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KSI Trophyhuntr

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Happy Birthday!

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KSI Trophyhuntr last won the day on September 27 2015

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About KSI Trophyhuntr

  • Birthday 02/06/1998

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Cali United States
  • Interests
    Skateboarding, Gaming, Camping, Cruising, hanging out with friends
  • Gamertag
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
    Divine Reign
  • Rank/Title
    3rd Captain

Contact Methods

  • Kik
  • Skype

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. I'm sorry for the extra quotes not trying to grab your attention I can't figure out how to get rid of the quotes? I usually never quote so for some reason it's sticking. Anyways you have any questions just ask Kik Diligentdriftr gt TROPHYHUNTER 43

  2. Hey bud! Been awhile, dropping by to say hello. Hope to talk to you soon!

  3. Yo how's it been shorty

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AYELOVES 7

      AYELOVES 7

      Nah man I'm chatting with a friend of mine. I don't have a bed time. What's up?

    3. KSI Trophyhuntr

      KSI Trophyhuntr

      Not a whole lot just chilling trying to catch up on the months I've missed. A lots happened I see your a moderator and Co div now. Good job no rest for the wicked eh ☺️

    4. AYELOVES 7
  4. Looking forward to the AW tourney MP will surprise Sent from my HTC Desire 510 using Tapatalk
  5. OneShot don't argue man just listen to what they have to say. Everything will be alright. Besides it will be more interesting with 3 different game modes and different maps for a change. Everyone pretty much uses the same match
  6. Welcome to the forums KSI Trophyhuntr :)

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