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Everything posted by KSIMrTippett101

  1. Sence day 1 man when i first joined i was a little nerves lol but you just stepped right in and welcomed him self and i knew from that day on he was going to be a outstanding leader some day and that has come an it has been more then earned!! we talk like every single day on kik just BSing around lol and yes you do beat me in the pay checks lmao but we still need to race. anyway man your a great leader mouse and you will be a great, outstanding gen!! you helped me train and thought me alot on being a leader and it meant alot when you need a SSGT and you personally hand picked me. I know you are haveing a prize to encourage people to step up there game and to try harder, and i want no part of that (no offence) i want to show you that you are teaching me well and that i can be all i can be in KSI without doing it just for a really nice prize and to show you how i always got your back no matter the cost or the danger and to be a great SSGT by your side in the arms of battle, you have my full respect and loyalty mouse. and beleave me that is not easily earned, you are the best man i can think of to get this award i would pick nor choose no other!!! so please raise a glass and give a hand for are new GEN theeeeee one!!! theee only!!! Mr KSIAllowinMouse!!!!!
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