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KSI MuddyGirl 7

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KSI MuddyGirl 7 last won the day on February 2 2016

KSI MuddyGirl 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI MuddyGirl 7

  • Birthday 05/19/1992

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    helping others through problems, photography
  • Gamertag
    KSI MuddyGirl 7
  • Date Recruited
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    you'd have to ask for that

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  1. Hey everyone, 

    just letting everyone know i miss them!! Hope LW and all the other divs are doing great and picking back up again.

    You may see me back in the next couple months, once i have Jaxon and get settled with him! 

    my door is still open if you need to talk or have questions!! Have a great day!

  2. Ascend is the prime example of what a leader should be. He is beyond dedicated. Giving up valuable time with his wife and young kids, to be on xbox, inspiring and motivating the division and community as a whole. He has been faced with a lot of things, that some may not have been able to get thru, but ascend walked through the fire like it was nothing. Along with being motivating and inspiring, he also bring up new ideas. When headhunters was not doing so good and was getting boring he came up with the great idea of Suicide Squad. That was originally a team here in LW and everyone was pumped about it. Within just a few days there were a lot of people wanting to try out and really excited to have the time. Then ascend mentioned it to someone in another division, just while having a conversation, and it picked up everywhere. Everyone in numerous divisions was excited. They set up other teams with different names besides suicide squad. When the recruiting tournament was going on, there was a battle between 2 squads with the recruiting, ascend went a step further and about 2 weeks before the tournament ended, he placed a competition between Achilles and Hypnos. What would the winner get? A video of Ascend doing the running man challenge, the catch? the squad that won the competition would pick ascends whole outfit. What made all of this so great? He Stuck to his word. That is something Ascend has Always done. If he says he doing to do something, he does it. He is always there for everyone personal or KSI related. He has sat personally with me in a party for a good 2 hours just trying to help me. This was late at night and he could've gotten off and went and spent time with his family or went and played a game on the Xbox one, but he didn't. I have heard of him doing this way to many times to count for members. Since being a 7 i have really truly seen the dedication ascend has. When things got rocky when i was first a co-fo, ascend offered to take any tag he had to, (at this time he had the recruit tag as well) Still as a Division Leader, he offers to take tags and take the pressure off of the 7s below him. On top of his Clan Op ( Division Leader Duties) he always is in IA. Many times ascend has had to juggle problems needed to be handled as a div leader and IA issues, and he does it flawlessly. He is all in AAP. He ensures everyone below him is ready for positions and takes the time to get to know everyone. He sticks up and supports his staff and that to me is great. He has been involved in multiply squad splits. He also was a big help and factor in bringing Paladin back to life. He is the reason the division is where it is today. He has helped numerous people with names changes, Xbox live (myself included), prize for recruiting tournaments. He has even offered to send me his old XB1 when he gets a new one, so i can still be here in KSI as we move forward into more and more Xbox one squads. ( that right there alone is just simply amazing to me) To be honest, i could go on for awhile about KSI Ascend 7 and how he has gone above and beyond for not only this division but for all of KSI. Ascend is an outstanding person. He is reliable,dedicated,kind,fun person. He is someone to take notes from. He is someone I look up to as a leader. If i become half the leader Ascend is, i will be 100% happy. He deserves every amount of the award and i truly hope everyone notices what an amazing leader and person he is.
  3. i can witness to the fact that -KSI Philosophy was on the Samurai headhunters team,as I was general at that time!
  4. happy 4th Muddy!!!

    1. KSI MuddyGirl 7

      KSI MuddyGirl 7

      Happy 4th Pieboy 

      hope you had a great weekend:)

  5. i witness that KSI xBush 7 has trained 30+ even just his time here in LW, add in his time in ES and he is well over 30+
  6. Division - Legendary Warriors Team Captain Gamertag - KSI xPiinkHun3y Team Members Gamertags - KSI xPineapple KSI NEPTUNE KSIx NightStorm Alternate 1 - shades of STL Alternate 2 -
  7. Division: legendary warriors Xbox 360 or one: 360 Gamertag of map host: KSI xPineapple
  8. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Ascend 7 (Co-Division Leader- LW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-ascendinator-siete/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Where to begin, Ascend deserves this award first and foremost because of his hard work and dedication to not only LW but KSI as a whole. He is constantly throwing out new ideas and trying to mix things up so no one gets bored. Any time he possibly can he is interacting with LW members. His leadership skills are simply amazing. I, as well as many others, have learned so many things from ascend. He always takes every moment to teach and help the people looking up to him grow. Example is where there is a problem, he uses this also as a teaching tool, to teach others how to handle issues, what to do and not to do, and how to learn and grow from that experience. While ascend can be serious and make sure standards are followed, he is also the most down to earth guy I have met. He gets on your level when you are speaking to him and tries to understand every aspect of the situation. He also is very fun to be around. When just hanging out with him he is laid back, cracking jokes and just having fun. This shows others that the higher leadership is not “scary” or mean, this shows them that the division leader, while he may have to make decisions and pass out consequences, is also a down to earth, fun guy just like everyone else. I could go on for a while, but ill leave it at this, ascend has taught us so many things, I strive to be the leader he is. He is the prime example of how a leader should be, able to chill have fun and get to know everyone in the division, but when he has to he makes the necessary decisions for the division and member. He is calm, fun, caring, strict, down to earth, kind of guy. He makes sure everyone feels equal and appreciated. He inspires many people and I know he will continue doing so. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI xFatality 7 (Co-Founder- LW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16503-xfatality-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Fatality deserves this award because of his dedication and drive even through the tough times. He came back into KSI and helped bring a squad back from almost near death, to close to splitting. Fay is also helping bring Caesar back to life as their acting General. He is determined and focused. He takes advice, and adjust accordingly. He puts out new ideas and is not afraid to say his opinion in a discussion. While Fatality does have a strong leadership personality, he is also an amazing guy to talk to. He will talk to any member within LW about any issues, whether it is KSI related or personal issues. Fay upholds all the standards set forth here in LW. He recently started trying to get everyone in the division to know one another a lot more and have a friendly competition, by having squad battles every week. This is definitely a fun thing for everyone to do and come together as a family. Fay takes the family part of KSI and tries to expand it everywhere he possibly can. He is always reaching out to others in KSI to see if they need help in anyway or bring LW together with other Divisions, by having game nights with one another. Fay is just a chill, laid back guy with great leadership qualities. I have watched him grow a lot just since becoming a 7 in LW. The future holds big and great possibilities for him. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI xBush (General- LW/Paladin) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34058-ksixbush/ Reasoning why the deserve this – Bush is an outstanding General. When you first meet him, you would think he was very quiet and reserved, but he isn’t. Bush pays attention to his surroundings. He takes in information, and listens to what is going on around him and from there he tries to help the issues or problems that are going on in the moment. He strives for greatness. While he is very laid back, he knows how to talk to his members in such a way that they do not feel like they are being talked down to or “yelled “at. He talks to others in the same way he would want to be talked to. He is encouraging and showing appreciation for the officers and members within his squad. He is striving for, not only to keep squad activity up but to bring LW together more. Constantly setting up joint game nights, putting out new ideas, or even help tweak certain ideas we put out. Overall, he is doing a fantastic job. He has continued to build paladin up (now they are about to spilt). Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI MsKittyPaws (3CPT-LW/Samurai) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34208-ksi-mskittypaws/ Reasoning why they deserve this –MS Kitty is one of those people who never stops until she knows the job has been done correctly. The growth from this woman in such a short period of time has been amazing. She has really grown into a great leader. She never lets anything stop her. Bad days, personal stuff, and in the good days, she is always there ready to help the members in Samurai and even in other squads. She follows the KSI Standards as well as LW Standards and makes sure everyone not only knows these standards, but follows them as well. She makes sure she is involved with all members in the squad. She continues to help the growth of the squad by going out recruiting multiply times a week.She is constantly encouraging people to become officers, and to participate in more things within ksi (such as game nights, fun night, weekend warfare,etc.) She works very hard to ensure her replacements are where they need to be and that all officers have the correct information that they need and making sure they know their rank duties. While she is her own worst enemy when it comes to any mistakes, when someone else is talking to her and teaching her, she takes it in strides and uses that information to better herself. She has grown into a wonderful, caring leader. I am super excited to see what the future holds for her here in KSI. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI xRestless (3LT-LW/Samurai) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34455-ksi-xrestless/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Restless deserves this award because of her drive and fun personality. She brings something fun and new to the table within the officer staff. She has a laid back personality, but when it is needed she will 100% make the necessary decisions. She is not afraid to ask questions to strengthen her knowledge of KSI. She is also not afraid to speak her opinion when needed, or make suggestions to plans. When under pressure, she handles those situations very well and calm. Since day one of being in KSI her drive and will to learn everything she could about KSI and being an officer has been outstanding, and this has not changed about her.She is always looking for new ways to grow within her position. Restless is always one step ahead and thinking and planning ahead. She is always out trying to recruit and checking the recruit tag for anyone to get trained off. She is very involved with members in the squad. Always encouraging them to be active, participate in events and learn about the forums. She is just a fun person to be around. She loves to joke and have fun, which is always an amazing quality to have as an officer. Member Gamer tag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SekushiN3k0 (2CPT- LW/Caesar) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34149-ksi-sekushin3ko/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Neko deserves this award because hands down she is just an all-around amazing person. I am nominating her for member because her dedication for this community goes way past a rank. Neko has a heart of gold and that shows a lot within KSI. She loves helping anyone and everyone, but will stand her ground when the situation calls for her to do so. She protects and cares for members. Neko makes sure everyone has the correct information and is always sharing new information as she learns and grows herself. She is all about teamwork. She is constantly making sure everyone is working as a team, and if not she is 100% going to make sure they do. She is always trying to add to the growth of both squads she has been in. She was very dedicated to Paladin, but after her 360 broke, she moved over to our Xbox one squad. Her determination and drive only grew stronger, when she was moved into a squad that needed more help than the previous squad she was in. Neko is definitely a very strong leader. She has great communication and shows awesome leadership skills. I am super excited to see what’s in store for her next.
  9. Laffy, whats up 

    i was really taken back by the music on your profile .. lol :frantics:

    1. Lafayette 7

      Lafayette 7


      Not a ton, just hangin' out, ye know.

    2. KSI MuddyGirl 7

      KSI MuddyGirl 7

      hahah always fun!


      how did u get music on your profile anyway? 

  10. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Collector 7 (DIVISION LEADER-LW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24092-ksi-collector-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Collector deserves this award because he is very dedicated to his division. He is always looking and open to new ideas to help the division as a whole. He takes the time with everyone to help them grow and learn. While he can come off as stern he is very down to earth and love to just hangout and talk as well. All of these qualities make him a great division leader. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Ascend 7 (FOUNDER-LW) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-ksiascend7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ascend deserves this award because he is always On it! By i mean he is always right there along side up, helping us with any issues, talking through problems and helping resolve anything we may need help with. He has always kept a great connection with the officers, no matter what rank he is. His dedication is off the charts. He is always willing to listen and try to understand every aspect of a situation. He is a great mentor and friend to everyone. He is 100% setting an amazing path for leaders to follow. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MCMILLEN (2CPT-LW/SAMURAI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30190-ksi-mcmillen/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Mcmillen has come a long way since the first time i talked to him. He has grown into such an amazing leader. He is always calm but knows when to get down to business. He has stepped up alot these past few weeks. Making sure motivation is up, trying to get more people actively recruiting or getting cleared to recruit. Always setting forth goals for the squad and exceptions. He is always pushing forward. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MsKittyPaws (3LT-LW/SAMURAI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34208-ksi-mskittypaws/ Reasoning why they deserve this - MsKitty has come a far way since joining. When she first came into Samurai she was very shy and timid. She has over come some obstacles and has never let that stop her. She is ALWAYS willing to learn and ask questions. Her will to learn and pass that knowledge down is outstanding. She is constantly encouraging members in gamenights and workshops. She always makes sure to get her job done and then sees where else she could lend a hand. General: Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI EVILKathy ( GEN-LW/HYPNOS) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33945-ksi-evilkathy/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Kathy has really stepped up to the plate lately. She has set forth her exact goals and wants with hypnos, while still being there and having great communications. She is always active in everything that takes place within her squad. She leads by example by going out recruiting, holding game nights, and making sure the KSI standards are followed. Kathy is constantly expanding her KSI knowledge and making sure whatever she knows is passed through her squad as well. She has really opened up since becoming General. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DEADFJGHTER ( SGT- LW/SAMURAI) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31112-deadfjghter/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This guys goes above and beyond as a member here in KSI. He is always making sure people have correct information when in workshops and lending a helping hand in those workshops. If someone is having any kind of issue Deadfighter is always there to try and help. He has helped numerous members with xbox live, games or whatever else it may be. This guy has a heart of gold and truly looks at Samurai/KSI like his second family. He really shows everyone in Samurai that we are more than a gaming community. He always follows the KSI Standards set forth and will always makes sure the whole squad is doing so. He is hands some just a great guy and member here in KSI.
  11. Congrats on your big promotion moving on up 

    1. KSI MuddyGirl 7

      KSI MuddyGirl 7

      Thank you!! I truly appreciate it Capt.! 

  12. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Collector 7- ( Division Leader- LW) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24092-ksi-collector-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Collector deserves this award because he goes above and beyond for LW. He is always helping and giving advice to everyone in LW. Constantly making sure everyone is doing their job so the division can run smoothly. Collector goes above and beyond to make sure everyone in LW gets the KSI Experience they deserve. He is always ready to give the information needed , listen to any new ideas someone may have, as well as just have a laid back conversation and laugh. He is so involved with all the generals and up. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Ascend 7 ( Founder- LW) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-ksiascend7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Ascend by far deserves this award. He is an outstanding leader. He has a strong communication with every squad here in LW. No matter how busy being a founder may make Ascend, any free time he has, he is always down to play games with members in LW. He is a great teacher. He inspires so many people here in LW, to work hard and be amazing leaders. Ascend is deff. someone i, as well as many others, strive to be like as a leader. He sets a great example for everyone in LW. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bravo 7 ( Co-Founder- LW) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/27947-ksi-bravo-duck/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Bravo deserves this award because he is an outstanding co founder. He has a very stern way about him at first, but its all out of love for his squads. He will help anyone and answer any question that he is asked. He makes sure that everyone is Following C.O.C. He is working hard to make sure the “fun” part of KSI does not leave this division or community. Overall, Bravo, has amazing dedication to this community and Division. Always trying to improve and push the squads to be the best they can be. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Racoon- LW/ Samurai Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29468-ksi-racoon/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Racoon has come so far as an officer. He has opened up alot and has shown what a true leader he can be. No matter how bad things may get, he is always there motivating and trying to keep the whole squad active and having fun. He is always willing to help out anywhere he is needed and is not afraid to make sure people are doing what they should be. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PHIL0S0PHY ( SSGT- LW/Samurai) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/27757-phil0s0phy/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Philosophy deserves this because since day one he has gone above and beyond for samurai. He has taken everyone by surprise with how hard he works and wants to learn. He is always shadowing officers & asking questions to make sure he has everything correct and can be the best member & officer that he can be. He is 100% dedicated to bettering his self as a leader and helping the squad grow in anyway he can. He is constantly going to workshops, meetings, & gamenights and ensuring everyone has a great time. I am very excited to see how Philosophy grows and what else he can bring to LW & Samurai.
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