Name/ Gamertag: KSI Mpliers 7
Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Director
Category Nominating for: Director
Forums Profile Link:
Reasons I feel this member should receive this award:
Mpliers has always been one to help people. If you had a question about anything like the forums, he would always answer. I've known him for a liltte while now and he has always there. You can always go to him count on him when you need help with something.
Name/ Gamertag: KSI Bandit 777
Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Division Leader
Category Nominating for: Division Leader
Forums Profile Link:
Reasons I feel this member should receive this award:
Bandit deserves this award. Strong amazing learder for all KSI. She is hard working so hard, to hard, a great role model to have. She's there to help, awesnwer any questions. Never turning away a person who wants to learn more. Has help so many to grown in KSI including myself. A ture learder an inspiration to us all.
Name/ Gamertag: Captain: KSI Kara
Current Rank/ Title in: General
Category Nominating for: Captain
Forums Profile Link:
Reasons I feel this member should receive this award:
Kara has always been one to help people out. If you have idea and quesions she is there. She would always answer them as best she could. Firm but extremely kind to all. Turly cares about our squad and others. High hopes for all and inspires all to succeed.
To all nominees fantastic job.
We look up to you, we call to you.
You stand tall, you answer.
For that I thank you all!