KSI Metatron 7
this member has made me feel welcome into since day one that I came back into KSI has helped mentor me with very good advice on problems I have encountered is always around when we need him even if he isn't online he goes above and beyond on making every member feel like they are apart of KSI and does everything he can for anyone in his DIv and is always trying to get us to move forward
KSI TxAngel 7
this leader has also made me feel welcome and has mentored me into the Leader I have become anyone can learn a lot from her she goes above and beyond helping out in our Div will talk and hang out with any member we have gives good advice and does good at anything anyone throws at her
KSI Jewel 7
this leader when I met her was only a CPT and has worked very hard to move up even though she was in another squad then me she helps out wherever needed and was even on the HH team with me back when it was for BO II anytime I have needed her help she has been there I am proud to have her with us in ES
this member has worked his way up to 1st CPT and has earned it does not mind helping others with anything knows the forums inside and out anytime he is asked to do something he jumps right on it and is a good leader glad to have him with us and will make a good GEN soon
KSI ErebusBMP 7
this member has worked very hard to move up the ranks again and just made it to CPT can do anything you throw at him helps out wherever he is needed and would make anyone a great GEN knows the forums very good and is willing to help any member he can