CPT)
  14. Physical nor Mental torture can hurt me anymore. You may try all you want, but only to be laughed in the face. I am imune to any and all things now; all i am is a neverending blackpit of bottled up emotions from all your bs. The next path for me should have been insanity, but no, i refuse to give in. No one can break me, and I mean NO one. Many have tried, all whom have failed. I am Beheld, the ultimate...

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