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CyaKnight 7

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CyaKnight 7 last won the day on July 8 2016

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About CyaKnight 7

  • Birthday November 15

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Moon,in Outer Space, Over There...
  • Interests
    Fluffy duckies, The magical Easter Kangaroo that sneaks under your bed and sniffs your left shoe, Tiiiiiny Bubbles!
  • Gamertag
    KSI FluffyDuck
  • Date Recruited
    May 22, 2015
  • Squad
  • Division
    Toxic Illusion
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  1. Senior Director: KSI Mpliers 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/20715-lori-grimes/ Pliers has been dealing with shenanigans for awhile and does a great job at keeping his cool and trying to help with the situation any time things happen. He tries to see the brighter things in any situation and tries his hardest to deal with any complications at hand. He's tries to make everyone feel comfortable whether it be in or outside of a community. He can't be so cranky from a long day but still take the time out to come and play and see how people are doing. Director: KSI True 7 She's may be quiet on some occasions but those outbursts of randomness make it all worth wild. She is an interesting person to be around and really brightens the mood in a grumpy situation. She enjoys trying to slowly bring people out of their shells and helping them feel comfortable with others. She has done a wonderful job running her divisions as well as helping out where she is needed on the forums. And in the end she all also a very pleasant person to chat with and helps solve the little things going on. Co-Division: KSI VeRiitaS 7 (Co-Div: FI) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35485-veriitas-7 Though not in the same division, Veriitas has been there when another div was struggling. Offering to help in any way he could. Bringing in his generals and officers to meet with a struggling 7. Though he had his own division to run and look out for he still had enough time and confidence to help revive life into the sister division that's called TI. Without that fire being brought in from his division it would have possibly been the end of the little underdog. Lieutenant: KSI Itz Brutal (4th LT: Cyanide, TI) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28683-breakfast/ Coming in on a rough note Brutal definitely had a hard ego to crack. He was stubborn but he got the work done. Wanting to build up a nearly dead squad from ashes. He was out recruiting left and right. But due to the technical difficulties that we experienced it was like playing "where's waldo" in a world of gaming. Just like Pride, Brutal embraced the chance that TI was given. Willing to help out his crazy co-founder in her shenanigans by trying out a new method of recruiting and orientating.Bringing up his squads numbers nearly double in less than two weeks. Which in the end definitely paid off for the entire division. Member: KSI Sycdan 7 (2LT: Defiant, EO) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29610-ksi-sycdan-7/ Sycdan was a part of TI since it split. He pushed himself so hard to try and help his division flourish but in the end he was just so tired from late hours, and trying to deal with other issues within the div. After his transfer it hit a few of us pretty hard. But even though the change of scenery... he still occasionally pops in to see how its all going. Making time for both his new squad and his old division. Still helping answer questions and listening to those who need help or having problems both in or out of the community. He tries to hide his weaknesses to stay strong for others regardless of his own situations. He's adjusted well in his new division. But never forgets his old one. He's been there for others on more than one occasion both for his squad or for his friends. Either just for fun or trying to help them keep their heads on straight.
  2. Division: Toxic Illusion Team manager: KSI CyaKnight 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29096-cyaknight-7/ Team memebers name and link to forums account if they have one. 1. KSI Itz Brutal http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28683-breakfast/ 2. Avenue8 3. KSI Itz Grim 4. KSI Itz Lush Backups 1.PigsSayMoo178 2.HouseofNew 3.Blood0fHeros98 4. KSI Eternal
  3. KSI Azrael 7: Director-TI, DM, LW http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/386-ksi-azrael-7 While Azrael hangs out with his son at home, he also enjoys hopping on with others from his divisions. Checking up on them and helping them out if they have any questions. He's a great go to guide and kind ear if someone is dealing with issues whether it be for KSI or personal reasons. He may occasionally be silent but he's always keeping an eye on things from behind the scenes. (Like a weird parental stalker trying to make sure their kids don't accidentally set the house on fire) KSI Sycdan 7: Founder- TI http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29610-ksi-sycdan-7/ Beyond the call is and understatement when it comes to Sycdan. He was just a co-founder starting out, learning new things and running around like a crazy chicken with its head cut off. And now that he's a founder... He tries as best he can to push his division to greatness. And even through the rough patches he still moves forward. He like Azrael.. is there for his div, and his squads along with the members in them. Even dealing with his own issues, He hides them away to help out others with both personal and in KSI. Despite being in the UK he's stays up extremely late to be sure that he gets all the info he needs to send out to his officers along with dealing with people making time for gaming. KSI DemiURGE: Captain- Krypton TI http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35638-blametheurge/ This person has such passion about not on TI but KSI as a whole. He wants so much for this community, and I have never had met someone willing to do so much and push himself to the absolute brink to do not only whats right for his own division but for everyone! He wants to see and and do so much to help everyone. Regardless of personal issues he still tries as hard as he can to help out others no matter the situation. He's a fighter, he speaks his mind but he always means well. The passion in this person is absolutely shown by the work he does to help out his gen and his squad. And despite minimal training he has pushed through all obstacles put in his way and has shown pure determination for the rank placed upon him.
  4. Pssst.... Pliers... I like pie. Would you like some pie? I would like some pie! Lets get some pie!

  5. I would like to witness for this because of all the hard work sycdan has done. He has been picking up the pieces and helping out four different squads. He does so much and pushes himself nearly to the brink to build up his division. He's a very dedicated person and tries so hard to make sure everyone is comfortable in their ranks. He's even there for those of us who need personal help outside of KSI. He's a great inspiration to so many, even myself. And no matter what's issues may arise he always finds a way to work around the situation and pushes through without leading on that he is even dealing with his own things.
  6. Sycdan is extremely committed and does everything he can to help out his div and others. and definitely yes to good karma
  7. TI Director--- KSI Azrael 7 -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/386-ksi-azrael-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Azrael is like a personal go-to guide. He's always there for his divisions as well as gens and members if they have any questions or concerns that others are unable to solve. Even with the car accident, a son at home,and his volunteer work he refuses to rest to help those who needed him. He's hardheaded when others tell him to take it easy but he's a prime example of how to get back up and keep going no matter what the obstacle. TI Founder--- KSI Lez Kat 7- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28529-ksi-lez-kat/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Though working long days and part way through the nights, Kat has always found time to be there for her division. And even though through rough times of her own she still is willing to listen and help her members though their problems no matter what the issue may be. The environment she has created is more than that of a division it's a family. Kat has gone above and beyond her call of duty to help others both in and out of the community. And takes time out of her personal life to help guide and build her division. And though she does not see it sometimes there are others out there that she inspired to push themselves to the boundaries and keep moving forward to their goals. TI Co-Founder --- KSI Sycdan 7 - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29610-ksi-sycdan-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Sycdan is KSI Lez Kats right hand man. While she is away either at work or tending to her personal life he is there to help make sure things run smoothly. He is very easy going and very understanding of people. And like Azrael he is also a very confident go to guide when others have questions or concerns. He stays up late hours to help out his foreign members when he is able. Though he may be tired some nights he's always willing to participate and be active with his members in any way he possibly can. Cyanide TI 4th Captain--- KSI HAWK6969 - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34673-ksi-hawk6969/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Though he does not wish to be nominated. He is very deserving due his absolute modesty and willingness to put others before all else aside from his family. He has been a great asset to TI and an absolute sponge when it comes to absorbing information. For this reason he has shown great initiative with his squad and has taken on everything thrown at him no matter what the challenge. He also helps in training his lower officers as well as others in need, anywhere from forum usage to orientation of a new member. He has done a great deal since he started in this community and hopes to do even more in the future.
  8. Hello Mr. Az aren't you supposed to be resting? :sleep:

    1. KSI xHAWKx 7

      KSI xHAWKx 7

      i hope that you are doing better 

  9. Director: KSI Azrael 7: For being so patient with his divisions and squads. And to be there for us when we have questions or new ideas http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/386-ksi-azrael-7/ Founder: KSI Lez Kat 7 (Division TI): For helping us and keeping her generals motivated. And being there to help us solve any issues and to talk to us when we are in need. http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28529-ksi-lez-kat/ 4th Captain (Cyanide TI): KSI Hawk6969: For being there to help serve his squad/family, also for being a sponge and able to help train others to answer any questions or concerns people may have and for motivating others to be more active within the community. http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34673-blackhawk06969/ 3rd Lieutenant (Cyanide TI): KSI Ebbysbaby: For doing such great work in her community and for not only helping her squad but also others in her division. And for being a thoughtful ear when people need someone. http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30733-ksi-ebbysbaby/
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