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  • Gender
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    New Zealand
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  • Date Recruited
    January 17, 2015
  • Squad
  • Division
    Demonic Mayhem
  • Rank/Title
    Flipper of Tables

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  1. Noticing you all have awards for you military, navy and what have you. Quite a few New Zealanders and Australians are joining KSI and it'd be nice to have an Award not only representing our fallen forefathers (ANZAC DAY April 25th 1915-Battle of Gallipoli) but our current Army Corps. I may have posted in the wrong area and i apologize if i have. ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Supporters of our fallen forefathers and current Army Corps
  2. In my time here in KSI, Mpliers has been a big part of my growth as a leader. After leaving my old clan Mpliers welcomed me and my other members in and made sure we were happy and comfortable in our new home. He's always helping me and the squad with anything we need, even single people from all over KSI. Whether it be actual KSI related or they just need someone to talk to about personal life. He will put his needs aside to help them. KSI Mpliers is hard working, dedicated and selfless. Out of all the people I have met so far in KSI he is definitely deserving of this award!! Other than this award all I can do is thank Pliers from the bottom of the cookie jar for everything he has done!!!!!
  3. I wonder which you are. A Human or a Demon. One day you will have to decide.

  4. Never think of yourself as being higher than someone, and don't ever think that you are lower than someone either. The way you were raised, the color of your skin, the title you have or how much money you have mean nothing when you die. We're all EQUALS. End of story.

  5. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Chuckles, RAGNAROK, ES Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/26890-ksichuckles/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) This member has witnessed me destroy a controller due to raging. And has gone out of his way to purchase me a new one and have it sent to me in a different country.
  6. I apologise for multiple post. Computer is playing up.
  7. Member assistance: Yes. On multiple occasions ash has been there to help me with any questions I have had over any subject, even though I am in a different squad. Honestly has helped me gain the knowledge I need to know. Definitely deserving of this award
  8. Member assistance: Yes. On multiple occasions ash has been there to help me with any questions I have had over any subject, even though I am in a different squad. Honestly has helped me gain the knowledge I need to know. Definitely deserving of this award
  9. Member assistance: Yes. On multiple occasions ash has been there to help me with any questions I have had over any subject, even though I am in a different squad. Honestly has helped me gain the knowledge I need to know. Definitely deserving of this award
  10. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI RageFlip, RAGNAROK, ES Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/26823-ksi-rageflip/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Helping hand award Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Brought 3 Month Xbox live gold membership for KSI PURSUIT on 2/10/15
  11. I can vouch for the name change of RenegadeDonkie to KSI Mini Me. Witnessed 6/2/15
  12. "Birds of the air. Lilies of the field. Here today and gone tomorrow. God cares for them and oh, how much more he cares for you and me."

  13. "You may travel the same roads for years, yet never know where you're going".

  14. at a time like this, the only happiness comes from the memories I have of you 3

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