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KSI Widow 7

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KSI Widow 7 last won the day on December 31 2017

KSI Widow 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Widow 7

  • Birthday 04/08/1999

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Widow 7
  • Date Recruited
    07-23-15 - 07/18
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    KSIDemonicWidow #3096
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  1. ^ shes mean

    1. KSI Widow 7

      KSI Widow 7

      :O woooooowww.  I don’t mean too... my phone just has mediocre storage XD

    2. Awoken Lucifer
  2. itsaaalive


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      <_<....answer yo dusckesorrrd

    3. KSI Widow 7

      KSI Widow 7

      Ooofta.... deleted that a while ago hahahah

    4. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      butt how you we meant to do meme wars

  3. With all nominations comes reasons and facts. KSI December 77 has been part of the News and History Department for some time, and I have had the pleasure of getting to know him as a friend, as well as getting to know his professional side. Being part of clan-ops, an editor within the News and History Department, and handling real life, December has always pushed himself to the highest potential. He has gone above and beyond in multiple ways. For example, this years spirit week, December was on top of the recaps, and made sure to check in on everyone else who helped. December is an inspiration to all of those around him. Sometimes you meet people in life who just have that spirit and way about them that helps motivate those around them. December is definitely that type of guy. Not only that but he pushes those around him to do their best. As humans we need a fellow friend to help realize that we can do more than we believe, and December is definitely one of those human beans. He has a hard work ethic, and great communication skills. IF he can't get his stuff done he finds a way to get it done, or asks for help. Which is a valued trait these days. December also has great leadership skills. He is always looking for new ways to get the KSI community involved, as well as other members within our department. He is a kind soul that knows how to get things done, and knows what to do afterwards. He truly is an amazing asset to this community and deserves this award 110%. There could be a list of factual evidence that could support my statement. (Sorry my laptop died. Addition info.) December even went above and beyond and created a workshop for our authors in our department. As leaders we all have roles that we need to fulfill and are required to fulfill, but it is those great leaders that go outside of their roles to help those around them, that truly become a leader. December does this in multiple ways whether it’s in clan-ops, or in our departments. December is constantly getting involved in community activities and inspires others to do them as well. He is an inspiration and someone I’m proud to call my friend. He deserves this and more for all of his hard work and dedication to KSI and the members within.
  4. Welcome to the Monthly Spotlight award nominations once again!!! Here, you can nominate people you feel should be recognized for their work. Remember, this program directly highlights only two categories; Member and 7. Winners will be interviewed by the News/History team as a Member Spotlight. Rules: 1. No favoritism should be posted. ex. I like this person and they should get the award. 2. No self-nominations. 3. Always include your reasoning as to why this person deserves the award. 4. You must meet the minimum post count in order to be eligible to participate. (40 posts) 5. Include both of your nominations in the same post, do not post multiple times. 6. Please only make one nomination per category. The breaking of any of these rules will lead to your nominations being disqualified. Categories explanation: Member - includes all members of KSI General rank or lower, any department member, and mini forums mods. 7 - includes all 7s in KSI, co-founder and higher, department heads, senior forums mods and admins. Please follow the guideline below: ========================== Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - ========================== Categories: Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - ==========================
  5. Facts, where shall I begin? True is not only an amazing friend but is one of the greatest leaders within this community. No bias included. This year has been a bit all over the place, but True has stuck true to herself and those around her and has pulled through all of the crap. She is a true inspiration to our news and history team, and has been since she joined. I am going to start out with the technical stuff. True has helped grow and expand the history and news team, that is obvious to the eye of everyone. The news team last year was hanging on by a thread, and with her help and guidance, as well as her never stopping despit the odds of everything, the team has become one of the best teams within this community. We have members from every division eager to join, and without her we wouldn’t be able to pull off as much as we have. There are multiple aspects within the News team that True has gone above and beyond in. She has made guidebooks for our team members, and has helped even if she is busy. True has also helped contribute a lot to the activity on the forums with our SYTYCW, which has burst into life these past couple of months. Not only has she excelled in the department area of KSI, but also from the Clan Ops side of things. I am not personally within her division or squad, but I have observed and heard great things from those who work with her. She is strong, independent, and pushes others to try there best. Recently, I was in a party as she promoted one of the members within the squad. It was truly fascinating. Being in this community for 4 years now, I’ve never seen someone so passionate and eager to helping members become knowledgeable about KSI. She is friendly, and she can be blunt. However that does not stop her from doing what needs to be done and so much more. She he is beyond deserving of this award, and I think we all know this. She can be a chicken nugget sometimes, but we all have been there, so... i could write a book on how much True has done this past year and it’s absolutely blow your mind. She is great in all aspects of leadership and continue to challenge herself and others. Her actions are factual evidence of how much she cares, works, and influences those around her within this community. I am extremely proud of her and how far she has come and accomplished
  6. Welcome to the Monthly Spotlight award nominations once again!!! Here, you can nominate people you feel should be recognized for their work. Remember, this program directly highlights only two categories; Member and 7. Winners will be interviewed by the News/History team as a Member Spotlight. Rules: 1. No favoritism should be posted. ex. I like this person and they should get the award. 2. No self-nominations. 3. Always include your reasoning as to why this person deserves the award. 4. You must meet the minimum post count in order to be eligible to participate. (40 posts) 5. Include both of your nominations in the same post, do not post multiple times. The breaking of any of these rules will lead to your nominations being disqualified. Categories explanation: Member - includes all members of KSI General rank or lower, any department member, and mini forums mods. 7 - includes all 7s in KSI, co-founder and higher, department heads, senior forums mods and admins. Please follow the guideline below: ========================== Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - ========================== Categories: Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - ==========================
  7. Welcome to the Monthly Spotlight award nominations! We are back for another go!! Here, you can nominate people you feel should be recognized for their work. Remember, this program directly highlights only two categories; Member and 7. Winners will be interviewed by the News/History team as a Member Spotlight. Rules: 1. No favoritism should be posted. ex. I like this person and they should get the award. 2. No self-nominations. 3. Always include your reasoning as to why this person deserves the award. 4. Include both of your nominations in the same post, do not post multiple times. The breaking of any of these rules will lead to your nominations being disqualified. Categories explanation: Member - includes all members of KSI General rank or lower, any department member, and mini forums mods. 7 - includes all 7s in KSI, co-founder and higher, department heads, senior forums mods and admins. Please follow the guideline below: ========================== Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - ========================== Categories: Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account or @ mention - Reasoning why they deserve this - ==========================
  8. KSI FREYA Write Right Award http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37287-ksi-freya/ ADsqueaksHD Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44838-adsqueakshd/ Proof for both:
  9. KSI Th3 Blaz3 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38451-ksi-th3-blaz3/ KSI BadKitty 7 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40631-ksi-badkitty-7/ KSI Skarzx 77 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42869-ksi-skarzx-77/ Evidence for all: http://www.ksiglobal.org/sytycw-thanksgiving-winners/
  10. Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI Impyyy 7 Link to Forums: @impyyy Reasons: Where shall I begin? Impyyy has been an influence to the community as a whole. No matter the problems he encounters, he always manages to pull through. That being said, this year Impyyy has been a great influence on the News and History team. He is one of the main reason we still are a team. I know a couple years ago, when I first joined the team, it was a bit whacky. Over the past couple of years, it has improved greatly. Not only is Impyy's presence in the News and History Department, but also within all of the departments. To be honest, I don't know what our departments would have been like without him. He is a hard worker, and is always promoting and encouraging others to be active throughout the community. He is one of the greatest leaders I know, and deserves to be acknowledged for all the hard work he has put into this community. Department Head Gamertag: KSI True 7 Link to Forums: @True 7 Reasons: Where do I even begin? I have worked in the News and History team with True for almost 4 months. The work that she puts in, is absolutely amazing. True is very strong leader, and she has a busy outside life as well. With that being said, she still puts 100% into our team, and it is truly inspiring. True is active in both web-ops and clan-ops, which is one of the reasons why she is so great. She has a billion places to be, yet she still has managed to hold our team together. Running this team is not the easiest thing in the world. You've got to do a lot. But working with True has been an honor. She makes the department fun, and is always challenging us to do our best, and more. Not only that, but she is a great mentor as well. If I were to have a question about anything, I would feel comfortable asking her. Even if it was a slightly odd, or non-relevant question. I have learned so much from True as well. I have learned, that sometimes commas are a bad thing. I have learned that excerpt isn't spelled, like it is pronounced. I have learned, that as a leader, some decisions are hard. I am truly thankful for all the hard work that True puts into helping the team. Both as individuals, writers, and leaders. The News and History team is a better place since her influence. I'm glad that she came along to help revive the team. My path in life has changed recently and I felt a little uneasy. Since joining the News and History team, I have grown more than I thought I could, and it's all thanks to True. This team has kept me grounded these past couple of months, and have helped me more then they could know. But if it hadn't been for True, I don't think I would have been as successful in the department. Her excitement when she accepted me into the team, to her advice and critiques, to her stories, I would not be the person I am today without her. True deserves this recognition and so many others for the work she has put in this year, and past years. She is a true inspiration, and a representation of what KSI is, and how the leaders within it are. I am proud to call her my mentor, and I am honored to work beside her in this department. She is absolutely amazing at what she does. I don't have words to express how much recognition she deserves. Writer Gamertag: KSI Fallout Link to forums: @The Lone Wanderer Reasons: Where do I even begin? Fallout has been a huge asset to the Hews and History team! (Yes, I meant Hews by the way). This ranges from his multiple articles, to his willingness to help others, and to spreading the word. Fallout has grown as a writer in the past couple of months. This means he has taken into consideration the feedback we have given him. Fallout Is a true leader within this department, and I am proud of him to the fullest. Fallout has a busy life, and is part of multiple departments, and he still manages to write and help other members in the team. He takes action without being asked to, and I feel comfortable having him answer questions, when I am not available. Fallout has good time management skills, communication, and writing skills. On top of this, he has kept our history aspect of the team! History of KSI is extremely important. From this information, we gather knowledge on things that worked, and things that didn't. We wouldn't be fully updated today if it wasn't for Fallouts hard work. He is always energetic and enthusiastic about his work, and it makes our History aspect of the team thrive. He deserves the recognition of his hard work, as well as his growth.
  11. YARG PIRATE APRECIATION MONTH. :lol: walk theeee plaaaank..........>>>>>>points at impy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      O.o how do you play spot the dog?

      answer: you wait for it to fall asleep then you draw on it with a sharpie

    3. KSI Widow 7
    4. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      treat. wheres mah icecream!


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