Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI True 7 - Director
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Reasoning why they deserve this - This member performance went beyond limits to implement and improve new ways to better this community by updating the stats that division leaders have to turn into better understand trends in our divisions. She spent god knows how long to do moderate work, (you know) participate and promote AAP, Mod Re-join applications and Write news articles. She successfully fused together all elements while remaining consistent with her director duties.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Airborne 7 - 3rd LT - Maximum Punishment - Torture
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Reasoning why they deserve this - This member has gone above and beyond to implement new ideas to assist his division. His direct personal involvement is instrumental in gaining new and existing members to increase forums activity that is essential to the growth and productivity to the squad. Airborne enjoys challenge/excitement of devising new ways to improve AAP and KSI Happy Hour with carefully planned, organized, and execution of objectives.