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Luna Wolf

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About Luna Wolf

  • Birthday July 30

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Louisiana, United States
  • Interests
    Halo 4, volleyball, swimming, Halo 4, KSI, hunting, SWAT, laser tag, music, SWAT, riding horses, riding four wheelers, Halo 4, driving my F-150 and Jeep Wrangler, oh yeah and SWAT on Halo 4
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  1. I will make KSI Lily 7 my BFF for eternity

  2. Welcome to the forums Luna Wolf :)

  3. KSI JuicyHero 7 participated in singing for karaoke night
  4. DM for the win!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  5. General KSI SMOKIEY (Menace DM) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20214-ksi-smokiey-69/ Reason: This girl kicks ass at her job, literal and pun. She can be. Force to reckon with if you get on her bad side but can be the nicest chick, just like a general should be. She split squads recently and has been able to keep the split smooth, a difficult thing to do. She definitely deserves the month award. Keep kicking girlie!!! :D Member KSI PWNSwiftPWN (Rage DM SGT) Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14795-ksi-pwnalcapwn/ Reason: Just joined ten days ago and has done so much already. Changed his gamer tag, very very most active member in my squad, has 2 recruits and referred another 2, great attitude towards anyone he meets. You may expect a promotion soon mister
  6. 1. Have you ever participated in a weekend warfare tournament or a tournament hosted by T&E? - yes, twice. 2. When you did participate in the tournament, how did you hear about it? Was it via messaging on xbox, or from looking it up on the WW web site? - Ive competed twice, both about 3-4 months ago. 4v4 Swat and 3v3 snipers on Halo 4. I heard about it through messaging via Xbox 3. Do you like the current WW site or do you think the site is confusing to use? - I prefer the older WW site. This one is very confusing to the majority of my members and I convent if they cannot get on the it to accept the invite for the team. I like on the old site how the captain of the team could just type their team members gamer tags for the competition they were signing up for and it was simple as that. 4. Do you think T&E should host more tournaments on the weekends with WW or should there be more tournaments on the weekdays? - I think the pace of one tournament per week on Saturdays is perfect. 5. What types of tournaments do you like to play in? The fun type tournaments or the competitive MLG tournaments? - My favorite is a Swat team tournament on Halo 4. I love to play in the tournaments just for fun and try to do our best. I would prefer the tournaments to be KSI only. 6. What games would you like to see be played in tournaments for WW or for T&E? - I would like to see a variety of fun team games. Maybe y'all could have a Headhunters weekend warfare sometimes. Where the headhunter teams can sign up and battle it out. 7. What types of prizes would you like to see introduced into WW or T&E tournaments? - A lot of my members, especially my many corporals, would like the prizes to contain Microsoft points to change their names.
  7. Welcome to the forums Ksjuicy101 :)

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