KSI Sycdan 7 Founder TI
The reason he deserves this award is cause he stepped up to the plate on a short notice... He has been a great founder... He makes sure everyone in all squads are set... He really takes care of all his squads... Even when he didn't have a X1 he still kept check on Cyanide and was there for us when we needed him
GEN: KSI CrazyFTW Gen Cyanide TI
I believe he deserves this reward cause as soon as he became Gen he really supported us in all we do... He has stood by our sides as we have been threw so much as a squad... He encourages us to get there and give it our best... I have no problem at al being his right hand man...
CO Founder
KSI CyanKnight 7 Co Founder TI
I feel she deserves this award for the following reasons... She kept working hard to get where she is now... Eventhough she works she still finds time to be with her division... She is very inspirational... She is a type of person that I wouldn't be afraid to stand beside her in all she does for her division and for KSI.
Member KSI xpineapple GEN LW Goliath
I feel that this person deserves this award due to the fact of... She is great at running her squad... She has brought Goliath so far... She makes sure that they have her undivided attention when they need it... Overall she works her hind end off to do what's best for her squad and other squads in her division...