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KSI Og Steezy

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Posts posted by KSI Og Steezy

  1. -Basic information-

    Please list your current Gamertag: iFartOnCandles

    Please list All Previous Gamertags: KSI Trilogy v3


    Age (Minimum age to join KSI is 15):15

    What games do you play regularly and prefer to be playing (any platform)?: call of duty aw

    How many hours per week do you play on average?: 60

    Contact Information? *Email-/-skype ect___NO telephone numbers please*: matthewjudge1234@gmail.com

    In a few short sentences please explain what you are looking forward to in KSI?: I am looking forward to becoming a part of another family called KSI.

    What Division and Squad are you interested in joining and Why? Note: you are free to state "Any" division if you have no preference*: ASYLUM DL ONLY .... I KNOW PEOPLE IN DL

    -Background information-

    How did you hear about KSI?: used to be in it

    How did you hear about this KSI website?: KSI Gamerwife

    Have you ever been apart of KSI previously and when?: yes the summer of 2014

    If yes, What was the name of the squad and division and when?: Kronos DL

    Please list ANY previous clans-/-communities you have been a part of: I have not.

    What time frame were you in the other clans for?:none

    Are you still a member of any of those clans or communities?:none

    Have you ever been Blacklisted-/-Banned-/-Kicked-/-Removed from any KSI Division or Squad or any clans or communities? *separate answers please*: no

    If Blacklisted, what was the reason?: no

    If DNH'd what was the reason? No

    If Kicked-/-removed from Squad or Division Why?:no

    Would you say you have left past clans on good terms? Yes


    Can you accept the fact that KSI is a structured organization and requires the ability to work with over 100+ team-mates? Yes

    Are you able to respect leaders who have been put in place, while recognizing that those leaders come from all walks of life and may hold opposing beliefs and/or life choices and stay level headed regarding such? Yes

    Do you plan on taking advantage of any of the KSI learning programs? *Graphics - Leadership Development - Web Administration, Etc?: yes

    Do you have a history of cheating or boosting on games? NOTE: Does not bar you from joining, length of time since last unethical action considered: no

    Have you read and do you fully understand and also agree to uphold the KSI Code of Conduct along with the XBOX Live Terms of service?: yes

    Any extra comments? I only want to join asylum dl

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