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Everything posted by KSIxKILLERxKAM

  1. I agree with this. Red has always been very knowledgeable about KSI and always strives to do more/learn more. he also puts forth that effort in helping other people to start doing the same. i know a person he mentored and he went in not knowing much and is now very knowledgeable too. he doesnt just teach them KSI things though. he also shows them the family side of KSI and makes sure they act warm and welcoming which reflects to the other members. all in all i think red is a great candidate for this award.
  2. although i dont hang around Collector that much its clearly obvious how much he does. hes always making time for us all joining in on our gamenights, just talking with us in parties, and being just that cool kinda guy people wanna be around. also Collector goes above and beyond helping people with their problems both personal or KSI related no matter the time or day. he is constantly up late talking helping people, answering any questions they have, or just listening to them when no one else will just so he can help out. Personally ive gone to him for a few questions and problems that probably couldve gone to someone of lower rank and he always helps me out or just listens. so like i said before, i dont hang around him much but i do hang around other people that talk about how he helps them out when they have no one else to go to. if that doesn't show that he goes above and beyond for us all i dont know what does. i mean i didnt even have to hear from him what hes done, i hear from my friends that hes helped. and theres a lot of them.
  3. KSIXEarthnWater definetely deserves this award! Brandon has helped me throughout my time in KSI. ever since i was a CPL he has always been there to answer my questions and was always happy to help. Besides that when we got into officers ranks he always gave me advice and tought me more about what i can/have to do in my position. not only "did" he help me but he continues to help me become the officer i am today as the captains that we are. Im not the only person that he has mentored however. Brandon has mentored numorous other people that are officers now in our squad and has vowed to continue to help people through their ranks for times to come.
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