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KSI FithAce 7

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KSI FithAce 7 last won the day on March 18 2017

KSI FithAce 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI FithAce 7

  • Birthday 12/03/1973

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Gamertag
    PcG4 Fithace 7
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    Formerly KSI FI Squads
  • Division
  • Rank/Title
    Former Co-Division Leader

Contact Methods

  • Kik

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Member (2/4)



  1. I must admit seeing vortex as a nomination for outstanding Achievement Award is long overdue. The Vortex that I knew back in the beginning are they good kid heart but like everybody had a few issues. But this is what KSI as for right to help kids that may have certain issues to overcome them and to become a better person. I will have to admit that in this instance KSI has done its job. The Vortex that I know now has made all the right choices for all the right reasons and has become a better man for it. He's become the type of person that can Inspire other kids are young adults it takes them make the right choices as well. He's been through more than most of us will know and has grown from it and inspired us that knew him from it. I don't think you could find a better candidate then this young man to represent KSI and to win this award. Thank you for your time KSI FithAce 7
  2. UPDATE: Guess I should've posted over 1 1/2 yrs ago this, but my gt since I left (waaaaay back when) is PcG4 FithAce 7

  3. Happy Birthday Sir! 

    1. KSI FithAce 7

      KSI FithAce 7

      Thanks! Sorry I hadn't looked at my profile page in awhile.

  4. I really like your new profile audio/music! I am really impressed & proud of you.

    1. KSI ToPxKill3R

      KSI ToPxKill3R

      Thanks man this is like my all time favorite song

  5. I am KSI DeadAjax's Co-Division Leader & I know this member well. He has became a great asset to Firebird. I have witnessed on numerous occasions that anytime a member needs help, whether its making a forums account or finding where they need to go on the forums for certain topics, to questions about the COC or when certain squad events are, hes always willing to immediately jump in and assist. I have seen times when Ajax would be in the middle of playing a good game with friends, and a new member needed step by step assistance (I think it was with making a forums acct & finding the correct spot on T&E or possibly Spirit Week section) because he was having trouble, and Ajax was quick to jump on it and tell the member no problem and he immediately stopped what he was doing, and went & invited the member to a party alone, so he could help them 1 on 1. Ive been around him quite alot in the past and since hes became an officer Ive never seen him not be willing to assist someone. Hes earned this award.
  6. Please use the following form when nominating: Name: @KSI AtomicKwon Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31572-ksi-atomickwon/ Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: He's helped me out with a mic, Live, & more + SEVERAL other members OCTANE FI's KSI Atomickwon - helping hand (@KSI AtomicKwon) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31572-ksi-atomickwon/ No one deserves this more. While he was still a cpl he bought 6 (5+his) gt changes + 4 $5 cards + 3 ghost masks + (& paid to ship them) + a few other things for Octanes Cpl Showdown, Octanes multidivisional gamenights, meetings, etc. Since he became a Sgt then climbed the ranks to Gen, I cant even count all the things he has bought to help members & leaders with, both with gaming-related stuff & personal needs, & not only for Octane but for other squads/divs as well. Possibly as many as a dozen more gt changes, an xbox 360 that floats around, at least a dozen Ghosts discs, 2 cellphones for upcoming officers so they would have a way on to the forums & to keep in contact with members when not playing at that moment (who both ended up leaving due to personal life), over $200 in food to a military veteran that had some severe medical issues come up that kept him from working. At least 5 headsets (+gave me the $ to go get a new mic for me for a Christmas present), at least 5 3month live memberships, a few 1 month live, gave a leader over $150 to help him get the necessary tools he needed to keep his job, loaned a couple other members/leaders money, I know for sure of 2 people he bought new controllers for (I think 3 or 4 but not positive)... and I know theres more but this is just off the top of my head that I can think of that I know for a fact. All of this while taking care of his 5 kids at home (including newborn) & wife. So, I think this man should definitely qualify for HELPING HAND P.S. I forgot to add SHIPPING for all of it, which I learned isnt cheap just for sending Ghosts discs, so you can imagine for the xbox, or controllers, etc!!!
  7. Firebird FI's KSI Vort3x (@KSI KingGuwop) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31581-ksi-kingguwop/ Ksi Vort3x has 56 trains/orientations between the xbox 360 & x1 in less than 6months. I think hes earned this award.
  8. I witnessed for ya bud. sorry but heck I couldn't think of anything good to say


  9. Die Hard: What can I say but this, WarriorAce is and always will be an inspiration to me and hopefully all those that know him in KSI. Since I first met him and he joined my squad he has always been one that never looked back, asked what if, or made excuses for his actions just accepted the recourse. This is a guy that works 5 and 6 days a week for a logging company. He would get up at 3am just to make it to work on time, why, because he walked both to and from work everyday. Not a big deal? It was a bit over 5 miles one way. lift 300lb+ logs all day onto a truck, then walk home. That takes dedication and spirit. He used money he had saved to buy his mother a car instead of himself so she would have means of transportation, not used for him to get to work.. Talk about family, That's warrior alright. on top of all that he would help his mother and any family member with dinner, cleaning, just whatever needed to be done....AND still found time to be in KSI and be active and work his way up to now the Gen of Octane. Now lets get to the inspirational part, incase I havent inspired you yet....It was at work he had a major accident. A larger than life log fell, crushing warriors legs and pinning him to the ground. After EMS arrived and they finally got him free and rushed to the ER, it was there he was told that he would never walk again. Can you imagine, walking was this kids life. Anybody's for that matter. He was devastated. I remember when he sent me a pm request I had no clue yet of his accident. Hey bud I said How the heck are ya? But instead of his usual voice and response I got Not good....I could already tell something bad and I mean bad had to have happened, so i prepped for the worst. Warrior? You ok? Everyone there ok? I cant walk. I dont know what I am gonna do.....At this point he told me about what happened and I did what any friend should do....I didnt let him give up or quit. I talked to him everyday I could. He didnt quit, and man did he ever never give up....Its powerful what happened next. 3 weeks go by, for warrior that meant physical therapy 5 days a week 5 or 6 hours a day and countless hours of pain. I get on and hes in a party so I jump in to ask how hes doing. I get a good real good. I walked today. Yea thats right I walked......He fought on and 2 weeks later I get a message telling me to check out a video he sent me on kik.....I cried and still get emotional when I think about it...I opened the video and there was warrior, huffing and puffin, looking at his phone he said that miracles happen all over the world to all types of people, well today was his miracle, he was running....I cried...along with this was a personal message to me and a thank you....This kid went from you will never walk again with legs that were mangled to the bone to running in 5 weeks. It takes an unreal amount of dedication, determination, and heart to overcome these things along with his everyday problems, and of course to stay active in KSI. All the time helping others with their problems, answering members questions, recruiting and training. He would give help and inspiration to all that asked. For me, this kid has had his share of problems and hasn't even batted and eyelash when overcoming them. For me Warrior you are and always will be an inspiration as to what we can accomplish as people in our own daily lives if we would just put our minds to it and not let give up or quit ever be apart of the equation. You have and always will hold a place in our hearts, and hope that one day you will know what it is we feel when we say we are proud of you and proud to have been there for you when you needed us. Award or not Ace, you are a Die Hard...Here's to you bud. I hope this enough to show why he deserves this award and possibly member assistance. Thank you for your time and if you must I still have the video...lol KSI FithAce 7
  10. dont close this yet please. I am at work but will witness for him in here tonight. Sorry for the delay. Thank you.
  11. I am FI Co-Div Leader and former Octane General. @KSI Warrior Ace was actually even the one who got Octane's Head Hunters further than tryouts. He has done a wonderful job, even with a shift in the members. He deserves this award.
  12. Hes been training his butt off. he meets the requirements. thank you
  13. If you aint heard the name KSI AuraLacario then you havent been in FI.....
  14. I can say I have been there when Apex gave away multiple GT changes on several occasions. But that isnt why I am posting. If you want to see what a true friend and member does that should earn him this award hands down (no pun intended) go and read in the forums, the chat box, everywhere.. He stopped my heart and I had to cry when I saw that he had learned of my wife and I"s tragedy. We lost our home and everything we had to a wild fire. With no insurance and no help we have struggled to stay afloat and to regain some of what was lost. A home has been the hardest to goal for us to reach. With current means and other issues we stay with a friend that was kind enough to open his home to us. Apex found this out and decided that he would do for us the only thing he could see worth doing. He started a GoFundMe page to try and help us get a home. I would never ask anyone at anytime for something like this, We have always found our way and will continue to, nut for Apex that wasnt enough. It takes a open mind and a large heart to do something like this for someone else. Without greed or any selfish thoughts he gives to all. This is what he does and loves doing it. There should be no question whether he should get this award....Thank you Apex, and your family too.. P.S. He was also the first to donate to the page......
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