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KSI R3ap3r 77

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About KSI R3ap3r 77

  • Birthday 03/11/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Yorkshire, England
  • Gamertag
    KSI R3ap3r 77
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
    EO (Explosive Outlaws)
  • Rank/Title

Contact Methods

  • Kik

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KSI R3ap3r 77's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. Co-div (division/squad/rank) KSI Ronin 77 (EO Co-division leader.) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33279-ksi-ronin-77/ Reasoning: Ronin was one of the first to welcome me to EO after my transfer, doing everything he could to help me settle and get situated, this is something he's done to this day without fail for EVERYONE in his division, keeping everyone laughing with his stupid comments that make next to no sense and yet still being able to keep everything on a serious note, no matter the situation he has no problems poking fun at those he knows can take it. This has been a boon to the division as a whole and specifically Talon EO of late, taking the mantle of acting gen for some time and keeping the squad running smoothly with minimal issues. Founder (squad/division/rank) KSIxpapi77 (EO Founder) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28985-ksixpapi77/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjM1Mzk1LCJpZF8yIjo3Mjk4OTd9 Reasoning: Much like Ronin, Papi is the kind of person to welcome newcomers so long as they are willing, ready and able to contribute. He's also known for his stupid comments at the most random of times, keeping the spirits in the division high at all times despite whatever issues may be arising within it from elsewhere, all while keeping the division running smoothly and to it's constant high standards. General (squad/division/rank) KSI Gr1mSh0t29 (Defiant/EO/General) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39681-ksi-gr1msh0t29/ Reasoning: Grim is another instance of a member of EO who is welcoming of others, be they a transfer or a recruit and is always looking for ways to improve the squad, either through game nights or ensuring that the correct people are being trained in the right way for their current role, all while ensuring everyone is happy and comfortable with their tasks and helping to guide them if they have any questions, all without hesitating to ask for help. Captain: (squad/division/rank) KSI Guyy: (Defiant/EO/2CPT) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41679-ksi-guyy/ Reasoning: This man is, for lack of better wording, a machine, both with training lower ranking squad members, and recruiting newcomers into our ranks, I'm yet to see something that this man can't do, his voice is always heard and his name is in multiple parties in rapid succession, all while finding the time to take groups of people out playing games and keeping spirits up, yet another one to come out with inane comments just to see how many people laugh, and bouncing that humour off of everyone else within the squad and division. Lieutenant: (Squad/Division/Rank) KSI Skarzx (Defiant/EO/CPT) Link to forums account: www.ksiforums.org/profile/42869-ksi-skarzx/ Reasoning: Skarzx took gaining an officer position in his stride landing on his feet and hitting the ground running, taking in every tiny bit of information and storing it somewhere that the rest of us will never find, always asking questions if he doesn't know an answer and offering to help with every task he catches wind of, so much so that he's now a captain but not quite eligible for CPT OTM. Member (Squad/Division/Rank) KSI MoonRev (Defiant/EO/3LT) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42436-ksi-moonrev/ Reasoning: much like Skarzx I couldn't nominate this man for LT due to him not being eligible, but he deserves some recognition, bringing ideas and his unique perspective to the table within Defiant EO’s officer team, rising quickly through the ranks to his current position, sponging information and retaining it somewhere or other and always asking important questions to better himself, and the squad as a whole, I'm proud to work alongside this man and to have him in the same squad as myself and the other non 7’s mentioned.
  2. All the optimisation in the world can't save you from the Outlaws
  3. I know all about FI, used to be a Gen over there, and like every Induction engine Forcing it will blow a gasket.
  4. LS, FI... I'd stop worrying about each other, and keep an eye to the rear, cause EO are coming for you #WEOUTHERE!
  5. See, everyone voted wrong, ya'll like Oreo's, right? Weeeelll, can't spell Oreo, without EO, shame on you all!!
  6. @KSI PrimalRage7, @KSI Ronin 77, @KSI ECKO 77, massive fricken shout out to the three of you for accepting me into EO with open. arms, that show of faith was what I needed to rekindle that fire under my rear KSI Gr1mSh0t29 (too lazy to find you display name) for stepping up when Defiant needed some direction, look at us now man, charging for a split, thanks to your guidance, and the efforts of the next shout. Biggest of these shouts however, goes out to the officers and members of Defiant EO none of whom seem to have an off button, pounding their way up the ranks and sucking up recruits like a vacuum, I may not say it much, or at all, actually, but it's you guys that make me proud to fly the EO flag, and proud to call myself KSI, much love guys! oh, and the rest of EO are kinda okay too
  7. Name: KSI CyaKnight 7Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29096-cyaknight-7/ Award-/-Achievement: CommitedReason-/-Evidence: This member has been in KSI longer than I have, and I haven't seen her go a day without Xbox Live Gold. KSI Join Date was 5/22/2015


  9. Name: KSI Sycdan 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29610-ksi-sycdan-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Weekend Warfare Winner Reason-/-Evidence: I won the Doritos Crash Course tournament on July 30th 2016, KSI Mpliers 7 was present.
  10. Director: KSI Azrael 7 (Director - TI DM LW) Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/386-ksi-azrael-7/ Reasoning: Azrael 7 has, without fail, been more than just a leader to the people beneath him in all his divisions, he has been a friend, happily talking to any that come to him either with a question, an issue, or, quite simply just need to talk to someone, having helped myself, personally, through many an issue, even after all the time I've spent in a division under his command (Since I joined KSI) I'm yet to come across anyone more dedicated than this man. Co-Founder: KSI CyaKnight 7 (Co-founder - TI) Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29096-cyaknight-7/ Reasoning: Ever since TI was formed, CyaKnight 7 (Formerly KSI FluffyDuck) has shown pure grit and determination to do what's best for those in her care, having been one of the longest standing Generals, and most experienced non-sevens I've encountered, she was a shoe in for Co-founder, and since earning that title, she has come on in leaps and bounds, going out of her way to assist her upper leadership in keeping the members of all four squads in TI in check and making sure they have someone to turn to when they desperately need it. General: KSI HAWK6969 (General - Krypton TI) Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34673-ksi-hawk6969/ Reasoning: Hawk has shown that he has what it takes to save the day, and has on multiple occassions done what he can to assist, when an issue arose with a squad in TI, he happily stepped from his post as Captain of one squad, to General of another, hitting the ground running and simply proceeding to plow thorugh the mountain of work left before him, coming out on top and stabilizing a previously shaky squad, there isn't anyone else right now that I have seen take on that level of responsibility and not only save a squad, but help it to grow, increasing the activity and pushing onwards to do much greater things. Captain: KSI DemiUrge (Captain - Krypton TI) Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35638-blametheurge/ Reasoning: Despite having minimal training, DemiUrge has proven to be willing and able to take command of a situation, while his methods are... Unorthodox, at best, he is more than able to get the job done, battling his own mind in the process, and pushing himself to his very limits, only to take a quick breather and get back into the fray at full strength, hungry for more. Forced into his position on a time of great need, Demi has, despite everything, grown within himself, and aided in the prevention of a squad's death.
  11. I can witness for Die Hard and OS, since I mentored him ;D Die Hard: ApexWolf seemed to be a quiet individual when he first joined KSI back in January, officers in other FI squads didn't really hear much about him unless his General at the time pulled him into a party, and even then, he didn't really say much. This was the case until the Ignite to Diesel squad split early March of this year, he stepped up as an LT and pushed to help his squad(s) and the generals of both Ignite and Diesel to be the best they could, and all seemed to be going pretty well. However, all that changed mid march, around the time that FI split to form TI when the generals of both squads left KSI for their own reasons, his Captain taking command of Diesel, and Apex himself taking command of Ignite, both of which were struggling at the time, with other members leaving due to the loss of their generals and the division split offering more opportunities for some others. Unlike the aforementioned Captain (Witholding names to respect their privacy) who decided he'd had enough and simply left KSI when the going got a little tougher, ApexWolf perservered, losing faith in himself multiple times, but never backing down, when things got difficult, he charged headlong into the fray with little regard for himself, focussed purely on Ignite. Through this perserverence, Ignite, and ApexWolf are on the rise, being one of Ignite's longest, serving, and most successful Generals that I've seen in my time with KSI (With the exception of the mighty Swagg, of course) and continuing to strive to new heights, if he deserves any award, it's this one. OS: Apex, while maintaining and expanding Ignite since taking command, and all the times during, has shown a neverending willingness to learn, and then share the knowledge he's picked up, no matter where a member is from, squad, division, rank, age... It matters not to Apex, he has even gone on to help teach newly appointed Generals the tricks he's picked up frrom those that came before him, always making time to join game-nights, answer questions or simply hang around with other members, making them feel at home. A lot of Generals simply sit back, focus on their Squad Tag and Access Denied duties, while sitting in parties with their Officers or 7's, not Apex, he makes it his mission to welcome new members personally, and give them a true taste of what it means to be a member of KSI Global. Along with the testimony given for Die Hard, this man has moved house, left the military and gone through various other instances outside of this community, and still had the same amount of time to pour love and dedication into this family of gamers, it has been a pleasure, and an honour to serve with him, and I personally, would love nothing more than to see these two awards emblazoned on his profile for the world to see just how much he adores this community.
  12. I can, and will provide witness statements for the following. Die Hard and Helping Hand. Die Hard: KSI FithsFault (Now known as KSI SillySquare) was in my squad from the word go, back when Hybrid was still a part of FI, when we split to form Turbo FI, he did what he could to back them up and keep them out of a rut. Upon the event of the FI division split, he came to TI as one of my captains for a short time, helping me through some issues within the squad (I was his General at this time) and taking on far more that his rank would have entailed, yet, instead of pulling his hair out and quitting outright, he pushed on, pulling the squad through a dangerous period where some people were unhappy with events such as the division split and simply left, leaving holes where we were once a tightly knit unit. After a month, however, I changed the squads gametype, a choice that wasn't the most popular, and resulted in a small number of other members also leaving KSI or transferring to other squads, FithsFault took a bit of a hit upon these events and proceeded to close in a little, this only lasted a short time however, and he managed to pull himself back up and helped bring in a few more people before coming to me and telling me that Turbo FI was looking a little thin on the ground, and requested a transfer to our split squad to help out. When he transfered, it was decided by leadership that he would retain his current rank as 3CPT and work with their current Gen to pull the squad out of a sticky situation, not long after the transfer, his General left KSI for his own personal reasons, leaving FithsFault in a position in which he was in command of a struggling squad that seemed to be sinking, a position in which I've seen lesser people simply throw in the towel and walk away, not FithsFault, though, against all the odds, he dragged the squad from the brink, soldiering through every obstacle that came his way and has, in turn, built upon the basic building blocks he'd been left with to improve the squad massively, he could have just walked away at any time, but with the grit and determination that he's shown, in the face of everything that has gone on, he's managed to bolster numbers and even re-stock his officer staff with fresh and capable people. Helping Hand: KSI FithsFault has always been willing and eager to assist a member with anything they need, even going so far as to provide myself with a brief Gold Membership to enable my continued duties to this community, I have seen him do this multiple times with various people in different squads and even divisions, even going so far as to provide a ten dollar gift card to a member on a whim, simply so they could change their name and progress up through the ranks, despite potentially losing money in the long run, he was more than happy to do this.
  13. Name: KSI Sycdan 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29610-ksi-sycdan-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Commited, Good Karma, Reason-/-Evidence: I joined KSI on the 22nd of June last year, and have had 0 days without a gold membership in the last two years. I also have 115 Reputation points.
  14. I was informed of KSIxDeathScythe obtaining a power supply unit for KSI AuraLucario's Xbox, he is also working on helping myself in the acquisition of peripherals for an Xbox One console, which will enable me to do my own job a little better than I already am, he is doing this out of his own volition, upon hearing the plight of myself, and Lucario, despite the monetary losses he may incur on his own behalf, and not simply to assist us in our own tasks, but to aid KSI as a whole by ensuring that people stay in the positions they're in and to prevent issues arising from the result of any member losing their position.
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