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KSI OddBa11

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KSI OddBa11 last won the day on March 31 2018

KSI OddBa11 had the most liked content!

About KSI OddBa11

  • Birthday March 8

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Rutherfordton, NC
  • Interests
    Soccer, Battlefield, Guns, History, and supporting our troops and first responders
  • Gamertag
    KSI OddBa11
  • Date Recruited
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Contact Methods

  • Discord
    The OddBall#2224
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KSI OddBa11's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. Gamertag: KSI OddBa11 Forums Acct: @KSI OddBa11 Awards: Highest of fives/LGBTQ/Fresh meat/Raising Star/ Getting Popular/ Wellknown reasons: I have over 50 awards And I have been on the forums for over a year with more than 5,000 profile views
  2. I’m just here so hatter won’t fine me…. WD
  3. GT: KSI OddBa11 link:https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30438-ksi-oddba11/ awards: achievement noob achievement hunter proof: gained 1025g’s in January picture to big to fit as an attachment can find in the gamerscore leaderboard for Last month
  4. GT: KSI OddBa11 forums https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30438-ksi-oddba11/ Awards Gamerscore Rookie proof: Total GS of 79,816 forums novice proof: 272 posts in the forums
  5. GT/Forums name:KSI OddBa11/ @KSI OddBa11 Awards: Three cheers/awards hobbiest/veriithots/pull the lever crunk evidence: I have reached a total of 40 awards on my forums account
  6. Captain:KSI OddBa11 div:ES member: TiredCalico div:ES
  7. I would love to have A Modern Warfare 2v2 gunfight tourney
  8. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI OddBa11 Link to account: @KSI OddBa11 Award: Gamerscore master/Forums newb/Dedicaded/ three cheers Evidence: I have a Gamerscore of 56,875/ I have made over 100 posts on the forums/ I rejoined in October of 2016 marking my 3rd straight year in KSI in October of 2019/ with the three other awards I will have 30 awards to my account staff awards: The Elite/ Optic requiem/ Heart and soul/ Marines support
  9. General GT- KSI Barb7(Succubus ES) link- @KSI Barb130 Reason- Before her promotion to 7 last week Barb put her heart and soul into making Succubus into the best squad that she could make it into
  10. Team Captain: KSI OddBa11 div:ES member: KSI Calico div: ES
  11. Captain:KSI OddBa11 Div: ES Teammate:TiredCalico Div: ES Teammate: ZealousEqualty Div:ES
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