I can Witness for Collector, Where do i Began, If its Personal or KSI relative Collector Knew how to handle a problem. Collector 7 Knowledge of KSI is Over the edge, Being a Great Co founder he Has Proved that, out of his Busy day he made time for everyone, even staying up past his bedtime just to talk to everyone. Collector always got his work done, i can say i never understand how he does his work and not be busy all the time, Collector now a Founder and Proved his Knowledge and I know he will get Higher, His work keep improving and i learn from the best, he a great mentor, great friend, just over all a great person indeed, Everything He has done In LW Proved He is Worthy of this Award, He Even getting Ready to Split Samurai LW, he Deserve this Award by High Honor, and I am Greatful to Witness Into this Award Because He Truly Derserve it for his work and Being an Amazing FOUNDER!!!!
PS: Collector your Reading this Thanks for Mentoring me into a great person Everything you done for me, it just Give me So much More Love Into this Community.