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KSI FithAce 7

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KSI FithAce 7 last won the day on March 18 2017

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About KSI FithAce 7

  • Birthday 12/03/1973

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Gamertag
    PcG4 Fithace 7
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    Formerly KSI FI Squads
  • Division
  • Rank/Title
    Former Co-Division Leader

Contact Methods

  • Kik

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  1. Just need a few answers  when are the meetings and when are the game nights ? 

    1. KSI FithAce 7

      KSI FithAce 7

      Sorry been gone all day.

      Octane has usually 3 meetings on Sunday nights at approximately 8pm east (7 central), 9pm, 10pm

      Octane scheduled gamenights are Mondays at 8pm east & Fridays at 10:30pm eastern. You can come or go at anytime and they usually run anywhere between 4-9hrs. However alot of nights someone of us ends up having an impromptu gamenight. You can always check with KSI Grievance, KSI Atomickwon, KSI FithsFault (he's in a different squad), or myself to see if we are on & always feel free to "join session" with any member online that is on the Octane FI's friends list (which you will have access to as soon as you get trained/orientated).

      Do you have the chat/messenger app "kik" on your phone by any chance? 

    2. Morbidcard


      Thanks bro ,and no on the kik app 

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