I've been with Ticklemeplz ever since Achilles split to make HYPNOS and he is such an worthy member he tries his butt of at whatever he does if I have questions or any other member has questions he is always happy to answer those questions. He makes sure anybody that he recruits knows everything about KSI and it's history and how to navigate/make a forums account not only that but he comes to every meeting he trains people when people need to be trained whatever you ask of Ticklemeplz he does it immediately as well as hosting game nights he host atleast 1 game night per week. He has worked his butt of so hard it's unbelievable how far he goes for KSI he has done so much it's literally insane if members need help he helps them If they have real life problems he helps them, if they just wanna play a game with Ticklemeplz he is more than happy to play with you any time of the day.And that's what I love about KSI Ticklemeplz not only is he a good asset to KSI itself but he treats everyone like there his brothers.