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KSI xKNKYx Mama last won the day on September 7 2015

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About KSI xKNKYx Mama

  • Birthday 12/28/1990

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Mama Kinks
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    LS Last Strike
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  1. Division:WD CYANIDE Gamertag:KSI Mama Kinks
  2. General KSI HAWK6969/CYANIDE WD KSIForums.org/profile/34673-ksi-hawk6969/ Reason I believe he deserves this award. When I first came into this division (TI now known as WD) he toke the time to get to know me and even not knowing me he gave me a chance to prove myself he went out of his way to give me the opportunity to really be part of the squad to that I thank him I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for that chance he toke on a stranger. Along with that he is always open to ideas and there when u need him I know I can always count on him to be there when needed. We were a small division and throw everything and our fight to keep things going he was there to support and encourage all of us and still goes out of his way to really get to know his members more than he is expected to or asked to. (I get in a party and the moment his name comes up my daughter screams hi hawk to her it's honk lol) that just shows that u can do more to get to know ur fellow member more than required to and it's not just me there have been many other members who have confided in him on non KSI related issues. And on top of all that after fighting our butts off to save our division and ending up merging he still puts aside the hardship of it and puts on that smile and encourages all of us to keep moving forward with working towards our goal. If it weren't for him as our general we wouldn't be where we are today and tho he don't see it or think he is I and many others think he's the best general we could ask for. Hes layed back and positive up to join parties no matter there rank or even if there in KSI he is still there and keeping everyone laughing and having a good time. LT KSI Smile X3 /CYANIDE WD KSIforums.org/profile/40561-ksi-itz-smile16/ Reason I believe she deserves this award. I first met smiles and I thought she was shy and quiet and she is… at first lol Though she may seem shy don't let that fool you when it comes to recruiting and messaging you see a whole other side. This girl can recruit her butt off she has been one of the top recruiters in our squad without her help we wouldn't be where we are today. I know recruiting isn't the only reason you are looking for in this award so I'll get right to it. That shy girl I first met has really come a long way I will tell you she is shy not gonna lie but after getting to know her she is just the opposite yes she is very reserved and quiet but she has really come along way and really opened up and to me that is amazing she has put that aside and become such a great officer and is loved by so many of us which to me takes alot for a person to do that. She wanted to be a great officer and has really shined she really knows her stuff even though she doesn't think so, she knows more then she thinks she does. Everyday she surprised me more. To go from a shy quiet girl being told that she needs to talk more if she's going to move up to someone who now don't stop talking lol shows that with a little push one can do great things. She goes out of her way to help people and is always nice and pushes past the limits off what is asked. She is so great at welcoming new members and making them feel welcome. She also is now our team leader for HH which was rough starting off members wanted to be part of something and she made it happen she went out of her way to get the team started and always encouraging us. Now I'm not a great destiny player and I know it but I remember a match where one of our team mates could not make it so I of all people filled in and I just remember going 1an14 totally sucky lol but even though it was obvious she still encouraged me and said I was doing good even though clearly I wasnt. It just proves that even the shyest of people can really make the difference and make someone feel better and like they are just as valuable as everyone else. She is always there supporting everyone and encourages members to keep going and doing there best.
  3. Name:KSI Viper4 Link to forums:www.ksiforums.org/profile/28524-singyohearttout/ Award/Achievement:Helping Hand/Outstanding Service Reason/Evidence:This member deserves this award because he is always giving a helping hand. For exsample there isnt a day that i have not seen him drop everything he is doin to help anytime he is in a party the moment sumone messages him or invites him to a party he is right on it no matter what it is. Any time he is needed even when he isnt online he adresses it as soon as u message him and he never leaves one hanging he always lets u know when he can get to u. He has worked side by side with me to get a divisional gamenight going to help other members get to kno each other and have fun. In turn it has been a great success and members are constantly asking when there will be another one. He is always there to help a member in need whether its personal or KSI related and does it with the most respect to the issue. I also feel he deserves the award for Outstanding Service as he is always looking for new ways to get everyone involved and active and worked so closely to get a divisional gamenight going. He is always getting active with members in his squad and in other squads/divisions by introducing everyone and welcoming them. He always has a personality that is just contaigous. He is always so cheerey and bubbly always making people laugh and encouraging them and letting them know how great of a job they are doing. He puts others before himself and makes them feel like they are better then what they believe they are. For exsample he constantly tells me and other members that he thinks we do better then he does (tho i kno he is just as great) he tells me constantly that he admires how i do things and looks up to me. He is just as admirabal and what makes him even better is that he has that thought he can always do better and he does it so unselfishly with out even thinking or noticing it. He is a great exsample at both of these awards as he shows how outstanding and helpful he is everyday and i kno so many others would agree. He not only has done this with his squad but the whole division and it has truely brought it out in everyone and we all love him for it. He does an amazing job and is in my opinion what KSI stands for.
  4. I SECOND THIS I think that members who go out of there way to help others shows what KSI stands for (we are a family) should be reconized. Anyone who embraces this and helps members either they know them or not should be awarded. I am a mother and to help others like they are your family is a great thing and shows alot of respect (treat others as you would like to be treated). I myself inccorperate this with all the members i know and always have an "open door" weither its personal or KSI related. It makes members feel more comfortable and wanted and it should deff be an award as it stands for half of the C.O.C and what KSI as a whole stands for. I deff second KSI URDONE 7 suggestion and hope to see it as an award
  5. Welcome to the forums KSI xKNKYx Mama :)

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