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Food 7

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Food 7 last won the day on May 19 2022

Food 7 had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gamertag
    KSI Food 7
  • Date Recruited
    May 1st, 2015
  • Squad
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  • Rank/Title
    SGT, Streamer

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    KSI Food 7#0858

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Food 7's Achievements

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  1. Ever think you'd come back? Could always use another talented futurist on board

  2. Name: KSI Food 7 Link to Forums Account: https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28683-breakfast/ Award-/-Achievement: 2021 Donor Reason-/-Evidence: Donated 1,000 bits, evidence has been sent to Starset.
  3. Still drinking Root Beer?

    1. Food 7

      Food 7

      Absolutely, still fat tho 

  4. King is a respected, hardworking, and dedicated leader of the community. King took Divine Reign in a broken state and eventually split the division. This split has been the only one in quite some time and was hard earned. He accomplished this by mentoring future leaders in Divine Reign and by ensuring that the division would succeed. King solved many problems within the division and provided lasting solutions. As one of his 7s, I was a witness to his astounding leadership and mentoring capabilities. King worked his magic in Eternal Souls. He has repaired squads and raised leaders to maintain them. King has a positive aura that affects everything he approaches. He garuanteed ES’s survival by transferring and then raising a division to its fullest potential. He reformed ES from a broken state into a fully working division that has prospered since. ES has never had a leader like him. King is an amazing member who should be awarded this award solely based off of his persistence. He has climbed the ranks many times and has grown as a person and a leader. He has faced many personal hardships during his time here and still has dedicated time to this community. Simply put, many things would not have happened in this community without King. DR would have never split, CD would have never been created, DW would have run less smoothly, and ES would have had a tougher recovery.
  5. KSI FireHeart 7: @KSI FireHeart 7 KSI JonahAlex12: @KSI JonahAlex12 KSI DrPepper: @KSI Dr.Pepper KSI Shocker: @KSI Shocker KSI Siren82: @KSI Siren82 KSI Trixie: @Trixie KSI Whiskey82: @KSI WHISKEY82 Award: Squad Leadership Certification Evidence: Attended and participated in the Squad Leadership workshop hosted by myself on 08/24/19 ———————————- KSI DrPepper: @KSI Dr.Pepper KSI EzeD24: @EzeD24 KSI JAK KNIFE 7: @KSI JAK KNIFE 7 KSI LilDreamer: @LilDreamer0830 KSI MeShell 7: @KSI MeShell 7 KSI Siren82: @KSI Siren82 KSI Trixie: @Trixie KSI UppishB592: @KSI UppishB592 KSI Whiskey82: @KSI WHISKEY82 KSIxROMEO 7: @KSIxROMEO 7 KSI Shocker: @KSI Shocker Award: Divisional Leadership Certification Evidence: Attended and participated in the Divisional Leadership workshop hosted by myself on 08/31/19 ———————————- KSI Drizzle: @KSI DRIZZLE KSI DrPepper: @KSI Dr.Pepper KSI EzeD24: @EzeD24 KSI JonahAlex12: @KSI JonahAlex12 KSI LilDreamer: @LilDreamer0830 KSI RezMein5: @KSI RezMeIn5 KSI SevensNove: @KSI SevensNova KSI Shocker: @KSI Shocker KSI Siren82: @KSI Siren82 KSI Trixie: @Trixie KSIxTHOR: @KSIxTHOR Award: Train the Trainer Certification Evidence: Attended and participated in the Train the Trainer workshop hosted by myself on 09/0319
  6. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jynxie, Banshee ES, Gen Link to forums account - @KSI Jynxie Reasoning why the deserve this - Jynxie goes above and beyond for her members. She is constantly engaging with them and always mentoring and guiding them. She is one of the best Gens I know, even though she yells at us to recruit someone at midnight. She is the most respectable and responsible person I have had the pleasure of meeting on Xbox. I knew Jynxie during her time in LS and what I saw was a diamond in the rough but what I see know is a strong, knowledgeable, and encouraging leader of ES. She is going to do great things in ES and I cannot wait to see what she accomplishes.
  7. Havoc is a strong, knowledgeable, caring and encouraging leader. When in joined KSI, Havoc was the Division Leader of Demonic Mayhem and the state of the division was healthy and prosperous. He left an imprint that left a major impact on Demonic Mayhem. He had mentored leaders that mentored future leaders. He was respected and regarded as a true leader throughout the community. One of the many memories I have of Havoc was my recruitment date. He was in the party when I was being recruited by his Co-Division Leader and the first thing he said to me was “If I hear you curse in this Division, you’re out.” I wasn’t sure if he was joking or if he was serious but I never found out. Once I was in a party with Fuzzy and Gandhi and we were talking about the cycles of leadership throughout the community. “Great leaders produce good leaders, good leaders produce terrible leaders, terrible leaders produce great leaders” was the statement made. Havoc has shattered this cycle by mentoring members and leaders in his current division, Divine Warriors. He and Gary nurtured the early stages of Divine Warriors and through their collective guidance and leadership they turned a division that was up in the air into a powerhouse that stands strong and will stay strong. Havoc is constantly with his members and he isn’t just gaming with them, he is mentoring them. He is equipping members so that they may achieve their goals in KSI and out of KSI. He cares for the members of the community on a personal level, I know this firsthand and can personally say that Havoc is someone I can go to if I need assistance. He not only is a person I can game with but he is a true friend to me and many others throughout the community. Havoc and I had worked together in Performance Operations for a year and a half. During that time I saw why members regard him as a leader and a teacher. He helped create a department that changed the direction of the community. He now leads this department with the never ending goal of improvement throughout the community. Performance Operations would not be the department it is today without Havoc leading it.
  8. I feel as though that this topic needs a professional opinion, the best drink for breakfast is Apple Juice.
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